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I picked up the Sega Genesis Classic Game Console with the 80 built in

Discussion in 'General Sega Discussion' started by MET∆TRON, Dec 3, 2014.



    I'm going to start off saying that my experience with this system has been horrible, and here's why.

    My friend got me the Sega Genesis Classic Game Console for my birthday last week. I thought it was a cool gift, but as soon as we tried to hook it up, that's when the problems started.

    First of all, the sound output isn't even in Stereo! Back in the day, one of the big selling points of the Sega Genesis was its Stereo sound. What is the point of making a new machine to play Genesis games if the sound isn't even going to be good quality. That was the first thing that disappointed me, but it didn't end there. As I read the back of the box, I was saddened to see that only half of the games on the system were actual Sega Genesis games. The other 40 were these weird games that you would see on bootleg systems. If you have seen the latest JonTron video about Plug and Play systems, the games were pretty much like that.

    When we went to plug the system in, I also noticed that the video output was composite, meaning you had to have the yellow cable, or let alone a television with composite inputs. My friend and I both have high-def TVs, so we had to borrow one from another friend to finally hook it up. Once we did, we turned it on.

    You get a pretty generic looking menu with games to choose from. The first thing I immediately noticed was the controllers were AWFUL. I mean it, they were horrible. The plastic used to make them were extremely cheap, and they were wireless. Normally, wireless controllers are fine. However, you had to have your controller pointing right at the console or else it wouldn't work. It used weird infra-red lights on the top of the controller. When you went to hit a button, they usually end up sticking and it's just hard to control anything going on on the screen. There are ports on the front of the console though, if you want to hook up an original Genesis controller, which I highly recommend you do.

    We decided to try out the original Sonic the Hedgehog to test out the gameplay. The game ran fine, however, the biggest turn-off was the sound. I don't know if I got a bad unit, but the sound on this machine was HORRENDOUS. Everything was lower pitched, with some sound channels at the same pitch as the original games, leaving you with this glitchy distorted version of Green Hill Zone. It wasn't just Sonic either, every game on the system had messed up sound. It was horrible and I never want to experience it again.

    In the end, this system was a wasted $30. And that was on Black Friday. The regular retail price for this machine is $80! Hell, I wouldn't even pay more than a dollar for this. The system has capability to play original Genesis cartridges, which I have not tested out because I don't own any Genesis games at the moment. However, based on the experiences I had with this, I will never be playing it again. I will take a Tiger Handheld over this pile of junk.
  2. FollOw


    The sun sets forever over Black Water Park Oldbie
    I had one and the first thing I noticed was the music in Sonic was horrible. Also don't try to connect sonic 3 and knuckles together...I lost my sonic 3 save and it wont play the 2 cartridges together connected to the system.

    I ended up selling it on ebay for the same price I paid...I hear good things about the Retron though.


    I'm honestly not a fan of reproduction consoles. For me, there is nothing better than playing the game on the original console. It really makes you feel like a kid again.

    Speaking of Sonic 3, I was a bit surprised it was the only Sonic title not on the system. They had every other Sonic game except 3. I wonder why that is.
  4. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    It's using the same emulation core as ALL the Megadrive-on-a-chip units that have been made over the last few years - they're known to have sucky sound cores. I'm not sure why this is a surprise to anyone by now, on Retro alone there's been half a dozen threads on them in that time, never mind other boards. I've got a fair few of the units and they're all exactly the same.
  5. Sid Starkiller

    Sid Starkiller

    Virginia, USA
    Paying off student loans
    I was wondering about that. Maybe it's not capable of saving games, so they purposely avoided games with saves.

    And thanks for the warning. I asked my sister to get it for me for Xmas, but now we're going to return it.
  6. Ashura96


    Got one for Christmas last year...great idea, horrible execution,.

    Pretty much play it mute. I've tested Super Hang On and OutRun carts, they work just fine, sound aside.
  7. LockOnRommy11


    The best one to get is the 6 in 1 Plug 'n' Play system.

    That's the one with the blue Mega Drive controller which is really well built. The sound is a bit tinny but it's not distorted in pitch or anything, so it just sounds like it's coming through crap speakers - kinda like watching a recorded version of the old Sonic 1 adverts, which makes it kinda retro-y :v:/> The downside is you can't plug in carts, but the games on it are good enough to get enjoyment out of them.

    It's made by Radica and on eBay UK here.

    Seriously, the only thing you can do is buy a REAL Genesis. They're not THAT expensive. There's some complete with all cables and a few games for around $40 on eBay. If you're looking for a Mega Drive, then they range from around £10-£30.

