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Music Remastered

Discussion in 'Sonic 2 HD (Archive)' started by Athelstone, Apr 24, 2008.

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  1. Strike Da Mic

    Strike Da Mic

    Illustrator / Musician Member
    Niederglatt, Switzerland, Sonic 2 HD
    I would never accuse you of having done otherwise. :)

    No, seriously. I'd love to listen to it, but I'm at work and there's no playing OGG Vorbis here. :( Gotta check it out when I'm home (which will not be today, since Slipknot are coming to Zurich :D)

    Uploading work to the Database is only permitted to full members, right?
  2. Vincent


    Sonic 2HD - Project Leader & Chara Member
    Sonic 2 HD
    While there are no restrictions on creating accounts on the database, (Like the Art) We "officially" upload the music when the submissions get a quality level high enough for S2HD. :(
  3. Strike Da Mic

    Strike Da Mic

    Illustrator / Musician Member
    Niederglatt, Switzerland, Sonic 2 HD
    It's okay, but you're playing with the original melody too much. Maybe try to stick to the melody. Also, the instrument and reverb effect in the beginning are kinda off.

    I like this one better than ARZ, the drums have the driving OOZ feel to them. This one is okay, but still, some notes are off, and the choice of instruments is unfitting, at times.

    The high squeaky melody is too aggressively mastered, the creepy feeling of the bell-melody (from approx. 0:21 in) kinda does not do it for me. From approx. 0:40 in, too much reverb.

    Overall: Your tracks are nice, but sometimes it's just a little overdone for my taste (especially usage of filters such as reverb) and your choice of instruments is not always fitting the original. Apart from that I like it (especially the MCZ one) and it's got potential in my eyes.

    [EDIT] Wow I've just realized I've been approved as a full member. Thanks! :D
  4. K dude.
  5. Strike Da Mic

    Strike Da Mic

    Illustrator / Musician Member
    Niederglatt, Switzerland, Sonic 2 HD
    Remember, it's all just my opinion.

    By the way everyone, what music software/hardware do you guys use for your stuff (not just the Sonic stuff)? I'm just curious. I just started off with Reason 4 and so far I like it, but maybe there's something better to invest learning time in.
  6. Vincent


    Sonic 2HD - Project Leader & Chara Member
    Sonic 2 HD
    Scuba is our "music-god", let's wait for his answers on which program and sondfonts He uses. :)

    Hunter Bridges, your ARZ was already uploaded into our database, and to tell the truth I really love it!
    Why don't you make it an OGG? ;)

    I want to remember that many of the remasterings will find its place in S2HD, even if they are not chosen as the main ones.
    (there will be a secret *Orchestra Mode* to unlock and assign extra music to levels, just make it sure they are OGG 320KBS!)
  7. Strike Da Mic

    Strike Da Mic

    Illustrator / Musician Member
    Niederglatt, Switzerland, Sonic 2 HD
    Oh really? Okay :) Hopes up :D
  8. scubaSteve


    Sonic 2HD - Music Coordinator Member
    OH, US
    I use Reason almost exclusively, for probably 90% of all my music projects. Really, though, it's up to you to find the software that you like best (though it is cool to see a fellow Reason user in here ;))
  9. Strike Da Mic

    Strike Da Mic

    Illustrator / Musician Member
    Niederglatt, Switzerland, Sonic 2 HD
    Hmm ... I just realized I'll need a guitar preamp for what I wanna do. :) damn. I do have a Marshall amp, but that one's fç%@in damaged.
  10. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    This week I discovered that my headphones were distorting the sound I heard, so I bought new ones, and now I tryied to remaster a song that has a lot of ambiance effects, Mystic Cave Zone High Defition - Ogg Vorbis/320 kbps, that is my 16 yo birthday present for Sonic 2 (yes it is today!). Suggestions and Critiques!
  11. ancara


    After being gone for a while, I now have a new tune to show here. Basically, the freakin' Final Boss music, of course.

    Here it is:

    I did the best I could to make it sound as epic as possible, like a final boss should be.

