Please refer to the proper build in your post. For your convenience, a list of builds: -0524 -0606 -0608 -0610 -0612 -0618
Prototype 0524 Level Select is accessed by holding A and pressing start. Debug mode seems to be intact as well when holding A and selecting a level. Title screen is hilarious (to me anyways): I was playing CPZ2 and got stuck as well (I did not debug into that area, I was going really fast and was in a ball and it somehow got me stuck in there): Sega is bad with names:
For the record, the build 0524 is the only stand-alone version. The rest are the UPMEM chip only, thus in order to play them you have to attach it at the end of sk.bin + s2.bin, a simple bcopy will work. I might upload "mounted" versions later.
This happens in Sonic 2 Final and S2K Final too. It's just a collision burp. I've had it happen to me a few times. It's a bit annoying.
0524 Awkward behavior (Knuckles getting hurt a lot and jumping in weird places) in the demos that appear if you don't press anything on the title screen, compared to the final. (presumably because they left Sonic's demos intact from Sonic 2)
If I was incorrect about them not being the same actions as the S2 demos, then there is at least a difference in Knuckles' actions between the 0524 proto and S2K Final, I compared them. :P
In final S2K, they added a check in knuckles' jump routine for demo mode, and if such they set the jump height to sonic's jump height, which fixes around half the demos. However, they didn't re-insert the mid-air speed cap in demo mode, so the EHZ and ARZ demos still screw up.
It's s&k + s2 + upmem IIRC. It's quite simple to just use "copy /b" command in command prompt to merge the roms. I.e. "copy /b s&k.bin + s2.bin + upmem.bin s2k.bin"
-0524- I see we meet again Blue Knuckles... Yeah, Super Knuckles is yellow... Glad to see Sonic Team fixed the palettes and what not.
Ah, thank you for clarifying that for me. So as I understand it, the game still reads the demos straight from the S2 data, just with the workaround applied to make Knuckles jump like sonic (but not move as fast as him in the air), and it wasn't created yet as of 0524. I guess I'll check to see where this was added (if it was in any of these protos) and edit it back in this post later. ^^ EDIT - That was quick.... I guess they added it by 0606. Speaking of 0606, they added the Knuckles logo by that build.
Oh I think I get what you mean... you can take any version of the Sonic and Knuckles prototypes and attach them to Sonic 2 right?
Well, the S&K + S2K UPMEM + Sonic 2 via the command prompt, yes. Edit: Forgot to mention Sonic 2 in the equation.
cmd copy /b S&K.bin + S2.BIN + Thes2kchip.bin S2kXXXX.bin There Replace Thes2kchip.bin with each s2k chip rom in the release. I'd upload the combined roms but I don't have where to right now.
524: You lose all of your rings when you go into the special stage, instead of keeping them as in the Final.
Not exactly. The demos are in the upmem chip, but they're still the same as in Sonic 2, AKA Sonic Team were too lazy to record new demos.
There's shitloads of data in S2K that could have been used from S2, but wasn't. My guess is, they had 256kb of size, and as long as it fit there, there was no need to cut it down any further, so once they got to 256kb, they just stopped there.
Fair enough I guess. I suppose the only other size they could have done it in was 128, and do 1MBit chips even exist?