SPAM!!!! *shot* Yep, soon EVERYTHING WILL BE ARCHIVED!!!!! Mwahahahahaha!!! *banned* *is now playing cards with Sonic Chaotix* LOL j/k
Yes Labyrinth Zone And hidden palace have alot in common Similars: Both are in some sort of cavern or cave both have beautfiful artwork and both have water
This may be already known, but has ANYONE here used ESE? Look at the level order section!! Labrynth zone is there!
I read the article too magazines sometimes make mistakes.. ya know anyways labryinth zone is not in sonic 2 never has been
Well the delta I have... don't know what version or anything, its a ice palace and it actually switches music, it other plays EHZ 2p music or it'll play MCZ 2p music, and im not lying it does alternate, although it seems stuck to MCZ at the moment, but here's a trick for everyone with delta... when in the level select menu play HPZ's music before selecting a level and you can have a 2p game of the level! I've tested this on Labrynth, HPZ (it don't work) and a few others... I havn't tested it on dust hill yet or GC
Hidden Palace - its #10 in the sound select. And the 2player thing works on any level, without water. Same way accessed as you accessed on the BETA. And on Dust Hill, it freezes at the title screen.
What the? Alternating music? If your version of S2D has an "ice palace" LZ, then it must be Delta: Version 3. But whenever I play the level, I always get MCZ (2P version) music, and nothing else. EHZ (2P version) is used for WZ music, so maybe there's a glitch that causes the two to switch?
Is that what happened? but when I use the E.S.E it only allows me to set it to play one zone music... so how have they managed that one?
That is in Esrael's hack. If you want to have Delta levels, download this one file at his(?) website! :D
I've already got delta dumazz! but whenever I play Labrynth it changes the music it plays, also my level select is a bit messed up but I know where everything is, so im ok :D