If I'm not wrong ROMs had to be dumped in a special interleaved format to be tested. Maybe he means to rebuild them in a pure linear binary.
Who said that beta wasn't late in development process? Sonic 3 by itself is a beta, Sega could have just removed the stuff to access the incomplete zones and we're done.
yeah, I subscribe to that theory, myself, as it would explain why some were removed, for instance, flying battery, which was at a much earlier point in the game than where it ended up. Also, I look very forward to this Saturday. This is such an epic event, worth one of my 10 posts.(I know it was complained that we trial members tried to sound cool or some such, but, I personally AM semi-paranoid about my poses given how little I have to impress them so I can earn membership)
Not really a theory.. Sonic 3 was meant to be what Sonic3K is. There's really no argument to the contrary EDIT: Well.. at least a "two part" game. Sonic 3 part 1 and 2
No, it was complained because trial members used their limited posts for saying something not very useful. At least you gave your opinion about Sonic 3.
this is one of those times where I wish I hadn't spent all my money on two new firearms this past weekend >.> Epic fail. I'll figure something out, though
Wow. If I wasn't ... broke, I'd donate directly. Just to name something, I'm very interested to see if they've changed the art in Casino Night Zone in this Sonic 2 Proto.
:drool: Anyway, I see a lot of you weren't around for the EPIC IRC last night, but I was so I can answer some of these questions. First of all, Spinal Sun (holyshitirememberyou) asked why these need to be built, I believe? As it was explained to me last night, these are original builds straight from the developer's workstations. DRX has somehow got a hold of a COMPLETE ARCHIVE of SOA's prototypes for 1993-1994. This means hundreds of builds of various games, on Genesis, Game Gear, and 32x. It's like he just got a time machine, walked into their offices, and made copies of everyone's hard disks. It's a mindblowing amount of material. Anyway, apparently the games are split into separate binaries, because they are made in to be burned to dev carts for testing. These are ORIGINAL, in-house builds, not dumps. So, he has to go through and combine them to be uses in emulators.
I came. So, seperate binaries? like even-odd splits and the like? So is everything prebuilt, or is there any sourcecode? any SDKs, Dev tools?
That's what I was saying. Sega used to make ROM splits every 128KB of ROM, writing first even bytes/words and then odd bytes/words (please somebody tell me which of bytes or words were split exactly). Yeah, interleaved ROMs. I know that because one of the tech docs says so. And BTW, are you sure DRX actually didn't travel in the past? I mean, he got hundreds of betas at once, travelling in the time should be easy to him XD
All you need is a flux capacitor, a plutonium pellet, and to get your car at 88 miles per hour. Nothing special.
1994-1995. Edit: also, I'd take what other people post here with a grain of salt. They tend to be confuse things.
Is it just games developed by SOA, or games that they licensed/published too? A surprise Snatcher beta would make me dangerously excited.