I don't think the one I pre-ordered does, but I know what you're talking about. EDIT: https://books.rakuten.co.jp/rb/15943140/ only includes Sonic 1 and Sonic & Knuckles (JP style)
Part of me is jealous of the mini tower but then the other part of me is like wait... I already own a Genesis, a Sega CD, and the versions of the Sonic games that I want so why do I care lol
I probably wouldn't be so jealous of the mini Tower if SEGA hadn't made an overseas version of it, exclusively for giving away to influencers because reasons.
These all use the GEMS sound driver, and we apparently have the development kit. You might be able to make those squeaks yourself. It would be interesting to see how things like the Genesis 3 cope - whether it's a "bug" in the original Mega Drive hardware that was accidentally "fixed".
I pre-ordered the JPN one on amazon japan. I guess they'll charge me in 2 days? Anyone been charged yet?
So this is a thing: https://www.play-asia.com/beep-mega-drive-fan-2-and-mega-drive-mini-magazines-combined-spe/13/70cw69 They made a MAGAZINE FOR IT. Comes out on the 19th.
Guess what's inside the Sega CD Mini? A full printout of the motherboard, and a copy of Sonic CD in the drive bay. Even if the emulation is merely acceptable, and the game selection isn't everything I wanted, I cannot deny the love put into this project.
That's the VA0 with the dodgy taped up daughter board and the bodge wires going to the connector, too.
I'd be interested to know if that PCB is inside the Japanese Mini Mega CD or if it's just a bone thrown to influencers in the west who they knew would try to open their free toy.
I prefer to remain optimistic. Sega may be using this as advertising to see if people will buy useless pieces of plastic separately. We don't get those little gachupan models either, so perhaps they feel the West won't be as accepting of it without showing it first.
I'm just happy we have some sort of official competent plug and play for the Sega Genesis that works as well as a real Genesis to people who don't have one like me. So, take that as you will as I honestly don't really mind some subtle, small inconsistencies with the plug and play. I mean, if it works... I suppose it's alright.
It's also in the Japanese Mini Mega CD, with Japanese Sonic CD: https://twitter.com/MobileHackerz/status/1174634530524676097 These decisions seem to be coming from the regional offices. The American and European offices insisted on the 3-button controller, for example, and a staff member at Sega of America already said on Twitter that the Sega CD Minis were part of a very limited manufacturing run just for 'influencers', and that there won't be more made.
Here's the launch trailer for the thing. Go to around the 45 second mark and you'll see that they used Sonic 2 Nick Arcade sign post graphics for some weird reason. Oh and right when it fades to white it uses the actual Sonic 2 sign post graphic... What?
Found it: https://twitter.com/JacobNahin/status/1173637322568425472 Re-reading that, maybe there is hope for a commercial release?