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Most annoying glitch you've ever experienced?

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by filmzombie, Dec 20, 2008.

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  1. This has NEVER happened to me. Mind posting a video or something?
  2. synchronizer


    In the PS3 version of Sonic Unleashed, weird things happen to me when I try using the light dash. (Sometimes when I press triangle, it does not work, but this is probab;ly not a glitch. How exactly must I time the press really.) For example, in Shamar, just on the edge of the 2d to 3d transition from the town to the desert, there is a row of rings that I light to dash across during the turn. WHOOPS! Sonic flies backwards in the direction he came from. ANNOYING. In Adabat, the "flight" effect is helpful. During the 2d section (in front of the waterfall with statues of some sort that try to blast you with water off the stage), there is a row of rings that lead to the top path. Instead of making me land on the top platform, the dash sends me flying over almost every obstacle. I don't know if this counts though. You decide.
    There are other extremely weird occurrences too. (In the PS3 version , but it may happen in the 360 version too. I don't know.) Sometimes, the game forgets to load the background music, forcing me to dies to start it up again. Other times, sound effects such as the sound made while riding on Eggmanland's roller-coaster or the grinding sound do not play if I come in contact with these objects too quickly.

    Sonic 3 and Knuckles, Sonic Mega Collection Gamecube Carnival Night's boss just decides to go beyond the boundaries, forcing me to wait for him to return, usually giving me a time up.
    Something that always annoys me (just because it is there)is the fact that in Angel Island Zone 1, if you die, the game plays Act 2 music instead. I have encountered this in the PS2 version, and the Sonic Jam Version. Is this there on the original Megadrive/Genesis. WHY does it happen?
  3. Bozo


  4. RandomAvatarFan


    Sonic Slide and Punch! Member
    Most annoying glitch? I would say Sonic 3 alone. That game is a glitch in and of itself. Hydrocity I always seem to get some type of glitch in the boss area, in Marble Garden and Ice Cap there's always something with the hills. I hate it in Carnival Night when I'll be playing as Sonic alone, and at the end of act one, out of no where you hear the sound of someone dying and guess who come flying down with his annoying little tails? And then in Launch Base I always get caught in the same place when I'm running up a certain slope as Super Sonic. The game is a pile of messed up code until you get it hooked up to the rest of the game. I hate the fact the Angel Islands act 2 acts plays whenever you come out of a special or bonus stage (and that happens when S&K is hooked up as well)
  5. Bozo


    Better than saying 06, right?

    I usually just debug in S3, I've never really played the whole thing through.
    I always crash the game, though. Thats what I hate the most about that game. =/
  6. Phoenix


    Has really been far even as decided to use even go Member
    It never fails. When I try to debug past one of those spinning red and white platforms in CNZ on S3K, *poof*, there's the SEGA screen, and it goes to the Sonic and Knuckles title screen.

    Sonic Riders ZG. I've only played this game once (on the Wii), and one of the times I had to restart in Botanical Kingdom was when I hit the 1 button in midair, trying to get the shortcut, and I teleported into a wall.

    This only happens in S2 hacks where the top speed code is removed, and it's usually an awesome effect when I'm going to the side, but when falling, it's extremely annoying. I have only experienced this glitch in one hack: Sonic 2 Turbo. I fall or run too fast, and I go faster than the camera. If I'm going to the side (Construction Zone, a.k.a. Chemical Plant), it isn't a problem, it's just cool, but I still don't get the rings. In the hack of Metropolis Zone Act 2, it happens again, this time when falling. I go too fast, I fall through all of the bottom tiles, and die. Pain.
  7. RattleMan


    To get this glitch to occur you need to hit Robotnik at a specifc frame when he brings down his hammer.
  8. DTX


    A fellow w/a name fit for nary a man save himself Member
    I don't know if it was an actual glitch, my X-Box not reading the disk properly/quickly enough/whatever, or some combination of the two, but sometimes when I would play Shadow the Hedgehog, I'd be running along at high speeds and turn the corner only to find the floor had not yet fully loaded (nor much else, for that matter), and pitifully fall to my doom, much to my frustration and indignation (well, maybe not so much that latter one, but it still frustrated me a great deal.)
  9. Bozo


    No, mine literally fails. Usually I have to turn it off -_-.
  10. Erinaceus


    I'm Hamilton Member
    I've experienced one peculiar and annoying glitch that for some reason tends to recur on me.

    In Sonic Adventure DX, in the second part of Final Egg, at the top, just after you jump from platform to platform dodging the swinging hammers, you're supposed to get on an a small elevator that takes you downward. Sometimes, I jump onto the elevator, but the game glitches and Sonic falls right through the elevator, and again right through the floor beneath to his death. Curiously, I don't remember it ever happening in the Dreamcast original, but on the GameCube, it's happened to me at least a dozen times. What's often made it even more infuriating is that I often play Final Egg trying to get over 1000 rings (my record's 1060 IIRC)... and this glitch happens just as I start to feel lucky.
  11. Ravenfreak


    Booyah! Tech Member
    O'Fallon Mo
    Hacking Sonic Drift
    Yes I hated this glitch also. Just when you think you land on the elevator, you fall down and die.
  12. The Moogs

    The Moogs

  13. The Segan

    The Segan

    RIP 1991-1998 Member
    The Sega 32X and everything about it.
  14. roxahris


    Everyone's a hypocrite. Take my word for it. Member
    Doing anything at all
    That's not really a bug; it's more of a feature. They were probably trying to simulate that... effect that I have conveniently forgot the name of.
  15. Sik


    Sik is pronounced as "seek", not as "sick". Tech Member
    being an asshole =P
    Sonic 1 GBA *runs*

    Now, not annoying, but a glitch anyways. Metropolis 2. There's a way to get into and through the lava pool at the beginning without getting hurt, wrapping all the way to the ceiling. For a while I even thought it was a hidden passage! Go figure it out. Revision 00 only I think (my cart is that revision).
  16. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    Unless the other revisions check for collision between objects, then it works in *all* of them.
  17. Sik


    Sik is pronounced as "seek", not as "sick". Tech Member
    being an asshole =P
    Seems more like an over-sight to me. I guess the game assumes that since you're on a platform, you can't touch lava. Or something like that. Couldn't recreate it in revision 01, but I can in 00 =/
  18. Super


    The ever vigilant GSWAS. Member
    Launch Base in Sonic 3. There's a certain loop in the level near a breakable switch that if you run to fast or something, you are teleported into the the tile and must live out your time in there. Never was I so pissed, because up to that point, I hadn't died and I was speeding through the game with my buddy.

  19. What exactly is the 'bug'? The bounce makes you launch higher because the box throws you back and then the bounce you go higher...that's no bug.
  20. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Might be the flying upwards through floors thing...
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