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Music Remastered

Discussion in 'Sonic 2 HD (Archive)' started by Athelstone, Apr 24, 2008.

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  1. Canned Karma

    Canned Karma

    S2HD Project Manager Member
    Sonic 2 HD, various 3D work
    I would gladly welcome a set of remasters done in orchestral style as companion tracks for the final score, as I'm sure many others would. I think at one point someone got hold of Sirois and discussed that very option. If someone wants to take a crack at them in that fashion, by all means go right ahead.

    That said... we still need the staff credits theme. Yes, I am going to continue to bang that drum until someone actually does it. The default tracks are going to take priority until they're all complete and polished.
  2. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    Scubasteve's CPZ 3.3 version is faithful and sounds amazing. One of my favourites of the remakes so far. Isn't it on the database?

    I did a faithful DEZ. Though it was considered too faithful.
  3. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    You know for the remasters to be in there really need to be compiled from singled armed tracks so they can be edited correctly. Even some of the speed of the tracks are different slightly. There are different variations in the credits to the BGM tracks.

    Someone who had done the most remasters of the Sonic 2 tracks is the best person to do it.

    In fact we could do with people uploading their DAW music project file so they can be compiled with others so it will come out decent.
  4. Canned Karma

    Canned Karma

    S2HD Project Manager Member
    Sonic 2 HD, various 3D work
    There's nothing saying the staff credits merely have to be a compilation of all the default tracks spliced together. I doubt people would mind a slightly different spin on them for the ending. Think outside the box, eh? ;)
  5. MaximusDM


    Sonic 2HD - Concept Artist Member
    Would you be able to re-upload his 3.3 mix?
    Because after digging through his posts which is obviously better than digging through 150 pages; it seems all is upload links are dead and he even acknowledged it with an edit.
    And of course it isn't on the Database. Complete shocker. Of course it isn't, which is why I DON'T EVEN LOOK AT THE DATABASE BECAUSE NO ONE UPDATES ANYTHING!
    I downloaded his version 2 from it and its honestly best I've heard on all of the internets.
  6. Kinichie


    Everyone keeps going on about how "ARZ is my favourite", and you have to realise that it is also my favourite along with Wing Fortress. I am not trying to bastardise your sacred song by sharing the remakes I am doing, I am only trying to make something faithful to the original that I feel is up to par with it.

    Taking into consideration other things said, I have softened the Percussion but I still think it needs work. I went for a "world music" approach this time, actually redoing half of the song to go for that Ancient/Mayan feel. (I say Mayan in the way of Ancient Civilization). Though I feel as though a mix like this takes out the excitement for me, but I want some input as I taken out pretty much 90% of the Saw-Leads etc.

    Aquatic Ruin Zone Take 3

    Edit: During the repeat at 0:48 to 1:03 I left out the strings that were present between 0:09 and 0:24 as I can't decide which is better.
  7. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    Some of that is alright. You could do with some better percussion like Latin drums or Caribbean drums.

    I take it you get my drifted.

    Scubasteve's CPZ version 3.3
  8. MaximusDM


    Sonic 2HD - Concept Artist Member
    Thanks for the upload.
    I really like what you did with version 3. The percussion really needs help. Those fast claps stick out horribly [reminds me a lot like when you turn on the clapper in Stepmania]. They should be removed or changed.
    The song lacks and edge of the original. It seems too pleasant. Now just listening to it as it is; it needs more volume (instrument wise) to make it more of an ensemble. I think a solution would be to introduce a harsher instrument to counteract the wind lead. May it be changing the percussion or creep some horns in there.

    Don't be perfect. Offset notes here and there in the measure. Introduce imperfections.
  9. Kinichie


    I am afraid of introducing imperfections/improvisations because then it borders the line to remix and then it becomes invalid.

    I'll think about putting some more punch into it, I'll lie in bed for a few hours and try visualise what I want to do to the song from here, usually just sitting and thinking helps. I wanted to change the lead to a Saxophone but questioned the whole "does this feel like something that should be here". Maybe I should just ignore what the song is being themed to and just try to give it something more.

