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If Sega only cared about pandering to YOU, what kind of Sonic game would they make?

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Josh, Dec 22, 2021.

  1. Billy


    RIP Oderus Urungus Member
    Colorado, USA
    Indie games
    Seconding this. I'd love a 16-bit style remake of Triple Trouble. I love the art, setting, music, etc. I just feel like it's let down by the more-blocky and slower-paced 8-bit gameplay. (Not that it's bad, it's just not... as good)
  2. ...Isn't this literally a fangame in production right now that was just at SAGE.
  3. Billy


    RIP Oderus Urungus Member
    Colorado, USA
    Indie games
    I think you're right, but we're fantasizing, so having Sega make it would be extra amazing. Plus fangames have a tendency to never get finished, understandably, what with being passion projects and all.
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  4. Beamer the Meep

    Beamer the Meep

    Better than Sonic Genesis... Member
    To be fair to Triple Trouble 16-Bit, Noah seems remarkably committed to the project, going so far as to have regular livestreams as he works on it. I get the feeling this one may actually get finished given the rate he's going at.

    On topic though, I'm probably in the boat for another original 2D game like Mania but with all new zones. If they could make it work and play with 3D perspective like Generations did, all the better. I'm pretty easy going when it comes to Sonic games though; just give me a good story and food gameplay and I'm happy. Don't dumb it down and give me something meaty like Unleashed or the Adventure titles were and I'll be happy.
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  5. Harmony Friends

    Harmony Friends

    it's the whole gang Oldbie
    classic style 2d platformer with gorgeous pixel art and an all-female cast. basically I want the River City Girls of Sonic
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  6. Rosiero


    Mmph! Oldbie
    ^ The ending of River City Girls would certainly be appropriate for an Amy Rose adventure
  7. So Amy and Blaze, with Cream or perhaps even Tikal taking the third character slot? They'd all work in the Advance/Rush style, and I'd certainly be hype for it. For a true Genesis-styled classic who would accompany Amy though? Honey from Sonic the Fighters? Tikal could still work in my opinion while respecting the modern divide, or Tiara from X-treme could finally make her debut.

    Just spitballing here as I love River City Girls and think this concept could be a hit. It could even be used to introduce entirely original compatriots of Amy, such as a female counterpart for Tails.
  8. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Cream basically already is a female counterpart for Tails in the same way Tikal is for Knuckles. More or less same move set.
  9. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Sonic Xtreme Revival!
  10. Harmony Friends

    Harmony Friends

    it's the whole gang Oldbie
    I'm definitely not thinking it'd be a strictly classic style thing in its aesthetic, just like, y'know, classic style level design, S3K-like moveset differences and alternate routes for those moves, that kind of structure, etc.

    But it can't be a totally classic deal; how would it have my gal Rouge in there??? :V
  11. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Ooh I'd play that. Amy, Cream, Rouge, Blaze, and Marine, basically counterparts for Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Mighty, and Ray (or if comic characters are in play, scrap Marine and add in Tangle and Whisper). Given how many like "girl group" issues of the comic exist I'm surprised this has never been pitched. Hell, even Super Princess Peach was a thing... although I'd hope Sega wouldn't go as sexist with it (her powers were based off her emotions, I think crying was one... why?)

    Would Eggman be the villain still or someone else?

    Egg...woman :eng99:
  12. Ah, right. I nearly forgot about that bat, as I can't say I've ever been a fan. Wouldn't want to arbitrarily exclude her just to follow Sonic Team's era divide, plus the modern era is where practically every canon female charactrer exists anyway. Blaze and everyone could look pretty rad in the 3K or Chaotix style too, but it's not like you can go wrong with any established sprite style anyway.

    Don't forget everyone's favourite ancient echidna, miss Tikal! The true counterpart of Knuckles IMO, with Amy kind of a fusion of Sonic and Mighty. As for the villain, I'm picturing a Bowsette sort of deal. Lady Huevo, perhaps.
  13. I'm gonna go the extra mile and say that I want Tangle in a game like that; she doesn't have any of the baggage that Blaze has, and actually has an appendage that lends itself to gameplay potential.
  14. Spectre23


    Spectre23 Member
    Love an all-female cast game idea. Pretty dope!

    But might I also all-Metal/Badnik game? Slap in our boys Metal Sonic, Tails Doll, Metal Knuckles, and even Egg-Robo. Story-wise, it could be similar to that comic in the 30th anniversary IDW special where the badniks have actual "personality" of sort lol.

    These designs are too good to be wasted on as enemies/boss battles.
  15. Omg yeeeesssss

    Robot gang- where ya at?? :D

    I'd play that 100%. Metal Sonic hyperdrive is one of my all time favorite genesis hacks, largely in part just because I can play as my boi Metal
  16. Harmony Friends

    Harmony Friends

    it's the whole gang Oldbie
    obviously it needs to be the character design that someone got out of their interpretation of upside-down eggman in mania fbz2 boss, eggette or omelette or whoever

    oh yes pleeeease this is also a fantastic idea honestly
  17. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and looking for post-grad work...
    Alright I'm back with two more concepts.

