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Music Remastered

Discussion in 'Sonic 2 HD (Archive)' started by Athelstone, Apr 24, 2008.

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  1. Retro_Stew


    French Twitch Gamer Member
    Twitch channel
    Excellent job. I really like how it sounds. That's the best Casino Night song so far for me.

    Maybe we should begin to select the ones that will be in the game, to limit multiple versions of each song. It would avoid losing too much time.
  2. Athelstone


    I much prefer Cinossu's version;

    I think it's still too early for that. We haven't even completed the first zone yet, so there's still plenty of time.

    Edit: However, a list could be drawn up of tunes that haven't had so many renditions so far, so that they get some more attention.


    I think it'd be good if the same person did the mixdown and mastering of all tracks. I do have access to a music studio and some friends who may help with things. It makes sense, for example, if the tracks use similar audio processing from the same hardware modules.
  4. Maxd


  5. Here's the story so far... :thumbsup:

    A bunch of new additions and improvements, mostly the "unglamorous" tracks left undone while everyone else renders their favorites (who didn't think CPZ would get all the attention?).
    All premasters: for me, that means don't worry about any EQ or volume issues, because if they're selected they be fixed up in any final masters.

    00a - "Drowning"

    00b - "Extra Life"

    00c - "Chaos Emerald"

    00d - "Game Over"

    00e - "Continue"

    01 - "Opening" - Sort of a Mellotron-ish lead for the melody, and I kept it similar for similar tracks, like "Continue", "Invincible", etc. for consistency's sake.

    05 - "Aquatic Ruin" - Improved mix, better bass, less intrusive brass and organ.

    13 - "Invincible"

    14 - "Boss Battle [Robotnik]" - How're the brass and snares now?

    16 - "Super Sonic"
  6. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Those sound quite good (specially Aquatic Ruin, which I'd say it's almost perfect), but I'd try to find a replacement to that lead instrument in the Title Screen, Super Sonic, etc, as it seems to detract from the songs (except for "Game Over" and the beginning of "Continue", where it fits).

    Still not keen on the Boss theme feel, as it loses its epicness after the very first part. I honestly thought you were just kidding with those instruments.

    About the Super Sonic theme, I think it needs a lot more energy, specially at the beginning.

    I've also noticed that some drums don't play simultaneously when they should. This happens at the beginning of the title screen and at 00:07 in "Continue".
  7. Tweaker


    What Aquatic Ruin needs, I think, is a string to mirror with the organ-based lead. It seems very calm now, whereas it covered two sounds before—an organ-esque sound, and a string-esque sound.

    The invincibility seems to mirror the Sonic 1 variant. In Sonic 2, there was a heavy slap bass that carried the song along. You seem to have chosen a fingered bass or a similar variant, which makes it feel different than it should.

    These are pretty good, though! :thumbsup:
  8. PC2


    GenMobile > 3DS Member
    Various Artwork & Music, :smug:
    I like the Super Sonic theme... The bass and organs give it the "rough edge" it needs over the other versions of the song, but I'm not entirely sure about using the same instruments for the opening and invincibility theme... This is going to sound kind of weird, but what if you gave the opening a more orchestral feel? The normal invincibilty theme can have a synth brass or something similar for the main instrument, but everything else about it can be the same, save for the bass that Tweaker mentioned. I know it sounds odd, but just try it... I see no real reason to obsess over consistancy, as that will just make everything sound the same. The opening theme is supposed to have a jazzy fanfare feel, like an opening, while the invincibility theme should have a lighter, more upbeat feel. The Super Sonic theme, imo, should be heavy and fast, and give you a rush of energy and a sense of achievement and power.

    Using the same set for each different version waters down, and ultimately eliminates the effect that each version should have, and just makes things a little boring. It would sort of be like if you had some war movie, but you used the same exact brass ensemble and flutes you use in a marching/comedic scene in all the sad, heart wrenching scenes, intense battle scenes, and so on...

    Other than that, I actually like the boss theme, though it still doesn't sound as sinister and powerful without the regular chorus and strings in the background. This might sound picky, but the 1-Up theme doesn't sound quite powerful enough either. Could you try putting a chorus behind it or giving the brass a more "ensemble" feel?

