Is here. Now instead of applauding just click on those ads that will give me some kind of material reward. Please.
Just plain awseome. I was actually looking at this a few minutes before you posted this topic. :P This will do well in many ROM hacks. (woo first post in its topic, I feel proud) I've also seem a similar conveyer belt that's diagnal in Wing Fortress but doesn't work. When I had also saw the Cyber City sketch I was more thinking of Mettalic Maddness for a mintue instead of the Machine even though I had (I swear) always thought Genocide City and The Machine would have a connection.
... interesting and yet ironic. We've, in an offbeat sorta way, been playing Genocide City in Sonic Spinball and never realized it...
Whoa, that's bitchin'. ^_^ And ironic, in a way, since it turns out the level art of Sonic Spinball's "The Machine" reused art made for another game but based on this scrapped concept. =P Very nice to see this uploaded - and the "Genocide City" quote that got taken down from the site put back up now that there's a section for it to go in. And yes, ICEknight, I did click some of the ads. =P Happy? So, in summation: Seriously Awesome. Wonder if Cyber City recrations will become one of those annoying level fads that everyone feels they have to put in their hack, though... Although, to do it properly at least there'd have to be a couple of new objects, such as the trap doors (which I can't remember there being in any Sonic 2 level) and the laser-beam gates (which look to be turned off by switches? Or is that thing in the dip before the laser gate a weirdly placed spring on a box, rather than a switch on a box?).
I know that :P but it looks mostly based off the Machine probably with elements from Showdown as well.
Very! Thank you! And thanks to all those 20 or so (out of 500) who have clicked already. It's not too late if you haven't done it yet, by the way. And it really helps.
BTW, am I the only one weirded out by the fact that both levels Tom Payne was assigned have names suggesting cities, but in all actuality are more like mechanical factories? o_o God knows how they ended up with those names.. On a side note, it looks like it's time to play 'guess what's in ICEknight's avatar' again. =P The last two, if memory serves, were the Mother Bubbler sketch and the Rolling Sonic from the Cyber City concept. This time.. a bee? o_o Hell, I don't even know if that's Sonic-related or not. XD
Interesting conclusions people are drawing from this. If you ask me, it resembles Flying Battery zone more than anything else.
That's Charmy Bee! I just took it from that comic I posted about a while ago, where Sonic fought a cave-Eggman who was riding a big hedgehog skeleton. There was a cast of characters at the end that featured prototypes of both Charmy and Amy (this was made in 1991!). EDIT: ...Or perhaps 1992? I just know it was made before Sonic 2 was released.
I don't know if I'll ever use a trademark kit, but I went for it anyway. As for the sketches, Cyber City reminds me of Scrap Brain Zone moreso than any other Sonic zone (fully realized or concept). And I agree with Sakura about your new avatar, ICEknight. It does look like some kind of Wasp or something from a (very) early Sonic 2 production sketch.