[color="#092#FF0000#092"](\"Official\" Artworks)[/color] [color="#092#FF0000#092"]\"Box Art\" Artworks[/color] [color="#092#0000FF#092"]Sonic : [/color] [color="#092#0000FF#092"]Knuckles : [/color] [color="#092#0000FF#092"]Tails : [/color] [color="#092#0000FF#092"]Robotnick : [/color] [color="#092#0000FF#092"]Metal Sonic : [/color] [color="#092#FF0000#092"]Ass-Face aka American \"Box Art\" Artworks[/color] [color="#092#0000FF#092"]Sonic : [/color] [color="#092#FF0000#092"]\"End Poses\" Artworks[/color] [color="#092#0000FF#092"]Sonic : [/color] [color="#092#0000FF#092"]Knuckles : [/color] [color="#092#0000FF#092"]Tails & Super Sonic: [/color]
Those sketches are awesome! Really good job! I already saw that Sonic artwork in SFGHQ, but not the rest. I love Sonic's, Tails' and Knuckles' artworks. That's just how they look like in the Mega-Drive games. I wouldn't change them one bit. I don't like Knuckles' sitting pose. He's looking horrible sitting like that. All the rest is great.
Uhhhh...? The US artwork is the only good artwork there ever was... If anything, "assface" was the european artwork. :P
Much as I don't want this debate to start up AGAIN, many people disagree with this. Consider this your stay-on-topic warning. =P
Haha ass-face... anyways, the sketches are insane if you ask me. Although I have no drawing capability so anything people draw looks pretty good to me.
Am I the only one who thinks that if you want to make a successor type game that you'd need a new Metal (or whatever) Sonic design? Counting everything that wasn't either on the gamegear or 32x, they never reused the same design. And I believe that had they continued to go off the developments of Sonic and Knuckles, they probably would have either not had a metal Sonic design in or made something that would have again changed the design to be sleeker and more complex looking.
Yeah, but this is the coolest design for Metal Sonic. :P Also, it's been reused the most in all the official Sonic games.
Hm... I don't know why, but something is bugging me about Robotnik's head in the drawing of him. I can't seem to pin it down to anything exact, though; the best I've got is that the shape looks slightly off but I can't even say that for sure... In the Metal Sonic picture the legs look way too long. I'm pretty sure that the upper legs are the worst offenders, as the rest of the legs don't look too bad.
I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with it being the coolest. I preferred Sonic and Knuckles' design myself. Regardless, which design I prefer doesn't change the fact that had Takashi Yuda done character designs for a Sonic 4, and provided they chose to have a Metal Sonic in it, it almost certainly would have been a new design. It isn't really that important obviously, but it's one of my hang-ups.
I think one of the reasons why that metal sonic was chosen was because there was talk on a metal sonic factory level with various incomplet versions of metal sonics swarming to attack you, so made sence to use a familiar metal sonic for such a level. Also that does still leave the possibility of a newer improved design to appear somewhere near the end. Although this idea never really got beyond the initial ideas stage as we started to focus on the earlier levels.
I kinda agree. It would be cool if Metal Sonic had some stuff changed in this game. I'm trying to give Metal a new design for my fangame/fanfiction. I guess I'm covered there :D, considering the game itself is yet on the "where to go now" stage... I loved seeing Metal Sonic's classic design in OVA and Heroes. It has Sonic's proportions and that's basically what Metal Sonic is about: a robotic rival created by Robotnik to mirror Sonic's abilities. The S3K design is cool too, but that's not the same robot. It's janother one. I don't think there's anything to prove they're the same.
Looks awesome, but Robotnik needs eyebrows to make him look cunning and evil. Without them, he looks almost friendly. If anyone needs reference pictures of Sonic and the gang, try this website: http://sonicresearch.org/art/index2.html
<!--quoteo(post=243919:date=Nov 11 2008, 07:30 AM:name=Thundertimi)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Thundertimi @ Nov 11 2008, 07:30 AM) Some of my sprites. (Zenor made orginal version of fish.)[/quote] So it seems like another of my sprites isn't "genesis style enough". Seriously, what happened to my chamaleon sprites?
Well, I reshade your chameleon. It was genesis style, but shading was not good. I think, your chameleon look better, but only need to shade it, like genesis style.
I thought Phoebius fixed it ._. Well, I think I won't work on him anymore, so it's not a big problem. You can fix it if you want.
It is likely that Fang (or Nack if you prefer) will be in this game. What we're going to need is a complete sprite set of this character in a 16-bit style. That is not my area, who wants to take this on?
<!--quoteo(post=244053:date=Nov 11 2008, 09:43 PM:name=Thundertimi)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Thundertimi @ Nov 11 2008, 09:43 PM) I think, Your chameleon looks like something from sonic advance or ristar.[/quote] Yeah, same here. Thundertimi's version looks more like a sonic badnick. A great sonic badnick.