In the guide for the game I own (it's a guide for Sonic 3 & Sonic CD) it says you must destroy the hologram machine in the past and that floating thingy in the present to achieve a good future for that zone (and both zones for a good future in zone 3 and the round in general) in lieu of acquiring the time stones. When playing the game, you would get a good future just for destroying that floating thing in the present >.> It never made a great deal of sense to me.
The reason why there isn't a hologram in Metallic Madness seemed to be like a design choice. I think the designers thought that the player could have been confused with Metal Sonic holograms after the player destroyed Metal Sonic, not that the holograms are live broadcasts or anything. Also, I like to think that who put Eggman's machines and stuff in the past was Metal Sonic, remember that Sonic can travel through time because he's fast enough to break the time barrier of the planet, but Metal Sonic is also as fast as he is.
I always thought they were just a way for Metal Sonic to taunt Sonic, sort of an "in your face" thing. Of course, Sonic would get angry seeing his little friends being bullied, so in a way it inspires the player to keep going.
Yes actually lol I couldn't find much info about the the 2 machines on the wiki so I figured I'd ask you guys your thoughts on them
Good luck then, if you still have doubts about the machine just treat them lightly too like the games, just visual approaches and small mentions if needed
I thought the purpose of Metal Sonic's design and the projectors were to convince the animals that Sonic was a bad guy.
Can I just say that I fucking love topics like this? I really think that the purpose was just to make you hate him in advance. Who wasn't shocked to see that asshole CRUSHING a squirrel beneath his foot the very first time?
Personally I think there was more to the story than what was seen in the final sonic CD game.. I think the team couldn't fit in every aspect that they wanted because of time restraints.
For me at least, this is the most likely answer. -It's nothing to do with badniks, or the capsule at the end of the zone, as both release flowers. -It's not likely to convince animals that Sonic is the bad guy, since after the hologram is destroyed the zone is filled with leaping animals (this may be dependent on the teleporter being destroyed too, can't remember). Also it's worth noting that Metal Sonic was designed in the likeness of Sonic not for this reason, rather for the reason of being the ultimate adversary to Sonic (from the animated movie).
If I recall correctly, more specifically Metal Sonic was designed in such a way his body was able to match Sonic's speed - which is why he's somewhat similar, but far from identical.
I completely agree with this. I mean there never truly was any other purpous accept as a gimmick to explore the levels a bit more(while also serving as an acheivment in the new XBLA version), and honestly what kind of person kills animals?! The first time I saw the holographs I was oddly mad and determined to destroy them all. Course I never could due to a short attention span...
They were set up to trick future developers into thinking you need to destroy them to make a good future. Robotnik is truly an evil genius.