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Discussion in 'Sonic 2 HD (Archive)' started by Vangar, Mar 8, 2008.

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  1. test-object


    By Torm, no! This is terrible! I... I had no idea Member
  2. Vincent


    Sonic 2HD - Project Leader & Chara Member
    Sonic 2 HD
    Yes test-object, this idea worked appropriately on could be a great method for 4+ player sessions.

    About the use of different colours on each Character, it ends up being too difficult to create 16 alternate versions of Sonic. (The only possibility could be a hue shift for shoes, for an instance)
    Yet, a coloured box with:


    Would be the easiest solution after all.
  3. RedStripedShoes


    And I'm gone again. Member
    Hey, guys. So I was thinking, to maximize playability, that we implement a trophy system. You would get trophies for a variety of accomplishments, including: Beat the game, Collect 200 rings in an act, Destroy all Badniks in an act, etc.

    These trophies then go towards unlocking special features. Originally, the game is simply Sonic 2 HD, without any enhancements. But by collecting trophies, the player has the option of activating many features, including:
    • Altered Gameplay. Certain tiny gameplay elements which were present in the original Sonic 2 can be altered. Mystic Cave's Flasher can now be killed while lit, Wing Fortress' propellers can not be passed through as a shortcut, etc.
    • Extra Zones. Dust Hill Zone, Wood Zone, Genocide City Zone, and Hidden Palace Zone are inserted into the usual lineup.
    • Hard Mode. There are more Badniks, they move faster and attack more frequently. Death Egg's difficulty is unchanged.
    • Different Music. Remixed versions of zone themes replace the remastered themes.
    • Activate Easter Eggs. Subtle changes are made to the game. Grounder from AoStH replaces one of the Grounders in Aquatic Ruin, one squirrel freed from a Badnik spazzes out (like ICEKnight's current avatar), a secret message is in the credits, etc.
    • Save Game Feature.
    • Level Select.
    • Online Multiplayer.
    • God Mode.
    • Concept Art.
  4. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Just digging up a 2 player question again, but how about make all levels playable in 2 player, rather then the kinda restricting 3 levels and special stages in the original?
  5. test-object


    By Torm, no! This is terrible! I... I had no idea Member
    Beat the game without spindashing.

    Give the flipping floors in Chemical Plant Zone a much needed fix.
    Make the Death Egg Zone music play the entire Zone.

    I do think this option needs to be open from starters though.

    1. No extra zones, we've got enough work as it is, and making new level designs isn't our job.
    2. "Concept Art", "Different Music" and "Hard Mode" are good ideas. The Easter Eggs too, giving "Death Egg" a whole new meaning :3
    3. Weren't "Save Game" and "Online Multiplayer" planned for beginning?
    The rest of these ideas were already present in the original somehow.

    This could work, but I don't think the music departement is too keen on this.
  6. amphobius


    not so gone, after all Member
    Thrash '25
    For the guys who love the original tracks, perhaps the original songs as an option?

    Oh, and there's no way I'm reading 91 pages. :)
  7. Canned Karma

    Canned Karma

    S2HD Project Manager Member
    Sonic 2 HD, various 3D work
    I mostly agree with what test-object said. We're not planning for any additional zones at this point beyond HPZ, and even that will be worked on after all elements of the core game have been completed. As for music and concept art, those will definitely be included. Whether they'll be included as unlockables or open from the beginning remains to be seen, and also depends on the feedback we get from you guys on both routes there.

    I like the idea of altered gameplay, but that would be strictly on a case by case basis, and something to be added after all the rest of the potential extras have been implemented.

    Online multiplayer has been something we've been looking at from very early in the project.

    Hard mode... Hm. I could go either way on that, but I'll talk to LOst about it.

    There will be no God mode, not least because getting all the emeralds isn't massively difficult, and practically amounts to the same thing.

