Announcing GS/360 v0.1, an Xbox 360 emulator that RRODs and Rick Rolls you. (April Fools :P) Features: Tri-core PowerPC 970 emulation via internal cooperative multithreading. (Real multithreading will be added later.) Hooks into the Win32 API. (The 360's API is similar to Win32.) Not implemented yet: LAN/WiFi. USB connectivity. More than one controller. Most GPU functionality. (Just enough to get the old dashboard working is implemented.) Compatibility: Not much so far. The dashboard partially works. (original, not NXE) None of the commercial games I've tried worked. Linux/PPC did boot half-way before panicking. Commercial 360 discs will *not* work on regular drives. You'll need to either connect a 360 drive or mount an ISO image. (Note that this is for testing only, since commercial games don't work yet.) Please note that this is in early alpha stages. Also, GS/360 only works properly on Windows 2000 and later (though it may work on older versions a little). I tried it with WINElib, but WINElib unfortunately doesn't implement essential Win32 kernel functions. Download v0.1 here: Source code is available at . (Note that the incbin paths may be incorrect, so you'll have to change paths in the src/*.S files.) (You will need the SDL, zlib, libpng, and FFmpeg development libraries.)
I actually was privvy to seeing this last night =P Still, now I can give the final finished thing a go *downloads*
Man, this is awesome. I can't wait until a later version is released, I can't wait to play Sonic Unleashed on my PC! Also, work on the Dashboard a bit more, but good job on this anyways!
Yes, this was an April Fools joke. As a sidenote, I tried to get GS/360 posted on TSSZ, but instead they banned my IP from commenting because apparently, they can't stand April Fools pranks. (Even when the actual shit Sonic Team releases is far worse than GS/360.) EDIT: As an added bonus, they actually posted it *today* (April 2), and revoked it when they discovered it was a fake. Proof that TSSZ doesn't fact-check news!