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I visited Sega yesterday.

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Sammybeany, Nov 13, 2010.

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  1. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    They should drop the ball and get there act together.
    Sonic is Sega's main mascot.
    Sonic's 2D quality, his roots!
    have drooped below an acceptable standard for a 2D sonic game.
    even lower than fan games, (free home made games)

    Come on Sega! I know you can do it! Pull it together man !

    P.S. I bought the game for both 360 and Wii, It was fun,
    but still....come on.. poor level layouts, bad physics, we all know what plagues the game.
    the thing that got me most about the game was the flow of the levels.
  2. Tweaker


    All of you people whining about people criticizing the game at this meeting are missing the point—the event existed for the sole reason of criticizing the game! What are you gonna do next, bitch at people for eating all the food at a buffet? Give me a fucking break. Stop being such ignorant little pedants and accept that these people were asked to—and chose to—analyze the game critically.
  3. Urban Flow

    Urban Flow

    Music/Rap Junkie
    Queens, New York
    Agree on that. Should play the game before judging it like that.
  4. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    Who's being overly formal? I'm having a tough time figuring out who this is directed at.

    EDIT: Also...they may have presented it as such but this meeting was far from being just about Sonic 4.

    Well I suppose I can't really say that for sure. How long was the meeting as a whole? Maybe 30 minutes is a decently sized chunk of time for them to dedicate to listening to their guests bemoan Sonic 4.
  5. Ross-Irving


    I think Tweaker means "overly formal" as people who may be afraid to criticize the game Sonic 4 and its direction when the purpose was to offer suggestions. Being overly polite would mean not stepping on any toes, which would mean the meeting would be meaningless. That doesn't mean shout and curse and be an asshole, but yeah.

    To give SEGA and the Sonic 4 section of the meeting benefit of the doubt, maybe they were looking for suggestions for what to do with next episode, not this episode. And my sole suggestion for Episode II, as it seems the most realistic to me, is not to get so wrapped up in the "retro" aspect of the art direction of the classic games. Try to make some zone art that takes on recognizable traits, like how geometrical the world created within these games were, but the resemblances to the classics should stop there.
  6. Guess Who

    Guess Who

    It's a miracle! Oldbie
    There's a difference between giving criticism and being a whiny twat at a meeting.
  7. Tweaker


    It's directed at all the people complaining about criticizing the game at this event. It doesn't make any goddamned sense when, again, the event was organized specifically for the purpose of hearing feedback on the game. It's completely reasonable that 30 minutes wouldn't be enough discussion time given the scope of issues to be discussed. That applies to any game, not just Sonic 4.

    I also don't understand where I said anything about being "overly formal."

    And what is that difference, exactly? How you say it? Given the circumstances that Sammy described, I'd say his conduct was completely acceptable. There is good reason to be pissed at the lack of actual importance led to the meeting, and there is good reason to be pissed at this game and the way it's affected the franchise as a whole. You may like the game and have no huge problems with it, and that's great for you; that doesn't mean it doesn't have serious problems that need to be addressed, and it doesn't mean the people who actually gave a shit to say something about it are "whiny twats."
  8. Mirai


    Thank you Sammy. Hopefully Episode 2 will be the actual Sonic 4 we've always wanted to play.
  9. ArchangelUK


    Used to do things. No one quite recalls what. Member
    Perhaps you should read the blog where the event was announced.

    Done that? Good.

    Where was it said that Sonic 4 discussion was the entire point of the event? It was a segment of the event. It was not the main focus of the event. If it was the focus of the event it'd been the headline. I don't think you can really complain that there was Valkyria Chronicles and Phantasy Star when they had equal billing.

    You guys are annoyed it didn't have more time? Fair dos. However please don't act like this was a Sonic event when it was clearly a general SEGA community event. It was quite clear from the get go.
  10. FlashTHD


    You know, I don't think I'd have snapped like he did, but by pouting and taking this to Sonic Retro of all places, you are kind of proving Gibbon's point. Which I think had less to do with your buying and playing of the game as you put it, and more about, essentially, going to a company you (presumably) voluntarily paid an un-refundable $15 to and criticising how they're screwing you to the wall. + - (Hint: that's what the sonic cycle is actually about, for those who haven't caught on to it yet.)  

    I don't see why you can't come back next week and bitch him out about it if it bothers you, though you really should not have just admitted that you went to this thing and actively gave complaint without having played it, if they presume most of or everyone in attendance has.
  11. StephenUK


    Liquor in the front, poker in the rear Tech Member
    Manchester, UK
    Quackshot Disassembly
    Yeah, but when Sega has become a laughing stock for some of the shit that has been put out recently, maybe they should be spending more time with the community to improve the quality of future titles, not just Sonic, but other titles as well. The fact that Sega are willing to overlook half of the criticism just shows that they don't give a fuck about the quality of what they produce, as long as they sell. Sonic 06 was a prime example.
  12. Tweaker


    Wow, talk about snippy. I was specifically talking about the Sonic 4 feedback session, hence the reference to the 30 minute time allotment and how it was barely enough to do little more than scratch the surface. That's all I saw people actually caring about here anyway, given that it was... about a Sonic game. You know, Sonic Retro and all that. It's kind of in the name. :ssh:

    If you're referring to my earlier comments where I thought the event was billed as a Sonic one, my bad. That's not really what I'm talking about, though, and I don't see why you quoted a completely unrelated post to make the point that other SEGA franchises exist. I am very much aware of this, believe me. Bitching about Sonic 4 criticism during a Sonic 4 feedback session is the lowest of the low when it comes to clutching at straws, though. Surely that's not an unreasonable viewpoint to have?

