Okay. I'm putting together a short little something for a friend of mine. I want to use synths/instruments that sound like they came from Saturn era Sonic or JPN Sonic CD. Problem is, I don't really have anything like that and I can't find any. I need you guys to help me out and hook me up with some patches, VSTs, and what have you that give that sort of vibe. Some examples of what I'm looking for: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwNqCof3JGA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3resqWrbfd4 Thanks in advance for being awesome.
Well, If yo want drums, You can use the Zero-G Datafile sample pack that the composers used for the game. If you want it, just PM me. As far as synths go, you may wanna find something that can emulate a Yamaha DX7 and a Korg M1 :v:
AFAIR Jam's themes are sequenced rather than streamed, so you may be able to get the samples using CyberWarriorX's tools such as toncnv, which myself and others have discussed here previously.
While we're on the subject, does anybody know which VST Tomoya Othani uses for Sonic 2006/Generations? Thinking specifically of Crisis City's instruments, most of the orchestra hits and drums I come across aren't even close.
If you're talking about Ohtani chances are much of what you hear are either live instruments or clips/samples of real ones. That being said, those drums and impact sweeps sound like they could be, or could be approximated, with Vengeance sample packs, The orchestral hit sounds like a generic bank with a bunch of reverb on it. Keep in mind that later in the song it's layered in with other more realistic (I.e. live?) strings. so yeah. Also that being said if you want orchestration that sound really cinematic out of a VST, shit has gotten way past the uncanny valley in the past 18 months or so. Check out LA Scoring Strings or 8dio Adagio series for strings, Cinebrass for brass, Cinewinds for winds and NI Damage for percussion. Those are pretty much a standard template as far as a budget setup goes nowadays.
Not that I can offer much direct help, but I believe a good amount of NiGHTS' music is sequenced too (I remember the BGM would have different flourishes and verses depending on how well your game was doing with that early Chao/A-Life system they tried to implement). Maybe try to find someone in the Saturn dev scene who might be able to rip instrument samples from the game?