    A. Can we have a game that takes the Classic Sonic half from Generations, and develop that into its own project entirely? A 2.5D/"linear 3D" MD game with modern graphics, that has Sonic with 2D gameplay exploring these 3D environments, especially so with it retaining Generations' dynamic presentation? Despite the lacking physics and heavy scripting/automation (which as shown in mods, can both be addressed) it's among the more novel takes with MD/2D Sonic gameplay in general that I would love to see more of. It's also one of those things where I wouldn't mind it being a Mania scenario of having returning old stages, if they got to be reinvented in a similar style.

    B. The following could either be paired with the above, or exist as its own project--but as a fan of stop-motion animation; I really adore the below commercial for Sonic 1, especially the little clay-mation Sonic in that bouncing around the Sega logo was used as a unique sign-off for commercials for other Sonic games for a while. I'd really love to have an entire Mega Drive Sonic game with that stop-motion art direction, and play around with it. Much like how some of Nintendo's Kirby (Epic Yarn, Rainbow Curse) and Yoshi (Woolly World, Crafted World) games from the previous decade.

  18. JcFerggy


    Do you want to taco 'bout it? Member
    If I had to speak in only conceptual terms, I would really like a Sonic game that played like the SSX series during the PS2 era. The concept of racing through a stage, not necessarily always downhill like a snowboarding game, but but still allowing for the player to build up momentum. Then with the level structure introduce a base trick system that you can combo together to build up a score, and have that work towards your end goal letter grade. I'm not necessarily sure if the idea of introducing point marker collectibles that reward exploring the layout and reaching high routes for both fast times and interesting tricks, or If the incentive to explore would be good enough. Sonic games are always one to try and stretch gameplay, so instead of introducing a bunch of stupid gimmick levels and acts, instead have objectives similar to Tony Hawk?Maybe even the gap system from Tony Hawk could be used for connecting together certain set pieces. There's been a few fan games that I've seen on YouTube recently attempt a similar design method and I've always felt it would really work for Sonic's '90s fast-paced radical nature.

    In a completely different direction, If Sumo Digital or whoever else takes over doing the next Sonic kart racer, I need them to actually recognize that the Sonic series has a huge cast of characters, and half the point of a kart racer is celebrating the characters in your series. I'm sure I'm not the only one who picks the really weird characters for the hell of it in Mario Kart just to annoy my friends. So I'm sure giving someone like Sticks or Bean the option to drive a kart would be hilarious. I really enjoyed what they did with Team Sonic Racing regarding the new levels, but honestly I'm sick and tired of them reusing stuff from the past to games without giving the past levels the same reverence that Mario Kart does, instead trying to squeeze them in with the rest. I was fine with how the first game reused areas and themes through multiple courses, but I felt that worked in line with the Sonic act system. Transformed on the other hand I really really liked for how unique each level and world was, but I can understand from a development perspective how that could be taxing for a smaller budget game. I was disappointed that TSR never got any DLC, since their direct competition Crash Team Racing kept me playing every weekend for the duration of that game's life, for better or worse. But the DLC they released was such nostalgia hitting fan favorites that no one would have expected to see. Considerably looking at the TSR character select makes me embarrassed, especially how the teams of three were handled. Thank God for the soundtrack though, still listen to that often enough when working or writing.

    If you want to keep the teams of three concept, use teams that actually make sense. Throw Marine with Blaze and Silver. The chaotics crew. Team Rose with Cream and Cheese. The Misfits thanks to both mania and the recent comics. Babylon Rogues. Classic Sonic team. Classic Amy, Ray, and Mighty. Metal Sonic & Knuckles with Tails Doll. Eggman can be with Orbot & Cubot and Infinite as he's three most recent villian and Zavok was always a dumb partner. Eh add the stupid 6 if you really need to. Maybe instead also have a bunch of non-story characters as bonus unlockables? Vanilla and Chocola, Chaos, Gamma, or even Sticks. Maybe even some one off characters like Honey or Shade. Give characters costume slots and reuse so many that have been abandoned through the years in spinoffs like Sonic Rivals 2 or Sonic Forces Mobile.

    Then the only real want would be that the level themes are taken evenly throughout Sonic's history instead of just sticking to Sonic Heroes and whatever game is most recent. So far we have had across three games represented Sonic & Knuckles for Sandopolis (Also SA & SA2, amazing set of levels here) and Sky Sanctuary. Sonic Heroes with Seaside Hill, Casino Park, and Final Fortress. Sonic Unleashed for Rooftop Run and Cool Edge. Sonic Colors for Starlight Carnival and Planet Wisp. And four of those also star in Sonic Generations. I really want representation from anything from the handhelds, I don't care which one. Game Gear, Game Boy Advance, DS, PSP, I don't care there were some amazing level tropes that just get completely ignored. Music Plant, Crystal Egg, Chaos Angel, Bridge zone, Neon Palace, Gigaopolis, Water Palace, Sunset Park, Pirates Island. So many good levels just ignored in favor of Seaside Hill #13.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2022
  19. Nyan


    vaporcide Member
    sonic cd 2 with metal music and guns
  20. Spectre23


    Spectre23 Member
    Now that's metal ;)))