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Music Remastered

Discussion in 'Sonic 2 HD (Archive)' started by Athelstone, Apr 24, 2008.

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  1. Compsense


    NC, USA
    some dance album or summat
    If I may throw this out there (sorry to change the subject), but I attempted a remaster of the Special Stage. This song is one of my favorites of the game, I love the sound of it, and yet any of the other bajillion remasters didn't give me the same feeling - they sounded different in a way I didn't like it. BUT, without further blathering (I have such tendencies):

    Special Stage Remaster

    I tried to give it more of a full techno feel, rather than just sticking to what the original had. Hopefully I didn't change it too much, at least everything the original had is there. Criticisms?
  2. Canned Karma

    Canned Karma

    S2HD Project Manager Member
    Sonic 2 HD, various 3D work
    I really like most of what I'm hearing, just a couple things I'd change. Before that, I'd like to throw out a request for people putting up submissions. If you guys could name them as *piece title version number (your name)*, e.g. "Special Stage v1 (Compsense)" that will greatly help me in keeping all these cataloged correctly. I just went throw the database again today to collect any submissions I didn't have on my drive to compare against the ones I do have, and the naming conventions are all over the place.

    Anyway. The chimes you have as background harmony are an inspired choice. Very nicely done there. I also liked your panning that you put in; the Special Stage is definitely an area that benefits from it. I'm not the world's biggest fan of techno, so the pulsing beat is a big jarring to me. I can't knock that on an objective basis though, so others will have to evaluate that portion for what it is. Same goes for the beats 5-6 seconds in. Just doesn't fit the piece for me. Personal tastes aside, I love where you're taking this.

    Edit - I've also updated the goals for submissions to Sky Chase Zone and the Staff Credits theme. We have a few for SCZ, but there has yet to be a single piece done for the credits roll. If anyone wants to create something that has no frame of reference so far, this is your opportunity. And no, this doesn't mean I'm just discarding your WIP on the boss theme Blueblur; definitely keep cranking away on that one.
  3. Gambit


    Sonic 2 HD Staff - Level Artist Member
    Sonic 2 HD
    I rather enjoy that, myself.
  4. HeartAttack


    is a smug hipster, brah! Member
    Ha, creative take on that. Sounds great to me.
  5. Azookara


    yup Member
    The SpecialStage music sounds really nice, but the first time around the lead melody just sounds a little droning (maybe a little too techno? :v: ). But anyways, by the time it gets to the second time around, it sounds fine. Also to note that it feels a little bit empty, like it could use a little bit louder instruments and a bigger bass.

    Loving it so far, however.
  6. I think that mainly the percussion could use some work, also a couple of suspect synth choices. But it does sound pretty good.
  7. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
  8. @ ScubaSteve
    Wow, thanks for explaining all that to me, I appreciate it! I will keep a note of all the C&C and try to implement it. I know I should save submissions for later, but I have learned a lot by making this mistake. I'll try and refrain from submitting too often.

    @ Canned Karma
    Can I ask which songs are pretty much conformed so far for the final game, just out of interest? And which need submissions? Have the 2 Player levels, power-ups, title and menu had satisfactory submissions yet? (sorry I know I should look myself but you have seen all of the ones not on the database).

    @ Compsense
    I like the idea of a techno track, and I like some of the synths, but I think the bass line is not prominent enough the actual bass line is really catchy, but I can't hear it, perhaps you could add one another octave up?. Also I would like the lead to take up more room, as I think it's quite narrow, and feels relatively empty. Perhaps the lead could be given another support instrument one octave lower, and some other instruments in harmony? I support the techno idea though.
  9. Canned Karma

    Canned Karma

    S2HD Project Manager Member
    Sonic 2 HD, various 3D work
    Blueblur, Mesmonium's OOZ and Ransom Rath's take on Metropolis are essentially dead-set for final pieces in my eyes. The level of quality needed to surpass those would be unbelievable, and while I don't doubt that it's possible, I'd rather see people with talent using it to bring that same level of awe to zones that don't have jaw-dropping pieces yet.