    We're not planning for any additional 2 player stages at the moment. Whether this will change as the project progresses remains to be seen.
  8. MoI


    Rex Member
    It's been in Sonic 2 since 1992. :P

    Far too early to say though, but I wonder if the project admins have considered adding the scrapped badniks once everything else is done?
  9. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    No one says that the levels will need new music
  10. Sciz


    Hasn't been discussed yet. I've given it some thought, and the main issue is that the rest of the zones really, really weren't designed with multiplayer in mind. Generally speaking, the routes are too linear or there are level gimmicks present that weren't ever meant for more than one player to pass through quickly. Aquatic Ruin should work out with minimal trouble, but the rest need significant level design overhauls before they would be viable.
  11. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    This is true. But the only levels I see that could cause problems are Chemical Plant (Rising water) and Hill Top (rising lava). I don't see how Aquatic Ruin, Oil Ocean, Metropolis, or Wing Fortress would cause any problems (Removing the plane part at the beginning of Wing Fortress should do it, and the only slight problem with Metropolis that I'd see are those screws that make you go up and down)
  12. MoI


    Rex Member
    Perhaps removing the water and the lava? They don't need to be there.
  13. Vincent


    Sonic 2HD - Project Leader & Chara Member
    Sonic 2 HD
    Indeed. To have a decent multiplayer experience on those zones, quite a bit of reworking on layouts will be needed anyway.

    At the moment, the Multiplayer aspect has lower priority on the actual development, but it's a key-feature we'll definitely want everyone to enjoy playing with (therefore properly discussed at this stage)! ^^

    Don't take it as an official statement, but it is my truer desire to see the Doom custom maps-policy applied for S2HD (new art, or just arranging existing tilesets to create new acts) by selecting the best Layout Mappers on Retro and let them produce new thrilling and challenging extra maps to be officially included.

    Let's the Multiplayer discussion continue. :)
  14. MoI


    Rex Member
    You know what would be totally megawesome but totally gamebreaking easy? An online co-op boss rush mode, or even a co-op online adventue.
  15. RedStripedShoes


    And I'm gone again. Member
    I find it unsettling how absolutely no activity has occurred in this sub-forum in the past 29 hours. :)
  16. Vincent


    Sonic 2HD - Project Leader & Chara Member
    Sonic 2 HD
    Don't you worry, I'll break the silence!
    We'll write some news regarding S2HD workings pretty soon ^^

    While I'd like new artists to propose themeselves by giving their shot on Current Targets Topic, do note that if there are no news for public to discuss, a sporadic forum silence it's absolutely normal.
    I encourage every non-artist users to propose all your ideas on the Multiplayer Mode (How it should work, what you'd like to see, which modes), if we do like your idea it will be included & properly credited on the followings releases! :)

    The first one, seems not so hard to add to implement and very fun! While the co-op one (as the stages are planned for 1P action) could be a bit unsatisfying due the need to wait the friend left behind.
  17. Green


    Gonna learn how to hack :)
    I'd like a split screen race through the entire game, with special stages in included (but can be turned on and off). If someone goes into a special stage, then the other person's game pauses until the first person is done.
    A battle mode like Sonic vs Knuckles at the hidden place might be fun, but not sure how well that would go.
  18. test-object


    By Torm, no! This is terrible! I... I had no idea Member
    I love the idea of battle mode, although 3 characters are not much of a roster.
    Pausing during Special Stage is a REALLY bad idea. Perhaps at the end of a stage, so everyone can play. Gathering emeralds to go Super Sonic shouldn't be possible.
  19. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Why not take characters from games before Sonic 2, like Ray and Mighty from SegaSonic the Hedgehog? I'm not sure what games came out beforehand, though.
  20. test-object


    By Torm, no! This is terrible! I... I had no idea Member
    If we did that, we'd take too much time making clone characters. All of them would have to be animated, you know.

    EDIT: what is it with Mighty and Ray in this forum anyway? They were nothing more then today's Big the Cat and Gimmick the Anteater.
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