Here's an idea: For $5/month, provide a "NO FUN ALLOWED" option that disables all of the custom effects. Cha-ching!
I can post funny gifs too if that'll stop you all from acting like gits and actually read what's being said :v:
I like this idea :v: We ARE seeing what you're saying, honestly. Can you at least take the whole "we didn't intentionally intend to entirely kill forum access for anyone" onboard as well? Alright, the offswitch could maybe have been a little less obtuse, but there a) was one, b) there were several different workarounds even if you couldn't guess it/find it from the code, and c) it was again only for a single 24 hour period. I could sympathise a lot more with some of the complaints if it was still on, but it isn't.
It's obvious you didn't intentionally mean to kill the forum access :v:/> it's really just that every year it's the same song and dance. Consider this "whining" the "whining" for next year already then- when you make next year's fun coding nonsense that causes the pumpkin ghosts from Heroes to jump at random points where your mouse is or lock your mouse response into an invisible maze like in Hang Castle or something, which I'll be waiting for and I'm sure will be brilliant and great, throw a bone to those who'll have whatever reason they have to want to skip it and make it just a touch easier. And then don't respond to any comment that isn't praise with "you just need a sense of humour hur hur" :v:/> Magically, you'll find a lot of the repeated "no fun allowed" you keep complaining and being disappointed on will disappear! EDIT: (hell, again, saying this as someone who's generally never had a problem with these things and genuinely loves them- I still show to my mates how you can input cheatcodes in this forum because it's great- I was just annoyed with the response being given to others)
Let me put it this way: Imagine you're at the barcade. Because I'm such a funny and classy guy, I've decided to bring an air horn with me, and sound it every time you speak. It will probably take less than fifteen seconds for you to say something along the lines of, "Stop doing that." In response, I say: "BAAAW NO FUN ALLOWED! I wondered how long it'd be before you started whining, thought it'd be longer than fifteen seconds. You could always just leave, I'm only going to do it for today." "What are you talking about?" *AIR HORN* "I'm only doing it today. Go and do something else. Oh, okay. I'll stop if you give me the password. It's a phrase I've used before. Or you can send me a quick email and I might tell you what the password is. It's not an inconvenience." "But..." *AIR HORN* "I'm only going" *AIR HORN* "to do this" *AIR HORN* "for today. If it's pissing you off, just leave." "I'm trying to talk with my friends." *AIR HORN* "WAAAH MUH CONVERSATIONS! The only legitimate complaint you could have is that I could be doing something better with my time! But hey, so could you! So I'm going to do this all day, because I want to have fun! *AIR HORN* Obviously you'd have no problem with me doing that, right? See you at the end of the month. :v:
That's fair enough, and probably the best solution here too. Rather than "piss off for 24 hours", try "down a bottle of vodka and then post". You won't even notice the hijinks then. :v:
For those that care, you can now type "therealsuperpowerofteamwork" then A+Start to re-enable the butthurt the script. :v:
On the retro logo in the top corner, change Sonic to red for the day. Makes sense for "bonfire night". No one will complain about that ^_^
So, odd occurrence. Every so often the script re-enables for me, usually when I close Chrome then re-open it. Not hard to kill off, but just interesting.
This Halloween prank reminded me that Sonic Heroes existed. I cried for six hours straight. Shame on you