    As for percussion, yeah it needs work, think I might just redo the drums as what is there right now clearly isn't working.
  10. amphobius


    not so gone, after all Member
    Thrash '25
    Despite the topic's name, it's already a remix. To keep within your limits, add a few things here and there, but make sure it stays the same as the original score. Like, bongos in Aquatic Ruin—fairly sure that'd be nice. :P Also, bear in mind Sonic 2 didn't have a Crash Cymbal, but go ahead and add some where you see fit.
  11. Canned Karma

    Canned Karma

    S2HD Project Manager Member
    Sonic 2 HD, various 3D work
    No offense, but have you listened at all to the example tracks repeatedly posted in this thread -and- in the OP? The Oil Ocean and Metropolis tracks have more than their fair share of artistic license, and that's exactly what makes them stand out. So look at your piece and get creative with it. Don't be afraid to experiment—we'll tell you if you've gone too far in one direction or another.
  12. Kinichie


    I have listened to them and I am in awe at the quality of those submissions. I just hope that I can make something as good as those. I don't do this full time or even have a music degree/grade, it's mostly a hobby and I'm rather enjoying it. Hoping you guys don't get annoyed with the spam of submissions I'm putting in. I tinkered with some sounds, put some more punch into the song and found something I rather like. While I still feel the percussion needs work (I am gladly accepting any form of help with this as I am pretty naff when it comes to percussion as a whole) I think the main melody and rhythm is pretty solid.

    I'm using something other than Reason now, only been using it for about a week or so and it's what all my recent ARZ submissions have been sequenced in. A friend suggested it to me so I been up late each night just really tinkering and learning the software. I'm always looking for hints/things to do and regardless of criticism I do read it and don't just think you're all being harsh as I know I am not as good as most of you out there, but I can only get better by learning and trying new things.

    Enough rabble, here is the latest.

    Aquatic Ruin 4
  13. Compsense


    NC, USA
    some dance album or summat
    I like that. I can easily imagine playing ARZ to that music. I think my one complaint is the organ/piano/whatsit that plays the lead right from the beginning sounds odd somehow. I'm not sure what it is.. actually, after listening to it a few times, I think it's growing on me.

    There's some room for improvement, sure, but I'm liking it in its current state. Nice work!
  14. MaximusDM


    Sonic 2HD - Concept Artist Member
    This is just one guys opinion so take it as such.
    I think you took a wrong turn with version 4. The bass drum is punching me in the face. You added/changed notes with that little jig at 0:17 or 0:07 though I could be wrong. I still don't like the claps. I think the other lead was better not necessarily because of the sound of the instrument itself but the way it played the way; it comes in and hits a plateau and then drops off. I thought Rick Astley was gonna come in after the drum fill at 0:46.

    I think 0:32 should be a crescendo. I want that feeling of being left hanging and then get sucked right back into the beat of the music. Its like a slow motion moment when you are airborne and the moment you hit the ground running time returns to normal.

    It sounds more obnoxious than edgier. Just too many things punching me in the face: hand claps, obvious electronic drum fills, foreign note jigs, and that bass that at times feels like a heart beat (maybe that is what you wanted but it gets me feeling pressured and stressed rather than pumped).

    Or maybe I'm just flipping out because PS3s are freaking out, PSN is down and its a panic.
  15. Hamneggs


    Official Breakfast of S2HD Member
    Networked lighting
    :ohdear: AMEN!!

    Kinichie, you have got a perfect lead and harmony for the part at twenty three seconds or so, but I would listen about the claps and bass.
  16. Hivebrain


    53.4N, 1.5W
    I'd just like to bring up Hunter Bridges' version of Aquatic Ruin from a couple of years ago, which can be found here:

    I really liked it, but it was dismissed for straying from the original melody too much. Perhaps it's worth another listen.
  17. Hodgy


    Games programming :)
    Thats really nice :) While it isnt exactly the same as the original, it retains the same feel and sound.
  18. Mesmonium


    Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been around but I completely forgot which password I used and couldn't log in. I'm really glad my Oil Ocean Zone rendition has been approved and completely chuffed to see it on the front page :)

    Just like to say awesome work on the remix/remaster/redone tracks and stuff. Although I haven't been active for some time, the team here still has my full support and I would like to try another remix on a theme (except the ending theme....that seems HARD :ssh: ). If not, then I will be happy enough to contribute to forum feedback and stuff.
  19. Gambit


    Sonic 2 HD Staff - Level Artist Member
    Sonic 2 HD
    It'd be cool to see what you have in mind for a Hill Top or Aquatic Ruin remix.
  20. Kinichie


    Still working on Aquatic Ruin, really need some help with drum samples as the ones I got all sound cack.

    Anyone able to point me in the right direction?
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