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Group Edit Theme: 32X Games

Discussion in 'General Sega Discussion' started by Scarred Sun, Jun 22, 2010.

  1. Scarred Sun

    Scarred Sun

    Be who you needed when you were younger Administrator
    Tower 8 ️
    Welp, this.
    <div align='center'>[​IMG]</div>

    The current group edit theme for Sega Retro is Sega 32X games.

    What is a group edit theme?

    Group edit themes are a predefined area chosen by users for a number of people to concentrate their efforts on. By working together on one idea, users can feel like they have parameters to work with others to make the best articles possible rather than being "on their own" to make a page. Different folks contribute different efforts on the various aspects of a page, and the end result are solid articles for the site.

    There are 39 known 32X titles and 3 unreleased 32X titles.

    After Burner Complete (1995)
    --- 32x-Specific Info: NO
    --- Box Scans: PARTIAL
    --- Cartridge Scans: PARTIAL

    BC Racers (1995)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- Gameplay: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: NO

    Blackthorne (1995)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- Gameplay: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: NO

    Brutal Unleashed: Above the Claw (1995)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- Gameplay: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: NO

    Corpse Killer (1994)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- Gameplay: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: NO

    Cosmic Carnage (1995)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- Gameplay: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: NO

    Darxide (1995)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- Gameplay: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: NO

    Doom (1994)
    --- Page: YES
    --- Basic Info: YES
    --- 32x-Specific Info: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: PARTIAL
    --- Cartridge Scans: PARTIAL

    Fahrenheit (1995)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- Gameplay: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: NO

    FIFA Soccer '96 (1995)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- Gameplay: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: NO

    Golf Magazine: 36 Great Holes Starring Fred Couples (1995)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- Gameplay: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: NO

    Knuckles' Chaotix (1995) - <a href="' Chaotix" target="_blank" style="background: url( right no-repeat; padding-right: 20px; border-bottom: 1px dotted #3366BB; color: #3366BB; cursor:pointer; text-decoration:none;" class="wiki">Knuckles' Chaotix</a>

    Kolibri (1995)
    --- Page: YES
    --- Basic Info: YES
    --- Gameplay: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: PARTIAL

    Metal Head (1995)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- Gameplay: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: NO

    Mortal Kombat II (1995)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- 32x-Specific Info: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: PARTIAL

    Motocross Championship (1995)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- Gameplay: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: NO

    NBA Jam Tournament Edition (1995)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- Gameplay: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: NO

    NFL Quarterback Club (1995)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- Gameplay: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: NO

    Night Trap (1994)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- 32x-Specific Info: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: NO

    Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure (1995)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- Gameplay: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: NO

    Primal Rage (1995)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- Gameplay: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: NO

    RBI Baseball '95 (1995)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- Gameplay: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: NO

    Sangokushi IV (1995)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- Gameplay: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: NO

    Stellar Assault (1995)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- Gameplay: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: NO

    Slam City with Scottie Pippen (1995)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- Gameplay: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: NO

    Space Harrier (1994)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- 32x-Specific Info: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: PARTIAL

    Spider-Man: Web of Fire (1996)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- Gameplay: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: NO

    Star Trek: Starfleet Academy Starship Bridge Simulator (1995)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- Gameplay: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: NO

    Star Wars Arcade (1994)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- Gameplay: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: NO

    Supreme Warrior (1995)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- Gameplay: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: NO

    T-Mek (1995)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- Gameplay: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: NO

    Tempo (1995)
    --- Page: YES
    --- Basic Info: YES
    --- Gameplay: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: YES
    --- Cartridge Scans:YES

    Toughman Contest (1995)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- Gameplay: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: NO

    Virtua Fighter (1995)
    --- Page: YES
    --- Basic Info:YES
    --- 32x-Specific Info: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: YES
    --- Box Scans: PARTIAL
    --- Cartridge Scans: PARTIAL

    Virtua Racing Deluxe (1994)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- 32x-Specific Info: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: PARTIAL
    --- Cartridge Scans: PARTIAL

    World Series Baseball starring Deion Sanders (1995)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- Gameplay: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: NO

    WWF RAW (1995)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- Gameplay: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: NO

    WWF WrestleMania: The Arcade Game (1995)
    --- Page: NO
    --- Basic Info: NO
    --- Gameplay: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: NO

    Zaxxon's Motherbase 2000 (1995)
    --- Page: YES
    --- Basic Info: YES
    --- Gameplay: NO
    --- Screenshots: NO
    --- Additional Information: NO
    --- Credits: NO
    --- Box Scans: NO
    --- Cartridge Scans: PARTIAL
  2. Beginning some work on Toughman Contest...

