This is fun, they're releasing a music collection of 32X fun rather than just ignore it and pretend it never existed. It'd be like Nintendo giving a nod to the Virtual Boy
Haha, seriously? This is awesome! That is to say, it would be awesome, provided Tempo and/or Chaotix hadn't been excluded. Virtua Fighter is nice, but can't I have my cake and eat it too? Here's hoping we get a Saturn album next year, they can't possibly go wrong there.
Space Harrier, Virtua Racing and Virtua Fighter are most likely better represented on other music collections geared specifically toward arcade games. I've never heard of Stellar Assault or Parasquad. And who, honestly, gives a shit (or gave a shit back then) about Metal Head? Great work, Sega. Celebrate the 32X in the most mediocre way possible. It's fitting, really.
You're missing a lot then, man. Specially Parasquad is amazing when you learn how to use the "hack" technique - it makes you want to use it on everything. Basically, you jump onto an enemy and "hack" it, which means you get to control it. If you stay for about five seconds, you "learn", which means you steal its shoot for when you jump off it. Also, when jumping off them, you can throw them onto other enemies! Also it doubles as a shield :P Slow down can be annoying, though (some levels are purely polygonal).
Initial response: wow this is great Sees Deluxe Virtua Racing: Naofumi Hataya glorified at last Sees lack of Chaotix: I have now lost all respect for Sega starting today. Fuck them forever and ever. What they did before this moment will be the only good things. The only way they can get my love back is if they do a Sonic compilation in 2011 containing all these lesser played games. Or if they do something equally awesome, like put Junko Shiratsu and Marioko Nanba back together, or put Naofumi Hataya and Hideki Naganua together, or actually stop letting Jun Senoue ruin all their songs.
HOLY FUCK THIS HAS ZAXXON'S MOTHERBASE 2000?! (Ok, to some Parasquad, but I call it what I want. ) I must buy this! Which I would have anyways...
You know, it's possible that whoever did the music for Chaotix simply refused to allow SEGA to include it on the CD. Issues like that happen all the time, especially if a major label is involved. They might have wanted too much money.
Sega owns Chaotix and all of the content contained therein. You could tell that much from even a cursory glance at the credits. Parasquad is Zaxxon's Motherbase 2000? Now there's a game that deserves a remix CD of its own. It's going to kick so much ass, man, I can just taste it. I can already taste that ass. It single-handedly justified the album, but without Tempo, there can be no love.
Old SEGA did - who knows what current SEGA owns. There were three people credited with the sound, and perhaps one of them kept some rights after SEGA transferred control the first time they got bought up.
I liked Metal Head. Sure, not the greatest game of all time, but I enjoyed it. And if I remember rightly, the soundtrack was pretty rockin'
At least they could've put random tracks from various games on it... Nevermind, just going to get it. :P
If the current SEGA actually OWNED everything in Chaotix, there wouldn't have been the mess with Mighty... I don't think the old SEGA required rights reassignment to SEGA until after that...