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Is the Homebrew Channel worth it?

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by Chaos Rush, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. Namo


    take a screenshot of your heart Member
    Provided you have the right firmware (as in, not the latest), Bannerbomb is your best bet.

    Additionally, there's a tool for the PC that configures a hack based on your specific Wii - whether it's a "virgin" wii, and if it is, what game you'll need to hack it (Such as Lego Indiana Jones for the "IndianaPwns" hack). I can't remember the name right now though.
  2. Chaos Rush

    Chaos Rush

    I'd like to hear your guys' views on downloading games that you would normally have to pay for on Virtual Console. I'm strongly against piracy, which is why I'm not sure if I should put Snes9x GX on my Wii.

    Now, if it's a game that I legitimately own on SNES, like Donkey Kong Country, then I don't care about downloading it, but I don't have the Super Mario RPG in any form, and would really like to try it. I also bought Super Mario Bros. 3 on Virtual Console, but I would like to try it with its updated graphics in All-Stars, which is technically now an official non-VC Wii game. I have the GBA version of Yoshi's Island, but I want to try the SNES version too (though it's not on Virtual Console yet, correct?)

    What are your guys thoughts? I'm asking because it's a bit different from pirating newer games like Epic Mickey, which is something I would never, ever do.
  3. Willie


    Each day the world turns Laugh 'til it all burns Member
    If you own a game in one medium, I don't see a lot of harm in "acquiring" another version. Then again, I'm pro-piracy. >_> Back when I used to be against piracy, I'm not sure what I would have done in that instance though.
  4. Namo


    take a screenshot of your heart Member
    When I first started out with my Wii in late 2007, I was a strong supporter of the Virtual Console. I was really glad that Nintendo started to support emulation.

    Only, they didn't support it well enough. They aren't willing to go out on limbs and get good games due to copyrights or whatever-the-case -- Earthbound is never coming to VC because it used copyrighted sound samples.

    On top of that, the N64 support is so weak. I figured if PC emulation by fans isn't perfect, than official emulation by Nintendo would be, so I was excited to see some tough-to-emulate games on the service, such as Bomberman 64 and Buck Bumble.

    So as far as I'm concerned, don't waste your time with the VC-- emulate away, my friend.
  5. Willie


    Each day the world turns Laugh 'til it all burns Member
    I too used to be a strong supporter of the Virtual Console until early 2009. Their lineup of N64 games was a total joke and a huge disappointment. Granted, most of the big titles from that era released but not a single game by Rare and only one game from the whole list was not publushed by Nintendo. They could have at least added DK64 or just something considering how all of the DKC games are there. It's almost like Nintendo doesn't want your money. Even though they're missing a lot of well known games by Square, I'll give them credit for having a solid lineup of SNES games at least.
  6. BSonirachi


    Wiki Sysop
    It's very, very unlikely that you'll brick your Wii with homebrew, and it's only possible to do so if you do silly things with system tools that modify your NAND memory, a power cut happens when you're using said tools or if you install faulty WADs to your Wii. If you are only going to use homebrew to run emulators, games, media players and other stuff then it's perfectly safe.

    But still, install BootMii to boot2 and backup your NAND just to be on the safe side.
  7. Clutch


    It was a dark and stormy night... Member
    Rare's non-DK games are off limits because they retained the rights to every original IP of theirs when Microsoft bought them, hence Perfect Dark XBLA and the whole Goldeneye XBLA/VC fiasco that blocked a finished game from release. Even Diddy Kong Racing is up in the air, because they own every character that isn't a Kong or Krunch (and possibly Tricky). From what I remember Rare was even asked about DK64 and replied that Nintendo never requested it, but there's another reason that game could be blocked: it includes (and requires you to play) Jetpac, a game which Rare still owns the rights to and was re-released on XBLA.

    I'm still mad Beetle Adventure Racing didn't make it up there despite being re-rated by the ESRB, apparently for using the controller pack, but the morality of emulation seems very subjective, so I think that's a call for you to make personally.
  8. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    To be honest, so long as you own A copy of the game then I see no moral problems with emulation. Even less if the title was never released at all (eg Starfox 2).

    I'd also happily emulate any title that any given company didn't/couldn't be bothered to release in your native territory - eg for the UK that would include Mario RPG, Earthbound, and a ton of others.
  9. Namo


    take a screenshot of your heart Member
    This is a mindset I follow for generally everything. If the company made no attempt to get the content to you, they didn't intend to make a profit off of you, so get it any way you like - pay for an import, or just get it for free.