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Music Remastered

Discussion in 'Sonic 2 HD (Archive)' started by Athelstone, Apr 24, 2008.

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  1. Compsense


    NC, USA
    some dance album or summat
    I listened to my remaster and the original, and didn't notice any missing sections. I compared lengths, and from the starting point to the point in which the first loop ends (meaning it has played through twice) is about 1m:29.5s for the remaster (I checked both v1 and v2) and about 1m:28s for the original. Are you sure there's something missing? :s
  2. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    I don't remember anything being missing in there, either... Perhaps you're used to listening to a fan-made rendition?
  3. RedStripedShoes


    And I'm gone again. Member
    I just went back and listened to it myself. Turns out the section I was thinking of was completely imaginary.

    :repeated headdesk:
  4. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe

    I've been working on ARZ aswell but haven't got it nowhere near finished. But seeing as yours is, I thought you might be interested in some of the instruments I've used. The Flute is done but need to do some fine touches to the Oboe at the end of the track.

    Anyone else wants to use one or both, just let me know.

    ARZ Flute & Oboe

    Canned Karma

    I will do.
  5. Compsense


    NC, USA
    some dance album or summat
    I have a question regarding the staff credits theme; being it has a small sample from nearly every song from the game, should the person attempting to remaster this song use cut-and-pasted bits from the currently most favored remasters of these stages where needed? I just think that, otherwise, each small sample in the song will probably end up sounding different (be it minimally or not) from each stage's corresponding music, especially without official remasters chosen for all the relevant stages.

    Unless of course it doesn't particularly matter if there are slight differences, in which case, disregard all the above.
  6. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Hell, there are differences in the original one anyway - go listen to Hill Top Zone and it's equivalent in the S2 credits theme, that one's probably the most noticable.
  7. Canned Karma

    Canned Karma

    S2HD Project Manager Member
    Sonic 2 HD, various 3D work
    Overlord nailed it. Don't worry about the differences. If it's a good piece, I can't see anyone complaining about it. Or at least not in any major way...
  8. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    I really don't think the [very few] music changes in the Sonic 2 ending were intentional, besides the different tempo for obvious reasons...

    I'd wait for the "winners", and just make the intro/outro for now, since those are the only unique parts of the song. Else, not only it will be hell for whoever makes it, but it will just sound odd if the songs aren't the same versions (after all, this is a reminder of what you've played)... so in the end, I don't think it would be worth the effort.

    But that's just my oppinion.
  9. Chemical Plant Zone

    I probably deleted the original source file or something so re-done from the same sequence.
  10. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    Credits theme will also probably need to be longer if you all plan to credit yourselves for your work. :P
  11. I agree with ICEknight's idea, compile the winners into an end credits song, though come to think of it how will you make the drum fills sound like the other songs...? Another idea would be to have one set of instruments playing each of the tracks, so it soulds like a band or orchestra is doing all of them... that would be cool.
  12. Canned Karma

    Canned Karma

    S2HD Project Manager Member
    Sonic 2 HD, various 3D work
    Liking the improvements you made with that Blast Processing. Far more fitting. Wasn't a huge fan of the original to be honest.
  13. McGuirk


    The Egg-Man Cometh. Member
    I was messing around with the Boss theme to try to get something akin to a military march. It needs a new baseline and a good bit of playing with, but I don't think it turned out horrible. So, tell me if you like the direction this is going:

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  14. It's not too bad. I had to listen a few times to get into it. I think one of the instruments is not quite fitting with the others (sounds like a wierd violin/organ? :psyduck: ). Bass needs to be brought up or have another layer added to be more audible. Some adjustments to the drums volume might help too, some of it is concealed by the instruments. Another thing - the brass instruments are nice but might need shorter attack time (better than mine was though). Mine was criticised for this, and now I am finding it almost impossible to get the attack the way the original song hints it as. I'm thinking of trying staccato on top of legato trumpets, as well as messing with the timbre. This song is deceptively hard to pull off due to the nuances of brass instruments, which I am fast becoming aware of. I like the marching idea but I prefer the galloping percussion and bass of the original song. This is just my opinion...
  15. McGuirk


    The Egg-Man Cometh. Member
    Thanks for the good feedback. I took much from it=)

    That odd instrument is a Flugelhorn that's layered with the trumpet.

    I want to change the instrument for the bass, it's currently just an acoustic bass which isn't really that fitting, but I can't think of anything better to use at the moment. The bassline is very rapid, and rather hard to pull off on most bass instruments.
  16. test-object


    By Torm, no! This is terrible! I... I had no idea Member
    Ooh, I like that. It's pretty damn neat. Just 1 thing: To me, it doesn't go beyond the material handed to you.
    I would love to hear a couple dirtier tunes added to the mix.

    Of course, that's just unmusical me talking :psyduck:
  17. RedStripedShoes


    And I'm gone again. Member
    No, I think you're right. It does need a little something extra to spice it up.

    t-o, I would suggest going the RansomRath route, adding a little variation to one part of a song at each successive loop.
  18. No problem. I also think acoustic bass is the right instrument, I imagine it as a plucked double-bass that you'd have in an orchestra or jazz band. In the original music the voice for the bass stays pretty much the same throughout the game, like an electric slap bass guitar, but I think people are being creative and going for instruments that you would normally find together for each genre of music, in this case probably an orchestra. I don't know of any bass instruments for marching bands unless you count the tuba, but it's safe to say the instrument should be a string instrument.
  19. test-object


    By Torm, no! This is terrible! I... I had no idea Member
    Think you messed up deciphering the quotes there, RedStriped :P
    The creator of that extremely nice song was Blast Processing.
  20. Drex


    Lazy perfectionist Member
    I think you misunderstood. He is referring to how RansomRath's MZ had slight variations of the song after every loop and that Blast Processing should do the same with his CPZ.
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