    Hope ya like it, and tell me what ya think, and if it's ok enough, ok? :3
  12. XCubed


    Will Someday Own a Rent-A-Center Oldbie

    I don't care what anyone else says, these are amazing. Your slight melodic changes were very fitting. It's about time someone made some changes without overcomplicating things. I wish I could make music this good. What program do you use?
  13. Strike Da Mic

    Strike Da Mic

    Illustrator / Musician Member
    Niederglatt, Switzerland, Sonic 2 HD
    I'm really looking forward to checking it out :D Can't listen to OGG Vorbis here at work :( but when I'm at home, I will :D

    You're entitled to your own opinion. For this project, I'd try to keep it as close to the original as possible, because it's a remaster, not a remix. Right? :(

    Cinossu's Casino Night Zone is a perfect example for me: It's actually exactly the original, but with actual instruments (or instrument samples), it really sounds like a Jazz orchestra.
  14. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    This time I removed some of the echoes, added a new voice track and changed the accordion I was using for the PSG channels:

    MCz HD Beta 2

    Answering this:

    I use SynthFont with three different SF2 files.

    One has HQ samples, the other has only PSG samples and the last one is another that has a great variety of instruments....
  15. Vincent


    Sonic 2HD - Project Leader & Chara Member
    Sonic 2 HD
    Nice effort ME! :(
  16. scubaSteve


    Sonic 2HD - Music Coordinator Member
    OH, US
    Excellent start so far. I think the main thing you should work on is your instrument patches -- for instance, the brass's attack is too long and sounds sloppy on the faster note sequences and staccatos, and the "ghost trill" doesn't sound, well, ghostly enough (the chorus effect on that instrument doesn't sound too hot either). Oh, and I must object to your drum kit, for it sounds hideously '80s. :p
    The bass drum is also too loud -- as you may or may not know, when you mix on headphones you'll tend to make things placed in the center too loud and things placed towards the sides too quiet (because they sound the opposite of this, and you'll overcompensate). I think this might be the reason.

    OK, first I'd suggest finding some better ensemble samples (I'm going to look around for some myself so we can try and end this problem altogether), as most of yours sound like solo instruments. Also, I would strongly recommend arranging the instruments (in the stereo field, that is) more like a real orchestral arrangement. Here are a couple diagrams:


    As you can see there are slight variations between them, so there's some leeway there. Also, to place instruments closer or further away, there are two rules of thumb: a.) With respect to reverb, instruments that are further away will sound 'wetter'; that is, you will hear more of their reverberations and less of the original sound, and b.) Instruments that are further away will begin to lose high frequencies. So, depending on how your samples sound in the first place, you may want to attenuate frequencies above 10-15 KHz by a small amount for far-away instruments. Finally, regarding the musical arrangement, don't be afraid to experiment with doubling parts. For example, I'm currently reworking my Final Boss and found that several parts sounded excellent when doubled with strings (often at higher octaves).

    Oh, and here is even more stuff on using sampled orchestral instruments... I would suggest reading more of their stuff too, it's a great mag :(
  17. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    Scuba, as I have a shitty english I was only able to understand half of what you said, so let's see the news:

    The drums were changed
    The echoes were removed
    The accordion was replaced by a church organ
    The mixing style was enhanced
    The basses were tweaked a bit
    The tempo is right
    The song is more "dry"
    The ghost sound plays at the same time of the main instrument


    MCz HD Beta 3

    Comments, Suggestions...



    I tryied to remaster Hill Top, the panning is good, desingned for normal speakers:

    HTz HD Beta 1 -OGG/320 kbps
  18. ancara


  19. scubaSteve


    Sonic 2HD - Music Coordinator Member
    OH, US
    I'm going to be honest, that omnipresent delay just sounds terrible, especially on the drums. Furthermore I'd suggest trying to improve one of your current mixes rather continually making new tracks, because the latter doesn't seem to be helping you improve overall.

    Master Emerald, I think your latest MCZ is a little too dry now -- somewhere in the middle of your 2nd and 3rd versions should be perfect. In my interpretation, MCZ should have at least a fairly "wet" sound simply because of the level's environment (and even the whole "mystic" aspect). Anyway, a couple things stick out to me... The sawtooth bass/brass that's panned left is throwing the mix out of balance because its loudness is distracting from the other instruments, and it's also overpowering your main bass instrument. The snare is also distracting as it is much louder than in the original and has an extremely sharp transient (I.e., has a sharp "pop" to it). OK, and your HTZ sounds pretty good so far. The only thing that sticks out thus far is the supporting lead part, which sounds out of place due to its overt synthiness. Other than that, feel free to improve it however you like. :)
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