    Avoid anything that says AtGames like the plague.
  8. doc eggfan

    doc eggfan

    Are you pondering what I'm pondering? Wiki Sysop
    GreatMegaLD, GreatSC3k, Great SG1k
    I've always wondered if this issue affects other console repros, such as those for NES and SNES, or is it unique to the mega drive and it's unusual sound chip?
  9. Skyler


    Neonネオン Cowgirlカウガール Site Staff
    The next audtion
    Sounds like your typical clone console, to be honest.
  10. MartiusR


    I've read many opinions (rather bad or mediocre) about AtGames gear... However, I've watched videoreview of one of their mobile "consoles" (on polish website And surprisingly, it seems that it had better quality (both in case of animation & sound) than the stationary. I'm basing on what I saw on the movie (and opinion of the reviewer) but still, it's quite strange, that there is such difference in emulation quality.
  11. LocalH


    roxoring your soxors Tech Member
    Rock Band 3 Deluxe
    I have this same console, and will unnecessarily confirm that the audio sucks major balls. Still not quite as bad as the old GenEm, I don't think (although it's probably debatable).

    Good thing it was given to me.
  12. JaredAFX


    You telling me a shrimp fried this rice? Member
    Downloading megahertz
    My friend has two portable Genesis clones: one with an actual cart slot and another with an SD card slot. I wouldn't call the audio sucky as far as quality, but they very obviously do not output the correct pitches. They were okay. Nothing special. Honestly if you're going to play hacks do it on your computer, and if you REALLY want a portable Genesis get an emulator for your phone or your DS or something.
  13. Rosie


    aka Rosie Member
    Sir I must respectfully disagree!


  14. Yuzu


    But how long do the batteries last?

  15. JaredAFX


    You telling me a shrimp fried this rice? Member
    Downloading megahertz
    I was going to say the Nomad, but who wants to go out and get one of THOSE? Am I right? I actually would like one

    In all honesty I just gave options I think are more practical. I didn't think about it too much before actually posting that lol
  16. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    One advantage the AtGames handheld has that DS/phone emulators don't is the glorious six-button controller layout.

    That alone was worth it for me. Slightly iffy sound and graphics be damned.

    (Also, it actually fixes a sprite priority bug in Sonic 3 & Knuckles - although purely by coincidence.)
  17. LocalH


    roxoring your soxors Tech Member
    Rock Band 3 Deluxe
    You do know that most advanced mobile emulators support some sort of physical controller, right? May not be quite as convenient as the AtGames handhelds or a Nomad, but smartphones/tablets have a lot more uses than just emulation, battery life is generally longer (especially compared to the Nomad), and the screens are generally higher wuality (especially with Apple devices, or the higher-end Android devices).
  18. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    Sure, but rarely do they fit in the pocket, rarely are they decent six-button controllers, and never do they fulfil both conditions while being cheaper than the AG.

    The AG has a 30-40 hour battery life. I've never had a phone that can emulate the MD that would last 1/4 of that in use.

    Not usually a problem when it comes to Mega Drive games.
  19. trykaar


    St. Louis, MO
    Sega Roguelike Exploration/Disassembly
    I picked up the handheld version with SD card slot from Bed Bath and Beyond recently, list price there is $40 but 20% off coupons are quite common. I'm pretty happy with it for the $30 or so I paid overall; it's less worrisome and more convenient to take out than my Nomad and cheaper than an Everdrive.

    The sound quality is fairly poor as would be expected, there is no save capability, and there is some ghosting on the screen that is more or less noticeable depending on what you're doing (I've noticed it most on intro cutscenes, not as much during actual gameplay). However, it feels a lot more solidly built than I would have expected, the battery life is pretty good, and I've found the SD card compatibility to be quite good with the games and hacks I've tried- the only one that hasn't worked of those I've tried is Game no Kanzume Otokuyou, it get to the title screen but won't go any further. There is no "mode" button (though Golden Axe II that's included seems to work fine) and no "reset" button. One minor disappointment is that it doesn't play SMS games (or 32X games), but that's not an advertised feature so I didn't really expect it to.
  20. Thousand Pancake

    Thousand Pancake

    Being a food you put milk on and then eat in the m Member
    Lately I've been thinking that Atgames should bump up the clockspeed, allow for loading of foreign native binaries, put out a decent SDK and add a USB port. That could make the handheld versions of these things into nice dollar store equivalents to emulation-focused handhelds such as the GP2X, Dingoo, GCW, etc.