Lost to time - Sega sponsored some Capital Radio roadshows in the early 90s. BBC Radio 1 used to do roadshows, where they'd cart some DJs around the country with live music and other "events". It was a staple of the British summer for a few decades, until they started costing too much. But Radio 1 is a nationwide public service broadcaster - at the time Capital Radio broadcast solely over the London area (hence "Capital") on one frequency. I mean sure, free live music from people you might know (who remembers Let Loose (above)?!) - you can't complain, but it's not really a "roadshow" if, outside of the south east, you couldn't even tune in and hear it. Fun fact: even though Capital now has a nationwide network, it still has regionalised breakfast slots, meaning you get not-from-the-capital "Capital breakfast".
Also lost (to a lot less) time: It's been a source of confusion for a few years but it looks like the "Mega Drive 21" was probably the first plug and play Sega console. Even though it apparently melts itself over time and is astonishingly bad. Well, I say confusion but The Sonic Stadium reported on this in 2001, it's just that nobody cared at the time. You're very lucky that site still exists and has kept its records all these years - nobody else has.
I came across this in my travels: https://segaretro.org/File:CorporateBrochure_JP.pdf Archive.org claims it's a corporate brouchure from 1992. I think it's definitely older, but I'm not sure what it is? OCR is letting me down on this one.
The dates for the corporate history on the inside back cover go up to October 1990, and the revenue(?) figure given matches the revenue(?) figure for April 1990, so it should be from between October 1990 and April 1991. I guess that it's a recruitment brochure? "JOIN US!", but I can't read much Japanese to 100% confirm. Neat find anyway.
I've got a Sega Power mag from 1992 that covers that years event. I'll see if I can dig it out. Above pic is from 1993 judging by the Williams.
It's May 1994 - it's the Mega Drive Virtua Racing they're plugging. That and you probably wouldn't tour the winning car around until it won
To be honest it's probably a show chassis used for promotional stuff anyway! Oh not sure if I previously mentioned this, but according to Damon Hill's autobiography, the Williams Sega sponsorship came about because they were one of his personal sponsors. No sign of any branding on his racesuit from 92 though, nor his F3000 days prior to that.
I feel as though this is something historically relevant to Space Channel 5's development but have never really played the game so I don't know what it is.
https://www.obscuregamers.com/threads/sega-saturn-star-wars-rebel-strike-unreleased-beta.125/ New dump of an unreleased SEGA Saturn game inbound: Star Wars Rebel Assault. Looks like they were going to enhance it similar to how Factor 5 reworked Rebel Assault II for PS1 to be more than just an FMV game. I was just thinking the other day how there are no Star Wars games on Saturn. Turns out there would have been at one point! Again, this will be publically available sometime soon as of this writing.
Are you sure that has anything to do with Rebel Assault? It's called Star Wars Rebel Strike. Seems like a completely different game.
So apparently iTunes is dying? I'm not sure what it will potentially turn into, but this seems like a concern for Sega Retro.