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KingK's 60-Minute Sonic 06 Video Retrospective

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Sonic5993, Oct 18, 2022.

  1. That's right, another 06 retrospective in 2022.

    I sympathize with King K I really do, because it feels like every Sonic fan gets to this point. Where they fall in love with the franchise for being unique, it stops doing the thing that made it unique, and now they have nothing but jaded cynicism towards it. Its a tale as old as time.

    The only difference is the thing they considered "unique" to begin with.

    I guess I'm at a point of acceptance with 06, and Sonic as a whole. It is what it is at this point. And I'm kind of tired of caring about the opinions of others when it comes to the things I like and what I don't like about Sonic.

    06 could have been good, but it wasn't. Project 06 is pretty fun, you should try it. Think 06 was trash from the get go? That's fine too.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 18, 2022
  2. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    As always, the rose-tinted fondness for Sonic 2006 astounds me.

    Not on its own, if you like, that's fine, I'm not telling you to not like the game.

    But it's weird he talks about 2006 with kids gloves because of what it could be if it wasn't a broken mess, and highlights a fan game made over a decade after that, while yes it improves it, still doesn't fix many of the fundamental problems with the game.

    edit: Also, one comment I never understood at all is the assertion that '06 is "the last time they tried" (which is a take I see in the video's comments) when Unleashed came out with a whole new engine dedicated to the game, a whole new gameplay, a serious story that was done well, etc.

    edit: And its extremely disappointing to see his only comments on Frontiers is extreme dismissals.

    Dismissing the open world as "randomly running around" even though we know the gameplay loop pretty well by now and it is exactly the kind of ambitious he says he wants Sonic to be...

    Made a stink about the Cyber Space stages reusing level themes and design, claiming they're proof that Sonic Team isn't doing anything original and they're "banking on nostalgia," because he already ignored the open zone. I really cannot take the critique about Frontiers "banking on nostalgia" seriously after he waxed nostalgic about Sonic 2006, of all games.

    No mention about the story and their attempt to go for something serious and interesting besides, again, dismissing Ian Flynn because "well, Sega holds him back," even though they made it clear that they are working together, and that the point is that Ian can make good stories even with those limitations.

    I really was interested in what he thought of Frontiers considering the video is about the legacy of '06 and Frontiers is a month away. But it sounds like he isn't interested in general.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2022
  3. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    I feel like I made a KingK topic long ago when he was doing the classic games. All this stuff should be merged probably.
  4. 06 represents a lot of things to many different people, particularly in its immediate aftermath.

    Its either the franchise's lowest point after a string of middling games or its an unfortunate tragedy of the franchise's ambition.

    But what came after is arguably more important because its the point when the franchise started the excorcise the stuff it had built up over the past few games.

    Depending on your feelings its either a good or bad thing. But seeing the things that made you a fan slowly be sucked out, no matter what ""era"" you prefer is not a good feeling.

    But the conclusion he comes to is at least a sound one. We just gotta learn to tolerate thay we all love Sonic for a different reason; some like it for the gameplay while others like it for thr story and characters and neither side are particularly wrong either.

    It just kind of sucks when the franchise can't really balance both sides all that well leaving someone unsatisfied. Hopefully Frontiers can at least satisfy more people than Forces did.
  5. Zephyr


    Right here. It's 5 years old, so I don't blame anyone for not remembering it, but the thread for his Shadow the Hedgehog video is super recent. Don't know why this wasn't just posted there. Or the Gaming Youtubers Thread, which formed out of threads about Cybershell's Sonic videos.

    I feel like this gets trotted out all the time, in every fandom, like it's some sort of earth-shattering nugget of wisdom. It's true, but it's also a really trivial observation. Of course different people who like the same thing will like it for different reasons. That's how individuality and "liking things" work. That's naturally compounded when something dips into other mediums and has been around for decades.
  6. Yea....why are you explaining as if I didn't already know this?

    And I opened it because I didn't see the older topic on the front page.
  7. Turbohog


    Don't really see the need to discuss the shitshow that is Sonic 06 again just because yet another YouTuber made a ridiculously long video about it.
  8. MykonosFan


    MODE CHANGE. Moderator
    On the one hand, i can see the merit in merging at least this and the Shadow KingK thread. On the other hand, they're two very different games, so anyone going to a hypothetical merged thread to want to talk about Shadow in-depth may be at odds with the very different talking points about Sonic 06. There's a bit of me that thinks this could still go in the Gaming YouTubers thread that was mentioned, but for now we'll let this topic be its own thing and see if there's enough to say.

    Don't post to say you don't want to post. Thanks.
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  9. Zephyr


    I'm not, I'm just saying that I find that conclusion to be really cliche and unremarkable.
  10. Given that fans love to force petty bullshit over anything, I'd say its a conclusion that should be repeated until people get the point.

    I'm not saying it as some huge revelation of wisdom or knowledge. I'm just saying "stop acting like an asshole over a blue hedgehog"
  11. Azookara


    yup Member
    Just seems a bit silly to decide the bipartisan take of "liking any Sonic thing is valid stop arguing about it" is what's needed for discussing Sonic 06 of all games.