    Either way, keep up the good work. :thumbsup:
  9. Puto


    Shin'ichi Kudō, detective. Tech Member
    Portugal, Oeiras
    Part of Team Megamix, but haven't done any actual work in ages.
    Why does that boss song sound like a spanish bullfight?
  10. Is that a bad thing? :lol:
  11. GatoSoft


    Contributor... still novice :P Member
    Hi again! :)

    I didn't know that Cinossu had made a version of Casino Night's song. :P
    And it sounds awesome! I don't know if I should keep trying to improve my version or if I've to move aparte... but Cinossu's version sound really really great! That jazz-type style that he performed in this song is perfect. :)
    On the other hand, I've been working on Special Stage's song. I tried to leave it the most similar possible to the original Sega Genesis' version but with improvements, just because the original song sounds awesome for me and I didn't want to screw it up too much. :lol:
    So here it is:

    Suggestion, critics and whatever that can help to improve this song will be welcome.
    Sayonara! :lol:
  12. Tweaker:

    You know, it's been years since I really listened to the Sonic 1 and 2 tracks for my pure enjoyment (I haven't recorded them for my music library yet), but all this time - apart from the opening drum roll - I thought the "Invincibles" were pretty much the same until you pointed out the bass difference. This bass does seem to give a touch of extra "bounce" to the "2" version, which I'll try to emulate on the next go-around. "Aquatic" was in danger of a muddied mix with my original instrument combo for the melody, so I whittled it down, but if I find something that works in tandem with that organ, I'll apply it.


    The only reason I kept it consistent for "Opening", "Invince", "Super", etc. is mainly because the game is like that. Some tracks might call for slightly fuller arrangements, depending how I feel about them a week later, or whenever I revisit them. What I'd like to ask about those tracks, however, is how are the snares? They sound fine to me, but I've been considering "beefing them up" a bit with a slightly harder kit, at least ; what do you guys think?


    "Intent" is my goal. I really dunno what the folks in charge look for in the music, but like Tweaker's suggestion about "Invincible"'s bass, I think the creator's intent is the best way to go with the renditions, and I really believe Nakamura's intent with "Robotnik" comes close to this one. I certainly know "epic" wasn't on his mind, or on the mind of any game composer in the last twenty years. Nonetheless, I can keep at it. I do think the strings need more attention.
    Those "non-simultaneous" drums are meant to be that way: I don't know what they call it, but I'm mimicing a live drummer. Next time I should remember to quantize all these drums less. :)
    The Mello was used only in "Opening", "Invincible", and "Super", and is definitely a "time-being" thing. I didn't have a better choice just yet, but wanted to get these out here for feedback. And I do appreciate the feedback: I can tweak all of these at any time until the project finishes.

    P.S.: Also considering the three "2-Player" BGMs.
  13. Ben Laserlove

    Ben Laserlove

    Yeah, I'm having problems with the bass too. In the original it sticks out, here you almost can't hear it. Otherwise it sounds as good as it did. Or something.


    For bass, always use a compressor. Boost at 63Hz. A gentle boost at 200hz with a high Q-value may help people with crappy speakers too.
  15. GatoSoft


    Contributor... still novice :P Member
    Well... here's my second attempt to get the bass working. An musician friend of mine helps me with this one (Thanks marcos! :lol:). :P
    Special Stage again. Post your suggestions and critics. I'll be here to see them. :)

    See you around! :)
  16. PC2


    GenMobile > 3DS Member
    Various Artwork & Music, :smug:
    Kind of figured this might be worth mentioning...

    Guys, don't forget we have a streamable Sonic the Hedgehog 2 OSV here at the Wiki that may come in handy for those who are shooting for accuracy to the original. I noticed some of the BPMs seem a little off, but that could just be me. One idea I thought of when listening to these is that you can overlay some remixes with the original version playing at the same time for a cool effect, like scubaSteve's CPZ.

    Hate to be MASTER OF THE OBVIOUS, but if people are forgetting exactly what the originals sound like, I just thought I'd remind everyone of this easy-access feature.
  17. Super Nest

    Super Nest

    The "Aquatic Ruinz Zone" and "Invincible theme" from José sound very good.
    A few little retouches and I guess will be perfect for thre project.
  18. Videogamer


  19. SillyJonna


    rhymes with iguana Member
    Orlando, Florida
    Kickin' Rad!
    Upload it to a file hosting site, then link to it.

    New to the internet? :P
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