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Utility MD Shell - 68k testing & benchmarking

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by vladikcomper, Dec 22, 2024.

  1. vladikcomper


    Tech Member
    Sonic Warped
    - Here's something I've been using internally for many years, and I figured I need to make a public release eventually, because it's mature and well-documented at this point

    MD Shell 2.6


    MD Shell is an easy-to-use wrapper for writing console-like Sega Mega-Drive ROMs that can output text using printf-like syntax (powered by "high-level" Console.Write macros). It's based on console mode of MD Debugger (and yes, MD Debugger itself has the exact same features!)

    Although it's v.2.6 and MD Shell has been developed alongside the same MD Debugger versions, it's the first proper public release. I've mainly been using MD Shell for writing small test and demo ROMs for myself, but I believe it may be useful for other people as well.

    Feature highlights
    • Learn M68K assembly or experiment with printf-like logging like in high-level languages (Console.WriteLine);
    • Benchmark your code using KDebug.StartTimer / KDebug.EndTimer (supported in Blastem-nightly);
    • Colored text, automatic line breaks and basic console flow control (Console.SetXY, Console.Sleep, Console.Pause and others);
    • Includes all the MD Debugger features: assertions (assert), custom exceptions (RaiseError), KDebug integration and a power error handler;
    • Supports both AS and ASM68K assemblers;
    Getting started

    Source Code

    Source code is available on Github:


    Documentation and help
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  2. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    Brilliant stuff, thanks for the release.