    There's an audience for everything. There's even a corner of people on the internet who like the '93 Mario movie. But just because everything's gonna have an audience doesn't mean people should stop holding strong opinions or discussing them, and that goes for whether they're a big fan or if they're a primo hater. Goes both ways. Otherwise internet discussion just kinda loses it's point.

    In the end you might just want to hear people who genuinely loved this game speaking on it, in which case you can! Go look for it and see what they have to say. But I think if you let a general public in any community speak, you can't filter that out. I mean, not to encourage hard assholery; you can still find civil discussion without all that. But I feel like that's basic common sense and shouldn't have to be explained.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2022
  12. Zephyr


    I mean, yeah, a lot of people can't seem to handle discussions about art like adults. I agree that people shouldn't act like assholes just because someone likes a thing they don't like. But that sentiment feels more apt as a preliminary agreement for basic civil discussion between individuals, than as a conclusion of one's analysis.
  13. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    This game needs a pachinko machine like Konami did for MGS3. Yeah, I'm joking... or am I?
  14. VectorCNC


    CNC Sculpture/Artwork
    There are always 2 camps when it comes to Sonic fans, there are those who are upset at all the wasted potential and horrible decisions the series is clearly making, and then there are those who like things the way they currently are and respond "oh well I guess it takes all types and there are always going to be some dissenting opinions". I refer to this latter group as the "Sonic apologists", for most of these people there is almost no Sonic game bad enough. It doesn't matter that only 1 in 100 people want to play these bad games, they just want to continue on the same path because it works for them and respond, "it's all subjective, we're all the same -hum-dumb". It's the curse of low expectations and I see through these people even if they can't see through themselves.

    Edit: and I am not referring to KingK here...
  15. Common sense is in fact not very common. Otherwise people wouldn't even feel the need to say it to begin with.

    And we still act like assholes to each other about this series over shit like because some people care more about lore and characters over gameplay or vice versa.

    You can in fact discuss these things without being an asshole but this concept seems lost on people within the Internet because social media seems specifically designed to encourage dickery.

    Fair, but I'm not the one who made the video. And part me thinks he's just rationalizing why he fell out love with Sonic and why its current state frustrates him on a personal level.

    Oh I guess this is directed at me?

    Sorry for not being more jaded I guess. I did that years ago, got bored of it. Made me realize I actually like a lot of Sonic games people hate and I'm probably just better off enjoying them on my own than talking about them in a group. Sucks but what can you do, but I'm a in a pretty comfortable spot with Sonic atm even if its not to my personal ideal.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2022
  16. VectorCNC


    CNC Sculpture/Artwork
    Aside from the irony and contradictions, this mentality (defending mediocrity) will lead to the end of the very thing you love, and already almost has. I digress.
  17. If I like something, I check it out. If I don't, I just go do something else. Its not that complicated for me.

    If being jaded that Sonic isn't doing what you wanted to do makes you feel better then be my guest, I ain't gonna stop you.

    But there are better games I can play than constantly lamenting about the state of this multimillion dollar franchise that just had two successful feature length films.
  18. VectorCNC


    CNC Sculpture/Artwork
    Yes, successful movies. What you call jaded I call objective reality; sales figures and reviews. I want better for my son. I'm willing to discipline and speak back to him, I'm not going to keep handing him cookies while his life spirals downward. It works -for you-, I get that, but I'm the sort of person who doesn't want a Sonic game that works for me and fails by diminishing returns as a consequence. I'm sure you'll move onto something else if that happens, just like you stated. But I've been mourning the loss for over a decade now.
  19. I honestly don't know what else to tell you man, sorry you feel unfulfilled by this series? I'd say if you're that miserable then you probably should move on then.

    I got over those feelings ages ago; one by distancing myself from the toxic echo chambers of negativity on the internet, and just replaying some of these games without someone telling me constantly that they either suck, or are the best games ever. It does wonders for your perspective.

    I got my preferences of course and I feel like you're assuming a lot about my opinions about the series. I have my own issues and I've made them known, I just don't obsess about them.

    To try and steer this back on topic; I feel King's unadulterated love for what 06 could have been as it does have a lot of things I feel are cool for Sonic. But I acknowledge its a huge departure from the foundations that were set and they needed to dial it back. Maybe not to the extent that they did, but things needed to change after 06.

    I was initially uninterested and jaded about Frontiers too, but I saw more footage and decided it was at least worth checking out as I do think some things it added are cool additions.

    Guess what I'm saying is; I'm kind of tired of feeling like the only choices I have as a Sonic fan is that I'm either a blind fanboy "with low standards" or I'm a jaded asshole "who wants what's best for Sonic".

    I'm just a dude who plays for fun basically lol.
  20. VectorCNC


    CNC Sculpture/Artwork
    You literally just called me jaded a couple paragraphs ago. You are the people who create this dichotomy. The vast majority of gamers aren't all jaded about Sonic because we have standards - hum dumb. I can see why you are tired.