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Discussion in 'Sonic 2 HD (Archive)' started by Vangar, Mar 8, 2008.

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  1. Canned Karma

    Canned Karma

    S2HD Project Manager Member
    Sonic 2 HD, various 3D work
    Try making it into an APNG instead?
  2. Vincent


    Sonic 2HD - Project Leader & Chara Member
    Sonic 2 HD
    Thanks wangle! :)

    I feel it would be much better with actual morphing letters, therefore I've brought up an example animation in Flash 8 file format to post. (it was Siris)
    As it stands it uses morphing and is complete (4 frames), it just needs 4 inbetween additional frames.

    Thanks again! ^^

    About the TV, that's a cool one! Still I come to prefer woot's old concept as the B&W dots field scrolling is more relaxing to the eye :)
  3. RedStripedShoes


    And I'm gone again. Member
    What if we had both?
  4. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    A frame duration of 0 centiseconds is invalid afaik, gif editors shouldn't even allow you to use it.

    By the way, Internet Explorer has known problems with animated gif rendering, they always play much slower than they should. This problem weirdly applies to Google Chrome as well. The only browser that correctly plays animated gif files is Firefox, to my knowledge. I just saw your post in both Firefox and Google Chrome and I can assure you that your monitors are shown at the proper speed in FF, though they're too slow in GC.
  5. Lostgame


    producer/turnablist. homebrew dev. cosplayer. Oldbie
    Toronto, ON
    The O.I.C.
    Are you sure they don't display properly in Chrome? I thought that was webkit-based as well, and they do display correctly in Safari.
  6. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    All my tests show that Chrome displays animated gifs too slow.
  7. Maybe it's your computer?
  8. Hivebrain


    53.4N, 1.5W
    I like this one best, because the animation needs to be continuous (so as to make it stand out as a power-up) without obfuscating the icon.

    I'd also like to resubmit this:
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  9. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Oooh I really like the one on the left.
  10. The one on the right needs to be slowed down. ;)
  11. Vincent


    Sonic 2HD - Project Leader & Chara Member
    Sonic 2 HD
    I'm finding pretty sterile arguing something that's been fully explained before.
    I WON'T allow to turn into an UGLY stepfest scenario, nor I will ever revise the actual style:
    People, loves the Uber Shading System.
    & trust me when I say it'll be as beautiful as you'll never ever imagined as we have access to so many special BG or FX effects, which thanks to the current shading-system, will feel like a live painting from the Artworks.

    A very few find this choice horrible by judging an OLD Mockup?! Peace & love guys. You can't just even imagine how the new Raster+handdrawn like BGs are shining beautifully & blending in perfectly harmony with all, but you'll see it soon! ;)

    Let's get into tech details:

    I'm no professional but as per my drawing past and present with S2HD, I can say quite easily how quicker and easier TD-shaded style Sonic is taking in comparison of an Uber one. It's 1/4 time actually.
    But there's more, Street Fighter 2 THD is so wasted by using those shades they may have in fact drawn separate pieces without even posing the question of "how they blended altogether". And it's clashfest there.

    Let's check it together:
    Characters (with TD shading), Foreground Characters (with advanced shades) and BG prerenders (Uber+).

    Sonic 2 HD will NOT do this Mistake.

    Let's take KOFHD, (which is Guilty Gear-Style, actually)

    That's style is pure Pixel drawing.
    Alntialiasing is not processed as it, in fact does not use ANY vector building. It also has several inbetween shades, and as popular that style was on low-res, it's starting to scream "Old!!" in all HD contests, due the severe amount of jagged edges caused by aliasing.
    Zooming with that kind of art is also pretty ugly, without mentioning the special effects, which are almost always generated with prerendered Uber-styled frames, giving the "attached"-feel to characters.

    Sonic 2 HD will NOT look Pixellated.

    Go on ahead, I'll show you the title which had been my inspiration and always had been the pinnacle to achieving perfect aliased vectorized art:
    Odin Sphere. (which had been released on PS2)

    This style, is like a living painting without jagged outlines or blocked pixels, full of colours. It is composed by two styles actually:
    A raster colourful style on Bg and Foregrounds, and a pixel perfect + aliased environment composed by Characters, Items and Bosses. The FX looks absolutely marvellous for obvious Uber Style reasons with everything.
    Unfortunately due low budget and console limits, it has not been studied in FullHD glory and had been confined as a swan song for PS2 tiles.

    Sonic 2 HD will TRY to make it look as beautiful as this. Japan Style.

    There is a different Japan-Anime style to follow even if I love the fairy-tale one, so I'm trying to adapt the colourful Artworks into the original frames by tedious and long study on how an HD version, then shade it with Uber MANUAL SHADING:
    [​IMG](Click on The Image for Zoom)
    Thanks to Illustrator antialiasing control over single pixels (yes I also pixel fix the antialiasing on each frame), the shape comes out as out from some kind of Cover Art, but it is actually Animated!!!

    That's my vision and I am confident on it, the general public reaction agrees here as well, so please stop harrassing our development with this arrogant behaviour, accompanied by words of the caliber of "shitty", "awful" or "wikipedia-d" un-knowledged comments like "you use automatic gradients", because every freaking shade is drawn MANUALLY (Download any frame on the DB and open it).

    If still your tastes are not met, move along.
    We're developing one freaking amazing game here. We don't ask you to force-like it, but at least stop trolling your "ideas" which will never work on the quality we aim to, nor will be ever viable with the methods of drawing art which we are currently working with.
  12. Tweaker


    OH MY GOD.

    I have officially lost any and all respect for you as an artist. You're fucking nuts.

    You have to be the fucking troll if you're spouting vomit like this. Did someone drop you on your head as a child? Seriously? Nothing you're saying makes any sense and completely violates all concepts of standards and decency. Your "ideas" are all over the fucking place and any professional artist with an ounce of sense would fucking laugh at you for saying the things you did about actual professionally done, aesthetically pleasing work like the kind you tried to criticize.

    Jesus tapdancing motherfucking christ. I can't even fucking believe what I'm reading.
  13. See, I'd be impressed if you could copy Odin Sphere's style. The problem is, you haven't - you failed terribly at copying the style. As a result, all you've ended up with is artwork that looks overshaded and unimpressive, cramming too many shades of colour into sprites that you really wont be able to distinguish once they're in game.

    No it isn't. While KOF is full on pixel art with a good amount of shading, GG is akin to playing an anime in it's art style. This can be seen more clearly in it's spiritual successor, BlazBlue.


    Shadow/Base/Highlight tones all around folks.
  14. Chimpo


    Toastiest Retro Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029

    Holy SHIT!

    Where the fuck do I even BEGIN with this?

    God damn I need to gather my thoughts for a second.
  15. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    I'm not an artist, but holy shit, this looks just so good. Let's aim for this style.
  16. No it really doesn't. You can get more out of your graphics then 3 (sometimes 2) shades of colour and still look impressive.


  17. Sonic 65

    Sonic 65

    Tech Member
    My fucking ass it is. I picked a random frame you drew from the DB (the Coconuts, if you're curious), and look what I found!


    Wow, for something that isn't "automatic gradients", that sure looks like it!

    EDIT: Dammit Blast.
  18. Elratauru


    Little Shiny Emurralds Member
    That's anime style my friend.

    Just simple shading over normal flat colors, and believe me, its hard to acomplish, really... the shadows must be really good placed to look that awesome.
  19. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!

    I don't see this ending very well D: Can't we just set up a poll on what kind of style of shading the people want to see in the game?
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