Please make sure you searched her blonde-haired version. She doesn't look very nice with the black hair. And now, back on-topic, please :P And anyways, I yet insist that removing the last boss of LBz2 for Sonic was just stupid. The boss becomes too easy this way and doesn't make too much sense for the Death Egg to blow up with that :/
"Sonic and Knuckles" would be even more confusing, and "Sonic and Knuckles w/Sonic 3" is unwieldy and annoying. I would hope that anyone who actually cares about 15-year-old prototypes would have the presence of mind to spend a minute looking up the relevant terms if necessary. This is the Internet, there's no excuse for ignorance.
Honestly, I don't see why the concept of Sonic 3A-B-C is so hard to grasp in the first place. Tweaker's first post on the subject should be the only explanation needed. Maybe there's something going on in that IRC channel that's confusing the issue, but it seems pretty straightforward to me.
Okay. Let me repeat this again for you guys that don't seem to understand for whatever reason: Sonic 3 "A": YOU HAVE PLAYED THIS. IT IS THE FINAL SONIC 3. Sonic 3 "B": YOU HAVE PLAYED THIS. IT IS THE FINAL SONIC & KNUCKLES. Sonic 3 "C": THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN RELEASED AS A FULL, ONE-CART S3K. AKA SONIC 3+. Thank you.
I get it just fine. I was talking about on other forums or new people might not get it. I don't want tons of posts saying, "It's not a Sonic and Knuckles prototype, it's Sonic 3C moron! Do research!" and stuff like that. AT LEAST explain what it is on the site which will probably happen anyway so meh whatever I said we should call it Dust Hill because we always have. IT's the same thing here. No one's ever called Sonic and Knuckles "Sonic 3C" so I just suggested we use the name we all ready know. There are all ready some people confused on other forums thinking that Sonic 3 which would be Sonic 3A had Hidden Palace in it and what not in it. Just a suggestion and really, I don't think it's a bad one. and one more thing I call the Desert Level Dust Hill because I don't give a crap what anyone else thinks
So you don't mind spreading and encouraging false information because it's "easier to remember"? That's... pretty bad.
I don't go around saying "The Desert Level was Dust Hill" but talking among people like you guys who KNOW better ANYWAY, I might call it Dust Hill. Now can we stop arguing about Dust Hill please? It has nothing to do with this topic. Point is, I get the naming scheme but I had to explain it to some people: see?
We could just say Sonic 3, Sonic & Knuckles and Sonic 3C :P But seriously, later let's do some serious and deep research about 3C, because I think there was some version of 3C being sold around. At least illegaly, but I'm quite sure hearing ten years ago about a game that matches perfectly its description: Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles, all in the same cart. I wonder why the heck I know the weirdest rumours ever X_X
...But a pirate cartridge with Sonic 3 & Knuckles wouldn't need to have any prototype stuff in it, wouldn't it? As long as you can burn the S3&K ROM in a cartrige and run it, I mean.
They probably just got a hold of the "merged" rom (not sure what term to use here) then put it on a pirate cart. I'm going to go ahead and side with everyone who is against false information in favor of things being "Easier". That is the reason that some people post in such a manner: "omg u gise thers a pro0t0tip kumng out 2moro an liek omg lolz its osum"
Didn't think in that before. Yeah, because I think the cart said "Sonic 3 & Knuckles" rather than just "Sonic 3", so you may be right. Well, I must be honest I saw really weird pirate carts >_> EDIT: can you try to translate what you wrote in the turd example? This time I seriously didn't understand it X_X
I want to make something clear: I'm not saying spread false information. in fact I DON'T want people spreading false information, but the fact of the matter is Sonic 3B really IS a prototype of Sonic and Knuckles and Sonic 3C really is a proto of Sonic 3 and Knuckles. I'm by no means saying to falsify stuff, just trying to think of ways for it to be easier. And if I'm misunderstanding and this is still about Dust Hill vs Desert Zone, just ignore me. I'm NOT saying to spread the false name of Dust Hill either, just that that's what I personally call it when talking to someone who KNOWS what I'm talking about. So yes, no spreading false information. I agree with this. Since I agree, why not just drop it? =P cuz right now, you guys are arguing with somebody who agrees with you.. EDIT: you know this does make me wonder what the title screen for Sonic 3B says though. EDIT2: Why does my sig have several lines underneath it?
Let me run it through Idiot Translator 0.6, almost ready for release. "Oh my god you guys there's a [prototype] coming out tommorow and like oh my god HEHEAHEHH it's awesome" I need to add some words to it still, but some grammatical touching up reveals: "Oh my god! You guys, there's a PROTOTYPE coming out tommorow! And... like... oh my god, HAH, it's awesome." Hmm, Translator needs work.
We may not know the answer to this question, but I wonder what SEGA would have called this "Sonic 3C" if it was released. Obviously if they had all three of these versions in play at the same time, they would have had public names in mind for all of them. We thought in the past that this single "Sonic 3C" version was scrapped prior to the separate "Sonic 3" and "Sonic & Knuckles" games coming into being, so obviously in the past we simply assumed it would have been called "Sonic 3". If they planned to release this combined version as well as the separate games however, they must have had a public name in mind for it. What exactly would they have called it when it was sitting on the shelves? Sonic 3 & Knuckles? Sonic 3 Special Edition?
It probably would've been like in that magazine, Sonic 3: Part 1, Part 2, and Sonic 3 Complete/Special Edition. I wonder if the Sonic 3B protos have lock-on support...