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Looking for help - hex editing exe (Army Men: TIS and WW - GOG version)

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by MartiusR, Oct 15, 2024.

  1. MartiusR


    Quick introduction - long time ago one of the GOG users have posted extremely useful hint for unlocking the "hidden" multiplayer option in GOG version of Amy Men II:

    It was about changing one value in hex editor. I tested it and works perfectly fine! So basically the functionality is there, but they hid the button to not launch it (AFAIK due to "unstability" of it)

    I really wish to make similar thing for Army Men: Toys in Space (and maybe World War, since both those games in GOG version have also hidden multiplayer).

    Unfortunately, I didn't manage to contact mentioned user in any way (also couldn't find contact with him by searching through the internet).

    I feel that I'm unable to solve this on my own, what I tried so far was:

    1.Trying to search for the similar values EB 55 and change it (each time only one) to 74 55, then save changes and trying to launch game. No result.
    2.Tried to compare retail version of AM: Toys in Space exe and the GOG one - there are WAY too many differences, plus I can't tell anything useful from them (I'm using HxD, checked the Army Men II exe, mentioned earlier, but that fragment in "decoded" text doesn't say anything coherent, it's just string of signs, the same goes for Toys in Space exe.
    3.I've found on one reddit post hint, that using software like x64dbg can help in finding the part responsible for the searched functionality - so I've tried, but it's still flooded with some strings of signs I don't understand.
    4.I tried to reach out directly to GOG to find out, how did they edit those exe files to hide multiplayer button - but they refused to share this kind of info.
    5.Tried to post on other forums (than GOG), but I didn't find any answer there.

    If there is someone who could guide me to the solution, I would be extremely and totaly grateful.
    If for help you need access to Toys in Space and World War (GOG) - I have gift code for both TiS and WW, so I can provide it. If by any chance you need exe from retail version from comparison - write me a PM. Anything else - just let me know.
  2. MartiusR


    Never Mind, I've received help from one of GOG users.