    I don't think it's very easy to give thorough feedback on a game's faults from top to bottom without playing it first. And that... kind of requires spending money, assuming you don't leech the game off a friend or something. I understand there was a demo of the game that people can—and have—played, but it's kind of hard to process the entire scope of the game based on a single act of gameplay.

    Then again, who knows! Maybe you don't need to play anything to gauge whether or not you like a game. It'll sure get people bitching at you for trying to make that judgement, though! :v:
  13. Shadic


    Olympia, WA
    Home improvement eternal
    I liked the writeup, sans the bitching about Sonic giving attention to any game that wasn't Sonic 4. I mean shit, they mention Valkyria Chronicles (Fuck you it's awesome) almost as much as they mention Sonic in the damn blog post about it! To complain that Sega invited you over to complain about their game, but that the event wasn't entirely based around that seems self-centered and stupid.

    And yes, Sonic 4 is a terrible fucking game.
  14. evilhamwizard


    I kinda liked the write up too up until the point of the actual meeting though. I was looking forward to a writeup of everything that was discussed and the opinions and ideas that were shared and/or how Ruby responded to each of them. But you really didn't have to spout how awful the meeting was THAT much...

    That and the fact that you didn't actually play the game or buy it. How can you complain about something you haven't played?

    I'm not trying to sucker punch you, understand this. But I'm curious why you even attended the meeting at all.
  15. Yuzu


    Sonic 4 may have been a terrible game, but Colours, Phantasy Star Portable 2 and Valkyria Chronicles 2 has been their best line up in YEARS. :colbert:

    And especially Phantasy Star Portable 2, it shows how great Phantasy Star could be WITHOUT Sonic Team.
  16. Guess Who

    Guess Who

    It's a miracle! Oldbie
    I do think the game has problems that need to be addressed! I also think that half an hour is plenty of time to describe those problems and offer solutions (apparently some detailed and solid criticisms were made concerning the level design and physics, unanimously considered the game's biggest issues), that this game's mediocrity has very little effect on the franchise as a whole (any respect the Sonic franchise had among the mainstream died years ago, another disappointing game changes nothing, even if it is called Sonic 4), and that anyone who went into the conference expecting some sort of two hour megasession where it would be acceptable to rattle on for twenty minutes about why Sonic 4 sucks dick is delusional (especially since the blog post where it was announced specifically said it was only a small segment of the event). Let's be honest: RubyEclipse and company have heard all this shit before. They read these boards, they've read the reviews, they know what people are complaining about. They held this conference to hear some personalized feedback from the community, not a regurgitation of the same few points that have been discussed to death in every Sonic 4 discussion on the entire internet.
  17. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    You said pedant. It's a word used to refer to someone who is overly obsessed with formality and details. Also, like I said, it may or may not be completely reasonable that 30 minutes is not enough time for discussion, depending on how long the event was at as a whole. As AAUK pointed out, the focus of the event wasn't solely on Sonic 4, or any other one game. I think he went in there with that assumption, coming out sorely disappointed.

    And the difference between criticizing and being a whiny twat is a matter of respect. You can respectfully express your views without cutting off everyone in the room. I don't see how the entire meeting not being about Sonic 4 makes Sammy's behavior acceptable in any sort of forum. I've been to many town meetings, and any time somebody can't find a respectful way to express their views, they're asked to leave.
  18. Tweaker


    Have you actually sat down and had an in-depth discussion about this kind of stuff with people before? Cause I'm sure if you got into it—and I mean really got into it, like you probably should for a dedicated feedback session—it would take up way more than 30 minutes. I don't just pull the "not enough" mantra out of my ass; I'm pulling it from experience. I understand that this meeting was dedicated to several things and as such it needed to amass time for all of them, but realistically expecting to get solid, reliable feedback for a game like Sonic 4 is completely unrealistic. People on these boards have been ranting about it for months; summarizing all of the pertinent issues with the game in such a small amount of time is a very, very difficult task.

    If the entire internet is saying the same shit, then I don't know why they expected anything different from those people visiting them in person. Personalized feedback is nice, but at the end of the day the same problems still exist. There's not much more you can get from it other than knowing firsthand that the person telling you all this stuff isn't a total douche. I don't think that's enough to make a real difference.

    That is one definition, yes. Here's another one:
    But the basic point I was getting at is that they're being way too fucking picky about things that don't really matter. It seems to be a trend when discussion involving Sonic 4 comes up.

    How does the way he's expressed his views make them any less valid? Given that his anger was justified and that people actually came up to him later on and thanked him for the way he acted and expressed his views, I can't imagine he was that out of line. Putting strong effort into actually getting your points across is not inherently bad, especially if it actually bears significant reform as a result. It never hurts to try and put a little feeling into the things you say, potentially disrespectful be damned. If nothing else, you shouldn't eject someone just because they're passionate about something, especially if they actually have valid points to make.
  19. Vaiz


    I'm still here for some reason! Member
  20. Yuzu


    This, nice job giving a speech on something you actually haven't played. It's that bad, you can tell without even playing it.
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