Looks like an engine test - is that your own engine? Or an edited one? The small sprites are surprisingly nice to look at, wondering how level art would end up looking. Only thing I see there is perhaps make it so that if you're already on the ground, you cant just walk through a spring? Jumping through them is quite nice though.
Sonic's behaviour is from a plugin on the Scirra forums by a guy called PixelMonkey, (there's also a guy on these forums with the same name, though i don't think he's the same guy.) but the rest is by me. Thanks for telling me that you like the sprites, as this is coming from a guy who's making a Sonic Maker with Mania-esc sprites. About the level art.... I tried to make it, but it didn't work, and the Sonic Pocket Adventure tilesets haven't been ripped yet. and for Sonic going through the spring when on the ground, that was a design choice, as if the spring was solid then sonic will just stand on the spring and not bounce. Oh and here's another gif. (wow this is a long and complicated post. :v: )
I recently dealt with that in my own engine, making sure to 'cancel' the normal collision and any things it automatically did to Sonic to allow him to just bounce off or just roll through a monitor for example. But if that's how you want it it's cool! Personally always felt sad that since Sonic Advance 2 till Mania all springs are automatic so that's why it struck me as strange with the Mania style.
What you got so far is looking pretty cool already. I like the approach on the sprites as well, it looks very nice and appealing. What exactly are you planning with this fangame, if I may ask?
Mostly to remake certain Sonic zones in a size similar to Mario (By that i mean that the sprites are Mario size.) both official zones and fan-games zones. Zones for the fan-game: BTS: Hilltop Heights (1st Zone) 1: Jungle (2nd Zone) ATS: Sugar Splash (3rd Zone) SCQ: Flame Yard (4th Zone) 2: Hill Top (5th Zone) 3: Ice Cap (6th Zone) 4: Oil Desert (7th Zone) S&K: Lava Reef (8th Zone) S&K: Launch Base (9th Zone) CD: Stardust Speedway (10th Zone) 2: Wing Fortress (11th Zone) Death Egg: 2 Mixed with 3 (12th Zone) (why do i respond to comments about my stuff so quickly?)
Sounds neat man. I wish you luck, keep plowing. Can't wait to see how the zones will look in this style.
Remaking levels from fangames and hacks is a nice idea. I wonder if you are planning on a sugar splash boss, since the original didn't have one?
I haven't seen the scrapped Super Splash Zone boss, and the zones will have random bosses from other zones (Ala Mania). Also remaking Zones from fan-games and rom hacks will be pretty hard since no one (as of now) has yet made level maps for Sonic BTS, Sonoc ATS, and Sonic SQ. Oh and heres a gif of a WIP Talis. and a heres a gif of Red Diagonal Springs.
Thought I'd post progress of a large scale SRB2 mod we've had in progress for a few years now, the "Top Down" mod was just a side project for us. :v:/>/> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UbJe0LNoRQ EDIT: God damnit someone tell me how to embed links already
Here's Some mockups of my fan game project: Sonic Solstice Tropical Greens, it's obviously the first zone. Neonlight Cave (Assets Provided by Overbound and Dimension Warped), this zone is gonna appear a bit later in the game.
Glad to hear it looks fun...! This time we're showing off something even more special from SRB2 thanks to talented coders http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwB8LdfyOHU Of course... it's expected to be quite noisy...
Those look really good. I cannot wait to play it. The palettes are nice and the art was putted together very well. Great job
The past few days I wrote a simple 2D platformer engine in BBC BASIC (for the Matrix Brandy interpreter http://brandy.matrixnetwork.co.uk/ ) It's very simple and early in development but I think it's already looking pretty cool. It's vaguely sonic-like. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4_oXJz9zto
Hey that's looking pretty spiffy. I'm guessing this is "Sonic Eternal" based off your profile project?