One or two months ago, someone asked me to upload this. Being the terrible person I am, I forgot to. Cleaning up my computer today, I remembered. So, here it is. Sorry I took so long.
Sure thing. Basically, this fangame takes a combined look at "What if Knuckles was in Sonic 1" and "What if Knuckles was in Sonic CD". It uses Sonic 1's levels and adds in Sonic CD's time travel feature. Sounds cool in theory, but it's really not a good fangame at all. Poor physics, layouts, graphics, etc. I remember enjoying it when I didn't know any better, though.
I think this was just before static and 8direction movement engines in TGF really took off and TGF's platform movement was all people seemed to REALLY know how to abuse, though I could be wrong.
Is this a two? Unfortunately, it doesn't matter because often if I time travel, it crashes. Thanks for that. I never played it before and yet, it brought back so many memories from the late 1990's. EDIT: I kind of feel bad for making fun of someone who never not lovesed useing his's bestest grammer.
I think this game only goes up to Marble Zone. I remember picking it apart with TGF way back as a wee lad, but I wouldn't be able to check now.
It's an government conspiracy orchestrated to hide the existence of time travel to the Sonic fangaming community, I WANT TO BELIEVE SCULLY. On a more serious note, it looks like a pretty tool concept for a fangame, but it just wasn't actually executed properly due to the time when it was actually made.
The screenshots in this topic alone scare me. They scare me so much that I have to download this and try it for myself. edit: Got to Act 2, died, spawned inside ground unable to move, lost interest. I dunno, it's one of the unfortunate old fangames that aren't good, but aren't so bad they're good.
Was trying to explain one reason WHY it was bad from a control and movement standpoint. Why do I want to make this into a working, and well built fangame? Why is temptation toying with me? EDIT: Anybody else remember that this was far from finished? Yes, the grammar sucked, and the platform movement, level design, etc sucked, but looking at the unfinished levels in this, looked like ther was a ways to go, and if work had gone on, there may have been a chance this could have turned out much better than what we were left with. :P During this time the BG libs did suck too, meaning level design could take a hit if you are dealing with somebody who doesn't know how to take existing stuff, and modify it to suit your needs.
Well, I know Animemaster is working on a version of Sonic 1 with time travel. Dunno if it retains the original layouts or anything, but I wonder how difficult it would be to persuade him to add Knuckles as a character.
Only if when you play as him, all the text and/or dialog in the game is useing his's bestest grammer. I'd never not lovesed that.