That really isn't a plus; With such few pressings of this particular double sided disc it's really important that it's preserved before it's too late, hopefully others will come forward to make it happen whilst we still can.
Quite a few of my own LDs (video LD, not MegaLD) exhibit this. I have a copy of Mortal Kombat on LD that is entirely unwatchable now.
Piss poor. You guys suck. I ended up buying it by myself and I'm going to lock it away and hoard it forever and ever, cos I'm petty and mean. Muahahaha! It should arrive soon, it got through Australian customs last Wednesday. I'll then send it on to Nemmie to dump and maybe even patch up the code to fix the broken menus so we can release the definitive version for emulation. Maybe we can even arrange for a donation drive on release (because sure as eggs I'll still be paying it off by then).
Well, I thought it got through customs. I have to submit a form so they can calculate any tariffs or duties. I think I'm right as "Video Games of a kind used with a television receiver" are exempt.
I heard about this and it's really awesome that progress is being made. Not only is laser rot a factor in this but the PACs have really crappy capacitors that can easily get blown and have to be painstakingly replaced. Also, Triad Stone kicks ass and is like Dragon's Lair with an ultra cheesy announcer who shouts "POWER! POWER! MORE POWER!"
Nah, different sellers. There are less than a dozen 02-110's in circulation, but maybe only 1 or 2 02-111's. 111 is said to be in a nearer state of completion. There are also rumours of an 02-114, but has only been seen in one grainy image.
In for a penny, in for a pound. I've made an arrangement with the 111 seller, and now I'll be even more broke donations accepted at my paypal address - [email protected] I might even arrange some kind of raffle for the 110 disc (once it's dumped of course). I could even get Nem to sign it.
If this ends up extending to the LDROM2 games (the ones that need the NEC PAC) it's going to be interesting to see who dumps Vajra 2. :v:
Wow, you're crazy :p The 110 should still hold it's value, don't spoil it by getting it signed. Will make a donation after a few auctions I'm bidding on end ... shipping overseas can be ridiculously expensive for magazines.
Goddamn customs holding my laserdisc to ransom. I had to pay an extra $320 in GST in order for them to let it into the country. I understand the idea of tariffs is to prevent me from buying stuff cheaper overseas that I should buy locally to support the local economy, but surely that doesn't apply to a disc that is one of only about a dozen in the world that I can't possibly get from the local shops.
I'm assuming they didn't buy that line of reasoning. Yeah, customs are cunts no matter where you go - I've been stung on things before, though admittedly not that high.
Good News Everyone pretty sure these mocked up covers aren't based on anything official some fake instruction insert, nice touch right, this is specific to the prototype, eh? This is related to the bug that prevented this version from being released.
Nemesis had some description of the process in the SpritesMind thread I think. Something along the lines of how MAME devs dump LDs or something like that?