I nearly pissed myself upon seeing this news. All 3 of those are EPIC finds. I cannot wait to be playing these. ^^
Looking at the screenshots: Sonic 2 Prototype Genocide City Zone is officially gone! <3 2 Player Mode is finally "implemented" into the title screen. Hidden Palace Zone not removed quite yet. Just a wild guess, but could this be the prototype the Sonic 2 Manual used to take pictures with? (aka, the old title screen art with 2 Player mode built in) Sonic 3 Prototype Obviously, proof that many of the Sonic & Knuckles levels were originally in Sonic 3. No level transitions? Chaotix Prototype The characters are missing, as I'm assuming Knuckles wasn't the main focus, as Sonic once was a part of the game. Thus, I'm guessing Sonic is in this build? All-in-all, I'm impressed. I eagerly await to see what builds you allow for download on the 23rd of February.
I am quiet honestly impressed and excited by this. If I could freeze myself until the 23rd, I would, this is that exciting.
I haven't been this excited since all the Brawl information was leaked. I must say, I'm extremely awed by all of this. <3
Holy shit, awesome. I can't wait to see all these released. ...what? I'm not here. This post never happened. You're just imagining it.
2008: Best fucking year ever. Drx you are a God, I hate to asskiss but you really are a Sonic proto God. Now all we need is a Sonic 1 proto. :wub:
Oh FUCK. Fuck me upside the head. As if 2008 wasn't awesome enough already. drx, I hope my children are half as awesome as you. Also Lava Reef in Sonic 3 dundundun.
Oddly enough, I cannot get as excited as everyone else about this. I'll just chalk it up to having to wait a week and being tired.
All my dicks are coming. Which ones? ALL OF THEM! This is amazing drx. I'll try and scrounge up $10 and send it your way via snail mail.
Stupid question: did any of you pay attention to the fact that Lava Reef 2 is hot, like Lava Reef 1? In the final version it cools off.
Well, not exactly. I noticed the pal change, but yeah, that layout isn't in the final game as such, anyway, so I thought little of it. There are parts in LR2 that are like that. Or alternately it could just be that it was accessed through level select. Sometimes in Sonic 3 Final it puts you in weird places when it does that.
God I can't wait to see what sort of oddities these babies are packed with. Hopefully the new LRZ layout will be awesome...
No, it's just a palette change. That section is from the beginning of Lava Reef 2, exactly where the cold lava hall at the beginning ends. Maybe the level was cooled off only to explain how Sonic could reach there. Which is something really stupid, redesigning the layout would have been better. (oh, no, we already started with theories)