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Genesis Flashback console from AtGames

Discussion in 'General Sega Discussion' started by Andrew75, Jun 10, 2017.

  1. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    With all the console remakes going on, I feel like I've been missing out. but this one cought my eye, you can play 85 built in games plus use your carts ! plus you get wireless controllers !
    I think ill be getting one, wonder if I can stick a 32x on this bad boy, XD

    But than I saw this video,,,,, lol

    and this.....
  2. MarkeyJester


    Original, No substitute Resident Jester
    Can't they just let it die already?

    If they fix the god aweful audio then fine, I'll invest in one, but if they haven't, then I'm not interested, and I don't think anyone else should be.
  3. Amnimator


    I've kind of wanted one of these, I like how they went for what looks like a full scale Genesis rather than a "mini" variant. Wireless is a nice touch too. This will really get my interest if they put SEGA CD support, otherwise it's just sort of cool.
  4. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Did the guys in those videos not see the announcement footage? Sound quality seems to be fine in this one.

    The bad points:
    • Size. Why a full-size Mega Drive again? I'm sure they could have designed something cool reminiscent of the original that didn't waste so much space.
    • Pseudo-transparency and color blending effects are gone now, since the only optional video mode is "scanlines" (no RF video simulation).
    • Includes crap non-Genesis games as filler, which lower the overall quality (and defeat the whole point) of the product.
    As I see it, this seems to be a big step in the right direction, even though there's still room for improvement. Unlike with the previous attempts, I wouldn't be embarrassed of giving this one as a present to somebody.
  5. Ravenfreak


    Booyah! Tech Member
    O'Fallon Mo
    Hacking Sonic Drift
    I'm shocked that they finally fixed the horrible sound emulation from previous models! It's about damn time atgames. :v: Part of me wants this thing for some reason, despite the fact that I own four Genesis already... I bet it still won't be able to play flash carts though.
  6. Wait...they FINALLY FIXED THE SOUND?!

    I am interested now. Will wait for reviews to confirm.
  7. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    If they fixed the sound compared to previous attempts, than, Hell yeah !
  8. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Damn, it looks like there may be some shady stuff behind the sudden sound improvement and rewind feature implementation: Hrmph

    If it's using the Genesis Plus GX Libretro module, they could have kept the RF filter option at least. =P
  9. Gammatron


    I feel like products like this are basically aimed at people who don't know any better. It's not like a vintage Genesis is expensive or hard to get. It was a popular system that was made in large quantities and most of them still work without having to be repaired. It's the games themselves that are expensive. The average consumer probably doesn't know about flash carts.

    That said, the people this is aimed at probably don't care that the sound emulation sucks and it doesn't work with the 32X and CD. They just see it in the store, go "oh hey, I remember the Genesis! This has a bunch of games already on it!" and just impulse buy it.
  10. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    Just wanted to roll in and say those same people were saying the exact same thing about Sega Forever before it launched. I mean that literally -- their claims about AtGames and Sega Forever were the same complaint, they rolled them into one. Weeks of "They stole libRetro for Sega Forever!" with their proof being that they gave a pitch once. Then Sega Forever released, and they immediately dropped the claim that Sega Forever stole LibRetro without ever making good on all their claims.

    Which is to say -- as someone who has been following what they've been saying for weeks now -- wait for the product to actually release and LibRetro to be found actually in the thing before picking up your pitchforks. Because this same dude has been wrong within the last few weeks about companies stealing his tech.
  11. Flygon


    I dunno, there's probably a bit of a periphery demographic for those that already have original Mega Drives, but don't really want to fork out for the money and then fuss around with something like the OSSC. HDMI is a huge deal, is what I'm saying here. Input lag from Composite on modern TVs is trash.

    If they have suitably fixed up the sound emulation, which was the most major issue with the Firecore emulators, then this is the demographic it captures. Especially with people that'll want to launch titles from cartridge.

    How else do you play lag-free Pete Sampras Tennis? Assuming the cart slot supports J-Carts. :specialed:
  12. So hey, I'd missed this before but yeah, I'd bet that TwinAphex/Dante Alighieri is the Libretro dev making these claims. He's been a nuisance before on the /r/emulation subreddit, frequently spreading nonsense about emulation projects that are either A.) closed-source or B.) won't immediately agree to have their work become a libretro core. The guy would make claims that others aren't emulating things properly and wouldn't listen to evidence to the contrary or in the case of a Wii U emulator that wasn't open source, he spread a rumor about them illegally using a Nintendo Devkit to get as far as they were. It got to the point where the other libretro devs had to take the "libretro" reddit username from him and make a statement on that account basically saying that his views do not represent the views of the entire team. I wouldn't rule his statements out as impossible, but I'd recommend taking them with a grain of salt until there is proof.
  13. Ch1pper


    Fighting the Battle of Who Could Care Less Member
    So this could be the Libretro Penders. Got it.
  14. Amnimator


    HDMI is a big deal for me because the external speakers hooked up to the TV don't support RCA, only HDMI. I can see why that's reason enough for someone to buy this over a standard Genesis, and most TV internal speakers have horrible base levels, so you have to rely on the io of the sound system much of the time.
  15. Eduardo Knuckles

    Eduardo Knuckles

    Not a loved one, but the most hated person. Banned
    Someplace somewhere
    Project S.A.M.G.
    It runs in a clock set up incorrectly. The recent Tec Toy release of Sega Genesis also disappoints with how glitched it runs some of the well-known games. Esrael even gave that thing a overclock and the result from the compatibility of both the sound and graphics became much better, but still shit even in comparison to the worst Genesis emulator we currently have for PC. And we know that most of the emulators skips errors and most of them don't run as the real hardware did. I don't know about the AtGames console, but I can expect something really bad coming from this one too.
  16. Flygon


    How hard is it to flash the consoles with a better emulator?
  17. Gammatron


    Yeah... that's a good point.

    Granted, I play retro consoles on an actual CRT which cost me a whopping $10, but not everyone has a CRT anymore, has the space for one, or cares to have one specifically for retrogaming.

    Getting retro consoles to not look like trash on a modern HDTV can sometimes be a costly and difficult endeavor. I talk about how cheap an old Sega Genesis or a CRT is, but you know what isn't cheap? A Framemeister.

    I suppose the plus side to using CRTs instead of expensive upscalers is I can actually use lightgun games. And I used to bring them to fighting game tournaments, but these days they're not used that much outside of Smash Bros. Melee thanks to Evo monitors.

    So yeah, I can definitely see the appeal of an inexpensive Genesis \ Mega Drive that actually works with HDMI.

    EDIT: These things DO have HDMI, right? Has that been added in more recent revisions? Usually when I come across cheaply made clone consoles, they just have composite, but I suppose that could have changed.
  18. Ravenfreak


    Booyah! Tech Member
    O'Fallon Mo
    Hacking Sonic Drift
    No, this is the first model that has HDMI output I believe. All the current ones out on the market are only composite. It's true that most older consoles look like shit on HD tvs, the screen flickers whenever I have my Genesis hooked up to my HDTV. Doesn't matter which model it is, and it's not the wires either. It's just my tv, yet whenever I play any of my other retro consoles the screen doesn't flicker... :\
  19. minichapman


    I'd like to think I'll be imparting words of wisdo Member
    United Kingdom
    Staying sane.
    Pre-orders are live. New console launches October 28th and retailing at £79.99 which is the same price as the SNES mini in most places.

    Until I see the thing in action, I will remain skeptical.
  20. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    I'll be picking one up and I'll report what they sound like, but be forewarned -- I have ear damage from years of listening to loud music, and thus am no audiophile.