I voted shirt, but for any use I have a high res version of Opa Opa ready to use. It's the one from our latest logo, all cleaned up and pretty.
The alcoholic in me votes pints, also because I love having unique glasses. As a secondary option I'd probably go for the CAH Deck Expansion. Could be pretty funny to see some of the ideas. Whatever it ends up being I hope it comes with my badges I never got. :v: I don't really care I'd rather see money spent on the site than things.
I wouldn't mind getting a T-shirt myself or possibly a USB drive. I think I'd rather have a T-shirt over a USB drive though. :v:
You can't go wrong with a T-Shirt. Does this cover donors that give a small amount on a monthly basis? I've had a Paypal monthly recurring payment set up since Oct 2011 which is relatively small in isolated amounts but over the course of a year it would be over the $50 mark.
A t-shirt is always nice! But my first choice would have been the fancy USB drive. Then again, I am a USB drive junkie. I have a bunch of them! xP
There was, sadly, not enough interest for the printing, IIRC. It COULD come back, but we'd need a guarantee we can at least break even on it.
You could calculate how much it is to make/ship the shirt and then take pre-orders. That way the shirts are already paid for and you wouldn't lose out on any profits. There are also websites that would help you do something like this, such as TeeSpring.com
Ah, a shame, but also makes sense, it's a pretty obtuse reference for a shirt. Lemme know if anything happens, I am still proud of the design.
I would have liked to have been able to get a shirt in exchange for a big donation during the downtime. Ah, well. Also, welcome back Retro! I missed you.