    Here are the other remasters that, if the project had all other assets finished to get ready for a complete game, I would recommend to the staff for the final build:

    EHZ - tie between Cinossu's and scubaSteve's versions
    CPZ - tie between Blast Processing's and scubaSteve's
    ARZ - I hate trying to call this one, because this is arguably my favorite piece of music from the original. BlazeHedgehog, scubaSteve, and Cinossu all have outstanding versions, but there's something about ancara's that makes me lean toward his. I really think he nailed the atmosphere in a way no one else has so far with his instrument choices. Ancara, if you're reading this, please increase the volume of the harmony a bit in comparison to the melody and it will be golden.
    CNZ by Cinossu
    HTZ by steveswede. BlazeHedgehog's and Cinossu's were stylish, but the harmonica steveswede used just fits too well. I would request that he find a way to jazz his up like the others have managed with theirs however.
    MCZ by scubaSteve
    SCZ by Blast Processing
    WFZ by scubaSteve
    DEZ by Blast Processing
    HPZ - The one that catches me the most I don't have an artist for! On my drive it's listed as 'Hidden Palace Version 7 - Minor Fixes IV'. On further inspection, it also wasn't on the database. Here's a link to it. If this belongs to someone, please let me know so I can give you due credit on the database. It's very nice work.
    Boss theme by scubaSteve
    Final Boss by scubaSteve
    Special Stage - Up until Compsense put his piece in, scuba's was the obvious choice. I could see either of them working well now after listening to them both repeatedly.
    Ending by Segata Sanshiro - with the caveat that I'd love to see CarboHydroM's version worked in at the end, because it rocks.
    Title screen by scubaSteve
    Options screen by scubaSteve
    EHZ 2P - tie between Cinossu's and Tweaker's.
    CNZ 2P by ancara
    MCZ 2P by scubaSteve
    Super Sonic theme by scubaSteve
    Act Clear by Cinossu
    1up by BlueStreak
    Game Over by Jose the Bronx Rican
    Got Emerald by BlazeHedgehog
    Race Results by Cinossu

    I'm intentionally leaving out the drowning, continue, and invincibility themes because I absolutely know we can have better remasters than what's been put up on the database for those. They're not terrible, but not what I want to see in a finalized S2HD.

    Again, these choices reflect what I personally would have in the game were it to be ready tomorrow, and aside from the ones from Mesmonium and Ransom Rath, are by no means final decisions.

    For submissions that have yet to be done, look no further than the staff credits theme. The database listing for that has the MP3 listing and nothing else.
  10. RedStripedShoes


    And I'm gone again. Member
    Have you considered using different versions for each act?
  11. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    That's very good. I think it just needs the original bass added to it, since it was a very important part of it (it sounded almost as loud as the main instrument).
  12. Canned Karma

    Canned Karma

    S2HD Project Manager Member
    Sonic 2 HD, various 3D work
    Yes actually. It's been brought up in staff meetings and we're strongly considering it in the case that two pieces can't be decided between.
  13. Compsense


    NC, USA
    some dance album or summat
    Seems the majority of complaints were about the percussion, so I took away the techno kick and made the actual drums louder. As well, I changed the bass (it was too subtle) to something with a bit more of an "attack" to it, and turned it up a bit.

    Special Stage v2

    When I'm done with this, I might just have to take a jab at the credits roll :P [NE] before ScubaSteve posts his epic version winning you all over
  14. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    I love it.

