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General Questions and Information Thread

Discussion in 'General Sega Discussion' started by Andlabs, Aug 25, 2011.

  1. Trippled


    Yeah that makes sense. I observed staff that was from Shinobi/Nightshade started to appear in Sonic games during 06. Shinobi was a good seller on PS2, so I guess it makes sense why it was in development. I guess they thought they could strike while the iron is hot the best with an early family friendly title that stood out among the adult games during the early 360/PS3 era. Hence Sonic 06. Violent and more mature titles like Shinobi were very typical of the early HD era...

    Guess alot of people were moved to Sonic and Yakuza games. Wonder if Sega would be interrested in sharing pitches that didn't go through like they did for Rare.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2022
  2. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    Fifth Phantom Saga is the cancelled game that supposedly inspired Silver in Sonic 06.

    I really ought to look into this one day.
  3. LockOnRommy11


    Never heard of it until now, and if you YouTube it the trailer literally has the characters hovering with a blue Aura and throwing boxes with their hand outstretched just like Silver!
  4. Trippled


    Well there is not much to look into, I think. Just a trailer. TA said that they were making a new Shinobi with physics, so it might have turned into an FPS, and then was part of a Sonic games.
    We know that Silver was always "part of a different game".
  5. It was at a time SEGA Japan was looking to make a new Hang On game and Shinobi and SEGA America were working on the Crucible (and yes it was to be called that, not matter what Eurogamer said) Midway through Shinobi development the team got put on with the Sonic Team and sadly having such a big team and massive budget, was little above Kumono-san and instead of Joe, we got Sliver too :(
  6. The KKM

    The KKM

    Welcome to the nExt level Member
    IDW's Sonic the Hedgehog comic books
    Where does Fifth Phantom Saga fit in your timeline though?
  7. Trippled


    A new Hang On game? How would that work? Especially for the console market? I get why that was cancelled

    I like to think how things could have turned differently and understand how certain decisions were made. And a new Shinobi instead of 06, would have absolutely made sense imo. Even if it turned out like a rather middling or poor early HD title, like say, Bullet Witch or Ninety-Nine-Knights, it would have made been way better than to risk the huge dent it did on Sonic's reputation with Sonic 06.

    And because I mentioned Shining early on, IMO that was another mistake to reboot this series and focus on Japanese otaku (the majority of the entries were that way). Selling it back to Camelot would have been better. Better efforts in preserving the back catalouge and more console output from the arcade divisions would have been a much better way to spend money.

    I like the structure SoJ has now, as they seemingly (finally) becoming more focused globally. They exhausted their Japanese audience to the last drop it seems. Mobile market? Done trying. Arcade market? Thanks to covid, gone. Console games? Mobile instead, try to sell to the whole of Asia instead

    More time on individual Sonic games seems good theory.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2022
  8. No idea myself but in was in the workshop, I was more looking to storm chaser or what ever the he'll SEGA UK Racing studio game was going to be called.

    I like what SEGA is doing now, it's the best for years and since under Sammy . I do wish SEGA would stop milking Yakuza so much and allow the teams to try new stuff and give the IP a break.

    And unless SEGA get Camelot to make a new SF game , I don't think fans will be happy at all. I'm looking forward to the new JSR and PSO games mind and hopefully SEGA will make a other Sakura Wars game, the PS 4 game is ace and we get a new VF game
  9. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    For the 0 people who care - Yakuza 3 and 4 are roughly 360 lines. More managers and oursourcing.

    Also Yakuza 4 credits the "sound teams" of "AM R&D Dept.#1" and "AM R&D Dept.#2", which suggests the "AM" was dropped sometime between early 2011 and late 2012.
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  10. Trippled


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  11. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    So I've spent the last x weeks trying to get Category:Use ProductionHistory template down. That is, remove the manual lists and have Sega Retro generate an automated one... by adding credits onto individual game/music pages.

    There are two blockers:

    1) Most of the games we're missing credits for now are post-2010, which means they're huuuuuuge. While staff are often shared between projects, copy-pasting only gets you so far - it's a lot of typing.

    b) Many games don't have in-game credits, and the pages lack sources. Which means I'd have to find the source. Which is tedious.

    But I have a mystery - a fair number of developers have Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Original Soundtrack listed on their pages. And I'm guessing the information comes from VGMdb:

    Question: where did they get the credit information from? It doesn't look like there was any information included with the disc itself, and Wave Master's website is barren, so... did they just make it up? It's not the only album like this - do we have a real source, or do I strip Sega Retro of this unreferenced noise?
  12. Trippled


    Attributing the different composers to the different divisions is a pointless task imo

    Its why I made the Sega Sound Team page on Sega Retro some years ago.

    Allstars Racing Transformed and I think Sega Superstar Tennis has things like "CS2 Sound" or "NE Sound" in the credits but have people that work on games outside of those there is no consistency with that
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2022
  13. Trippled


  14. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
  15. Trippled


    I'd like the whole interview. Just do copy text the JP text and I'll have machine translation to get the gist (just for my own curiosity/enjoyment)
  16. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    There was a period where it apparently wasn't good enough just to credit Sega Europe's marketing department in games - you had to credit each local operation. So for the 2011 version of Daytona USA:
    I think most of these were axed around 2012 to save costs.

    Oh yeah and half of them didn't strictly exist.

    There's a concept in business where you might have a "corporate name" and a "trading name". There's tons of these - for example, "Panasonic" used to be the trading name for "Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.". And I guess you could argue "Sega Europe Ltd." trades as "Sega" - this shouldn't be news to anyone.

    But as far as I can tell, nothing ever traded as "Sega Germany". The German operation was officially known as "Sega Gesellschaft für Videospiele mbH", and traded as... "Sega". The Spanish arm: "Sega Consumer Products S.A.", trading as "Sega". The British arm... was just Sega Europe, trading as "Sega".

    Super duper pedantry - these were internal names, much like "Sega of Japan" - there were companies in these regions, owned by Sega, that did marketing and distribution, and listing them like this makes it easier on the eye. But you can still tell your friends that strictly speaking, there was no "Sega UK", "Sega International", "Sega Germany" or "Sega Spain" (and maybe "Sega Benelux" but that's a harder one to find). "Sega Australia" existed, but it was quite late in the day and isn't in Europe, so you would expect it to be separate.

    But one of these local branches did exist under the name given:

    Sega France S.A. was happy to trade as "Sega France".

    And of course, Sega France had a long and varied history following its creation in 1991, but very little is documented in English because they're French, and doing things the French way is what the French do.
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  17. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    Does Sega Virgin Islands still exist? I remember someone on the Sega Forums just finding their building and taking some pictures.

    Not sure if Aaron ever got in contact with them like he did with Sega Canada.
  18. Asagoth


    Behold! The mighty, the flawless, salted cod eater Member
    wiki stuff... and a beer... or two... or more...
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  19. Pirate Dragon

    Pirate Dragon

    Extensive and well archived website for Sega City Mississauga.
  20. Ted909


    the future kick your ass Member
    Have had that linked on the Sega City talk page for a while now - I meant to properly add and reference most of the relevant information e.g. VF3 making one of its two western debuts, but just never quite got round to it. Also some other relevant things in there including facility design book scans, and the matter of Sega arcades in Malaysia (which came up in conversation elsewhere recently).