Another great site makeover if you ask me, though I can understand why people are getting irritated by it. It takes thrice as long to make posts now with the changes. :p Oddly enough I recognized it immediately after accidentally touching the item box. :v: Seems to be working fine for me.
Nevermind, it worked. It's pretty slow but also FANTASTIC! Seriously, Hang Castle was one of my favorite zones.
...It wasn't until someone gave away the code in the IRC that I realized how stupid I was. I misinterpreted the hint completely (as in I thought the quote was from Heroes, but never spoken in the forum game) when I was completely off. I liked the gimmick at first, but it just got annoying quick.
As fun as it was, it was around for a whole year. It also wasn't easy code to limit to a cheat-only form. Mayhaps that'll be what you type to re-enable it later on. :v:
lmao + - Luckily for me, / saw the passphrase before the edit. The rest of the post leaves a pretty big hint to what it is though. You can activate 1t again by adding an extra bit of info to the URL, just after the main website address. I've hidden it in this po5t though.
Actually, if you want to play it again properly, you'll have to clear away some cookies. :v: I won't tell which, as it's a quick way to stop things just setting them, but just clear all cookies from the site and you should be fine to play it again properly.
This is a creative new gimmick! While I was a bit confused as to what the Sonic Heroes loading screen was for at first, seeing all the forum elements turn upside and the hearing the music is awesome. :specialed: Another one well done, Cinnosu! Especially since the music stays persistent between pages. I didn't know that could be done. Use the mobile site, then. It's not affected by this.
I started out by guessing. That turned out to be no use, but I did manage to also add loading screens. Then I said screw it and dug into the page's source until I was able to Find out how to disable them both. As it turns out, there's no way I ever would've gotten it right by guessing, since I was unfamiliar with The quote, not having played the game it's from Oh well, at least now I can browse the forums on my Computer again. Before I came to my senses and looked at the javascript, I at one point got so frustrated that I just went into my Room, grabbed my phone, and started using Tapatalk instead. Not really an ideal way to read the forums, but I guess it works.
Did you forget about the Pumpkin Hill thing...? that kept music playing from page to page... and even smoothly transitioned to another version when entering the Member's Lounge
What monitors, what music? Okay, disabling java-script finally let me into the forums. With it enabled, the sonic heroes come up with it's loading screen, and loaded indefinitely. No monitors appeared, no music played, and typing in the catch phrase after learning what it was from someone else did bugger all. So the forums are impossible to access with java-script on. With java-script off, the Sonic heroes thing doesn't even load, (thank goodness). Hopefully this is only for one day.
Well, this didn't work at all for me and I'm always up for shenanigans, I got stuck with an infinite loading screen until chat told me what to put in so I CAN'T experience whatever this thing is.
Yeah, I just get stuck on this: The S/T/K emblems forever spin. No monitors, no music, no upside down shit. And typing "this phrase" does nothing either. Visitng the main page, or this topic or or this topic as examples, all make the Sonic Heroes thing load, and it never works properly. So, even if Clownacy did reveal the code in this topic earlier, there was no way I was ever going to see his post. Basically, unless javascript is disabled (which stops the Sonic heroes thing loading completely), this forum is now broken (no matter what browser I use)
Question; do you have iframes disabled entirely in your browser(s)? As that's how this thing works and keeps playing music/sounds "across pages".
Wow this hint actually makes sense to me. This is kinda cool and very creative, but it is just a little annoying. I'm glad there's a feature to turn it on and off. When I want it, it's very fun, though.