    The only thing that strikes me as a little odd is how that certain instrument sounds at the very beginning of the song.
  15. I just had a listen to Hidden Palace Zone Version 7 - Minor Fixes IV, and I thought the composition was good but the lead is lagging quite far behind the other instruments, and I couldn't really hear the bass. I would agree with most of your choices Canned Karma, except I prefer my version of Death Egg over Blast Processing's. His has better bass, but the instruments are out of synch, the percussion is almost completely missing. It's certainly interesting and does have the feeling of impending doom, which mine lacks in, but I think it's almost a different song. Perhaps I could improve mine.. I couldn't see Ancara's ARZ on the database (not final?). Steveswede's harmonica is the best so far I agree, and yes it needs to be more stylised like the Scubasteve and Cinossu ones. I think Blast Processing's SCZ could be improved upon - it is ok, but it has a lack of variation in the notes, especially notable in the sax rather like the criticisms my Boss Theme faced. Scubasteve's WFZ is very nice but I can't hear the continuous apreggio that's in the original. Cinossu's end of act tune is good no doubt about it, but I think the end notes are wrong (listen to the original, it also needs more bass and vibrato). CarboHydroM's ending is very interesting, but I'm not sure it captures the emotions of the original, not sure where to go with that one. Sanshiro's is not quite right, some of the notes sound different, and the synth is wierd, just my opinions though. I've not heard the 2P ones or menus etc.
  16. RedStripedShoes


    And I'm gone again. Member
    One thing that's still bugging me is the fact that the section about halfway into the main loop of the original is missing from your rendition. Though I have a creative way you could put that in. On the second iteration of the main loop, insert that section of the song where it belongs, but for that section and the one immediately following, change the drum beat to the one used in the intro.
  17. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    I'll see what I can do with My HTZ version. I don't want to ruin the overall sound with the Harmonica and the Horns. When I listen to them, I get a feel for the sound as if the Harmonica and the Horns are battling with each other. The percussion is what I think needs more to it than just having shakers. The thing is that I'm a bit shit at doing natural sounding original drum loops. It's just not one of my strong points.
  18. Compsense


    NC, USA
    some dance album or summat
    Wait, there's something missing? I'll take a listen to the original song all the way through, I did not realize I had done that.
  19. ancara


    I tried to fix up ARZ like you said. Tell me if ya think it sounds ok now, okies? :3

    Oh, and I tried to do HPZ, but I'm torn between two versions to work from. They are:


    This one uses some ethnic percussion, african vocals, and a couple other things to give it the feeling like you're in a long-forgotten temple, a "Hidden Palace" if you will. It also also works more if you wish to give it a aztec vibe to the level(dunno why I think it sounds like it would, but I guess it does).


    This is the other version. I went with a different type of drums for this, a paino and a natural oboe for it. I still used the same pan flute as the other version, since I feel like it fits the song perfectly. With a little work I can make it more fancy, to work so it'd sound a little more eloquent(is that the right word?).

    So, which version should I work with to make the final version? and what can I do to improve the one I should work on? If you can help me with this, then that'd be awesome. :D
  20. Canned Karma

    Canned Karma

    S2HD Project Manager Member
    Sonic 2 HD, various 3D work
    Blueblur, most of what you posted is why I only consider OOZ and MZ to be finalized submissions. I really like the ones that I pointed out, but there may yet be room for minor tweaks in them. Neither of the SCZ pieces blew me away -- both Cinossu and Blast Processing had elements in theirs that I liked and disliked. No one has touched the ending pieces since those were put on the database last year, so that's another one I'd definitely like to hear a fresh take on. Your take on DEZ is very distinct from the others, granted, but the guitar sounds too messy, and the industrial grunge style just didn't work as well for me as the atmospheric elements Blast Processing incorporated into his. Not really technical criticisms so much as personal preferences. Choosing a piece as preference for the Act Clear jingle was also difficult for reasons you pointed out. Cinossu did a great job, but if you want to take a crack at that, go for it.

    Steveswede, if you're having difficulty with the drums, you may want to send scuba a PM. He's proven himself there time and again, and I'm sure he'd be able to give you links to some good quality samples, not to mention guidance on tweaking your remaster.

    Ancara, thanks for making the adjustments on ARZ, well done. Your first version of HPZ is certainly... different. Not quite what I envision fitting a mystic underground temple though. More atmosphere, less of the random noises in the background. The second one you posted up is better. Too much emphasis on the snare and repeated triangle though. The piano in the background in a nice choice, and fits in extremely well. Good spatial positioning too; looks like you've come a ways since you first submitted the previous version of ARZ. For the time being, please concentrate your efforts on polishing the second version. If you have other ideas to make it stand apart, I'd love to hear them.
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