Ehh. I guess, point taken. I just hope he doesn't do it with a topic in a forum that has a bit more activity then this one.
Is this going to continue to be updated or not? Just curious. Seems like it hasn't been explicitly discontinued, but you can never be sure.
I just don't think it had been attended to. Fwiw, I can get the post to update (see... post) but I'm not sure if there's rar compression on this server, so I'll check it out. EDIT: Yeah, it's definitely a problem with the rar compression—the actual contents of the back up are generating. EDIT2: I may switch it over to zip later in the day. And since LOst isn't around any more, I see no reason to not include Sonic Programming, so it's been generating as well.
Why don't you just like... Install rar into your user directory.. It's not hard, just untar into a private directory, all the files are precomiled binaries.
I don't think Zip supports solid compression, which you would want for compressing lots of small html files.
*bump* Looks like this thing is down again. Perhaps you should just discontinue it? How many people are actually interested in this by now? I mean, come on, it has been down for three months and no one noticed it at all afaik. Oh and before someone asks, I asked Tweaker in advance before doing this major bump.
Hmm, I think it is not useless. If this ever happens to go down, it will be still available to browse to those who backed it up. So, yes, it would still be useful.
Just had a readthrough of the thread and I think I'd be quite interested in this too... I can read the hacking topics at my own leisure even when I'm without the internet etc.
Am I the only one who noticed the emoticons don't work? :P The emoticons show up as, for example, wink.png while the ones in the emoticon folder are .gif files. There are also the wrong emoticons in the emoticon folder. + - I hope it was worth the little bump. But yeah, I was just letting you know.