    EDIT: I'm not going to be able to do as much as I'd want right now as the computer I'm using has a problem with the graphics card. I'll try to get another computer as soon as I can.
  3. Vendettagainst


    Apparently shooting kills things Member
    So can we make separate pages for the 32X and Saturn ports of Doom?
  4. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
  5. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    I'll scan Virtua Racing Deluxe's PAL boxart tonight. Might be able to do the manual too.
  6. Chimpo


    Toastiest Retro Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Working on Web of Fire.

    My God this is a terrible game.
  7. Andlabs


    「いっきまーす」 Wiki Sysop
    Writing my own MD/Genesis sound driver :D
    Actually, I don't know how we're going to do the games which have been ported amongst consoles (After Burner Comlete, Doom, Mortal Kombat II, NBA Jam Tournament Edition, Primal Rage, Space Harrier, Star Wars Arcade, Virtua Fighter, and Virtua Racing Deluxe, not to mention the CD 32X games), so let's decide now: how will we handle cross platform games where each port is either identical (Space Harrier) or an extension of a base version (Virtua Racing Deluxe)?

    Everything else I am happy to get started with. I own physical copies of Chaotix, Tempo, and VRD, so I can cover those games in more depth over the next few days. If anyone needs help fast, I will be on #sega.

    Also just remember to follow the standard scan naming guidelines. If scans of the game already exist but for another region, use those files's base names for consistency. Thanks!
  8. I added a summarized comparison between the 32X and Sega Saturn versions of Virtua Fighter.

    A more detailed one is here:

    But I believe the one on the Wiki is more objective rather than subjective. I didn't link that article there BTW because I realize I don't really know how to put in reference articles.

    I also have both the Genesis and 32x versions of Virtua Racing, but I don't know what I'm supposed to write for that Wiki article...
  9. Ritz


    Subhedgehog Member
    What exactly are you looking for as far as "gameplay" is concerned? Videos, or just a description?
  10. I've been a it confused by that as well. Do we need descriptons of each of the cars and tracks in VR Deluxe in comparison to the original VR?
  11. Chimpo


    Toastiest Retro Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Take a look at the other articles. Most of them are just descriptions.

    I made a Web of Fire page and added a bunch of shit. I'll finish it up tomorrow but anyone is welcome to edit or add more to it.

    Fuck, I just realized I saved the screenshots incorrectly. Now I have to play this shitty game again.

  12. Sik


    Sik is pronounced as "seek", not as "sick". Tech Member
    being an asshole =P
    Random question, but how much does brighten affect the 32x colors? I know that makes MD colors to map on 0..255 instead of 0..224, but the 32x would have some colors off-range if it were converted in a similar way.
  13. Just did a basic page for BC Racers. In fact, I think I'll just start a basic page for most of these games...
  14. Hivebrain


    53.4N, 1.5W
    It looks like your original screenshots were fine, but just needed cropping to 320x224. Unless you didn't have brighten on the first time.

    Most emulators seem to use slightly different colours anyway. As long as it looks good, I wouldn't worry about it.
  15. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    The five Mega CD 32X games:

    -Night Trap
    -Corpse Killer
    -Supreme Warrior
    -Slam City Starring Scottie Pippen

    as far as scans go, which template is better? {{MCDBox}} or {{32XBox}} (or both)?

    Fahrenheit is a bit of an anomaly because in the US it was distributed in a Sega CD box and in the EU the Mega CD 32X version never showed up. I've been attaching Mega CD templates to it as a result, but the rest are a little more awkward.
  16. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Actually I'd be tempted to make a unique MCD32XBox template...
  17. Scarred Sun

    Scarred Sun

    Be who you needed when you were younger Administrator
    Tower 8 ️
    Welp, this.
    The only problem with that is that'd you'd also need a MCD32XCart AND MCD32XDisc, and that just strikes me as weird.
  18. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Oh, true, that's a point.
  19. Sik


    Sik is pronounced as "seek", not as "sick". Tech Member
    being an asshole =P
    Are there any CD+32x games that use a cartridge?
  20. NiktheGreek


    Grumpy old bastard Oldbie