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How would you redesign Sonic the Hedgehog?

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by The Pulse, Jan 18, 2010.

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  1. Jason


    *Results not lab tested. Member
    Here's a little doodle I spent about 10 minutes drawing and an hour or so coloring. I've ways found Sonic has never been spiky enough for a hedgehog. Sure, His spike structure is iconic, but I think it was designed that way because of hardware limitations not design choice, so more spines would be nice. I also don't like the idea that his gloves and shoes don't actually fit him, because his socks would just fall down all the time and his gloves would fly off. As for the shoes, adding a tongue would give it more character since the socks are no longer falling over it. I also redesigned the buckle, with a to latch, interlocking button system, keeping the color scheme the same, with a little more detail. Kinda looks like SA2's shoes, but whatever.
  2. Alpha Wolver

    Alpha Wolver

    I don't like how fuzzy he looks. I think Sonic should look smooth, not like he's covered in fur. But I like the shoes!
  3. Vantoggle


    For some reason I imagine this design contributing to the cure of some global pandemic and the eradication of the majority of future Sonic slash fics.

    Thanks for catching that, on top of this the ears would have had to slide further back on his skull whenever his eyes widened in the slightest à la Sonic Adventure.
    Annnd a screen stretching size chart.
  4. Greg the Cat

    Greg the Cat

    I'm gonna draw it! Banned
    A Zone Unknown of Title
    Comics from the Mind of Yours Truly, A little workshop of animation, Sonic FreeRunner
    :E/USBDrive/OtherArtFromOtherPeople/Vantoggle... Saved.

    Awesome Sonic. I do wonder why you love that scarf so much though... That and I'd love to see finalized drawings of A and E.
  5. Volpino


    Things are looking up! Member
    A secret. >:3
    Your designs made me laugh, this would be interesting to see in a comic. I like how expressive everyone looks. Shadow actually looks like he'd be really cool, and... Did you change Blaze's gender? My favorite out of these designs has to be Sonic's though, it retains the most of the original character while adding something that makes him look cool for a change, though I've never actually liked Sonic's personality to begin with so a change on him is a lot more appealing to me than on other characters. My only real complaint is that I didn't realize Silver was Silver at first and Knuckles looks like his face melted, but that's probably part of the illusion and I'm not sure if it was intentional or not, otherwise this looks very comical. Did you intend for Tails to have two different colored tail tips or is that more of the effect from Sonic Riders? Either way it's something I should have thought of, given my obsession with yin-yang symbols, and Amy is actually cute, whether that was intended or not. Who are the two characters beside Maria? Or are those just variants of her?

    Edit: Holy shit does Cream have a flame thrower?
  6. Spatula


    too cool for old school Member
    Western animation style Sonic needs to happen. Also the scarf is awesome.
  7. OSM


    retro is for losers! Member
    Doing absolutely nothing
  8. Volpino


    Things are looking up! Member
    A secret. >:3
    Oh god no, Vantoggle's designs are as close as they need to be to that. They might not be cute, but they don't look mentally retarded either.

    ...Actually, I think his are almost exactly the same as American style, except they have the right amount of fingers and nobody looks cross-eyed or has pupils the size of pixels. (Edit: Though the animation quality was improved in SatAM)
  9. Namo


    take a screenshot of your heart Member
    Why does something about Sonic wearing a scarf just sit so right with me?

    And he's not super tall either! I can live with that design.
  10. BWHAHAHAHA Thanks for brightening my morning with this :)
  11. Spatula


    too cool for old school Member

    scarves make everything better
  12. Jay T.

    Jay T.

    It takes an idiot to do cool things... Member
    Well, Protoman wears a scarf, and he's a bit of a badass, right? XD
  13. Vaiyt


    Oglio p'ru çeu Member
    The scarf is a staple of Japanese superheroes, as is the visored helmet.
  14. Vantoggle


    :v: ?
  15. Jay T.

    Jay T.

    It takes an idiot to do cool things... Member
    Didn't know that.
    That explains Viewitful Joe's appearance a bit.
  16. Vantoggle


    Thanks! The scarf extends the line of action when he's in motion, also blue and yellow are purty.8D
    Thank you so much.
    Nah, but I did make her dress less effeminately. I'd imagine her gender would be a source of confusion for the other characters though.
    Yep, I gave him two colored tails thinking they would create cool visual effect when spinning.
    They would be swimming character OCs. An answer to slow and glitchy underwater levels. I would have left them out, but I thought the pallet needed more hansa yellow.
    A rough interpretation of an AK 47 If I remember correctly. =D
    Daw Shucks! I'm sorry I haven't responded to your comments, I wanted to wait until I had something to update with.
    I guess for this to happen a Japanese mascot imitating western culture would have to switch to being an eastern character imitating western culture by western culture imitating eastern culture.
    I know details like the four fingers trope urk a lot of people, but I'll be the first to claim that sometimes they are conscious design choices, not an acts of laziness. For example, because Bugs bunny's hands are so small and the rest his body is so simplified, if you gave him five fingers his hands would look like a weird paint brush nib.
    The scarf really seems to strike a chord.
    Personally, I feel as if him being smaller than most of the characters he battles against with makes him out to be a stronger individual, "that's right, I'm a three foot mammal, but I can still kick your ass"
    Personally I was thinking about WW1 plane pilots at the time. This does explain a lot though.
  17. Ranger


    BBQ flickies Member
    Sonic and the Rings of Order RPG
    Because it's semi-canon :v:

  18. Namo


    take a screenshot of your heart Member
    Yeaaah but that's a short scarf. VT's Scarf is extravagant and blows in the wind.

    *Imagines classic Sonic sprite with scarf that blows in the wind while running*
  19. Alpha Wolver

    Alpha Wolver

    All of your designs are just...creepy. The scarf is nice, though. The rest, I find kinda disturbing.
  20. Greg the Cat

    Greg the Cat

    I'm gonna draw it! Banned
    A Zone Unknown of Title
    Comics from the Mind of Yours Truly, A little workshop of animation, Sonic FreeRunner
    Is it the way that her art so highly resembles the 50s style of cartooning with a slight taste of Tim Burton? Possbily if Tim Burton and Craig McCracken were to ever team up for a show, possibly??
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