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General Project Screenshot/Video Thread

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Tweaker, Jun 26, 2008.

  1. Animemaster


    Prison bitch! Member
    Sonic 1 Revelation
    What ever you say markey jester, what ever you say....... I think your right to give your views, you can still give critism and not be a dick. Which of course I know normally you give good critism(don't take it the wrong way or anything). I can understand your seriousness when it comes to art, but its only because my standard of art isn't as good as yours(go on, rub it in if you must) that you say these things. So in that respect technically the only one thats as good as you is.... hold on.... wait for.... drum rolls!!.... ping! is yourself. I would love to be at your standard but quite frankly its not gonna happen. And on that note... I redid the first screenshot.
    Better? as for your thoughts in detail markey... well I'm willing to listen to anything you've got to say that can help me improve BESIDES doing orignal art for bgs, because I really really strugle with that. Just let me get my paper bag to hide the shame away from the ranting and shouting of how my art sucks.
  2. Much better
  3. MarkeyJester


    Original, No substitute Resident Jester
    Anime, It's not about art being as good as mine, infact, I never said mine was good. All I'm saying is that there's a difference between thinking, "Yeah, this IS good art" and "Yeah, this LOOKS brilliant and nice to see", I often talk with people who are too impressed with the fact that they've ported art from another game to even notice whether it "looks" good or not. I am not an artist nor a musician, but I know what I like to see and hear, just like everyone else. A small percentage of it is opinion, but at the end of the day you might find that we all have similar opinions in that we agree on what does or doesn't look good.

    Anyway, I'll stop there, and wont go any further from now on (I'm not the all knowing brain =P).

    As for the new colours, they look nice, bright and smooth, better than before. Although I do get the feeling that the older palette (As you said before) was used for something special, hope we haven't ruined it =P
  4. I agree with Markey. Congrats. You took the art from S3 and ported it. I don't even think it fits with GHZ's art. So, in my opinion, it doesn't look good right now. Unless you plan on changing your foreground art. I've seen this BG being used in this zone before, say ohh, back when Sonic Megamix was still in development. I've also seen the mountains in oh...Sonic 2 Revamped? Only time I think 'porting' art is ok is when you add lots of different things. Like I did, the mountains, part of the clouds, and well, the water was going to be something unique but I never got to it.
  5. Animemaster


    Prison bitch! Member
    Sonic 1 Revelation
    Ur... Irixion? I don't wanna have to say this, but your sounding like a jerk. I didn't come here posted a screenshot saying, "look at my mad art skills! I ported azure lake bg with a bit of mish mash, I'm da best artist ever!" shit now did I? I don't think so. You make it sound like I think its the best art ever in the history of sonic games. Thats not it at all, you've got me all wrong. I mean I think my art is ok, not terrible but not fantastic either. Plus knowing me, one day I'll try and make it better and keep improving, to improve my art skills. I only want your opinions, positives and critism and then there's the other thats not needed.
    I actually wasn't aware of how many times azure lake has been used, so sorry my bad, no need to be like that. It was more of a test, and now I feel I shouldn't of bothered even showing this now, oh the ironey. I'll stop now before it gets out of hand. Thanks guys for the comments.
  6. Icewarrior


    I'm a member of S.T.A.R.S !!11!!!1!! Member
    Huh what the hell is wrong with you Animemaster?

    Every person that are giving you opinions/criticisms about your work are just jerks to you.
    If you're that sensitive to the least criticism being given to your work then just don't bother posting anything, period.
  7. Animemaster


    Prison bitch! Member
    Sonic 1 Revelation
    No, again you are getting me all wrong. I was replying to Irixion explaining that what he said seemed like I'm literaly thinking my art is really good because I've ported a bg, you've got me all wrong. If I sound a little over the top, most of it is serious sarcasm, don't take it to heart, I don't =P. I enjoy critism (even though it doesn't seem like it), I just thought the way Irixion replied was slightly unecessary. Ok I apologiles, I'm not really having a go at anyone particularly, but basically what markeyjester says puting serious critism and no positive can put fellow hackers into thinking theres no point in trying anymore ad giving up. Anyways lets move on, before I get banned lol. I'll look into improving the art in the future :)
  8. Overbound


    Sonic Time Twisted Creator
    MarkeyJester I find it funny now you're getting in trouble for criticism after you told me to watch it. Don't get me wrong I'm not mad or upset or anything. Its just ironic, and I thought I'd point it out.

    A little. Tan isn't a good color for that hill I'd make it more of a brown and not the greenish brown you had before a real brown, that or you could try an orangish brown. You also should get rid of the white on the mountains. Tropical setting with snow the in background doesn't make much sense.
  9. Overbound


    Sonic Time Twisted Creator
    I figured out the problem after messing with these mountains myself. They suck they have little shading and snow, so unless you want to edit the shading and add shades to it. Its from the 2 player mode so this actually makes sense. Get a better mountain.
  10. MarkeyJester


    Original, No substitute Resident Jester
    I was criticising in a bad way about how he looked at the situation.

    Just certain things he brought up like saying he's not as good as me at art, using it as an excuse, etc.

    No terrible criticism about his work though =P
  11. Master3k


    ...back to the topic, I think you can improve that mountains by removing that white, snowy palette from the top, and the brown is a bit too strong for me, considering it's a BG, but maybe it's my monitor brightness (which I need to adjust, at the moment, but I can't be arsed). Rest is great, and not a bad mix. Good luck with that :)

    EDIT: Now with monitor adjusted... it's still a tad strong. Maybe making it a bit more pale?
  12. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
  13. Animemaster


    Prison bitch! Member
    Sonic 1 Revelation
    Come on guys, really... I wasn't having a go at markeyjester. In fact.. I was thanking him for his advice. I guess my sarcasm was a little too strong for you guys, I'm sorry really. Me feels bad
    Ah but then if I change it too much it kinda defeats the purpose of my project. If I may, I'd like to ask a favour of you, could you wait until enough progress is done for me to reveal my project, motive ect. And then give your full thoughts on whether I was going in the right direction? let me know. Anyways thanks for the feed back, and as for the snow, well its not snow or at least its not meant to be lol. Some tiles of the mountains weren't ported in for some reason, thus there is more white then their should be. If I can fix this , I will show you what I mean. Anyways thanks.
  14. That does look incredibly awesome. I hope this doesn't affect StephenUK's Sonic 4 hack though...
  15. StephenUK


    Liquor in the front, poker in the rear Tech Member
    Manchester, UK
    Quackshot Disassembly
    Well if this is a hack like it suggests, then I don't really think there's much point in 2 hacks with the same goal.
  16. Mr. Mash

    Mr. Mash

    All fanbases are awful Member
    While I think the ground art in StephenUK's hack looks more like it does in the official Sonic 4, this does look pretty good, and it looks like there's more of it actually done. I didn't even know 32X CD existed until I saw this, pretty crazy, is it like a 32X cart with music being loaded from the CD of something?
  17. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    I think it's a CD that uses 32x hardware =P.


    Posting blurry screens doesn't help you know.
  18. Animemaster


    Prison bitch! Member
    Sonic 1 Revelation
    Blurry? really? doesn't look blurry to me.
  19. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    Try changing that pallet in photoshop >.>

  20. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    According to Wikipedia there are only 5 games which were released for the 32X-CD; as far as I know, there is no emulator which currently supports them.

    Yes, these screenshots are blurry. They have been stretched to 320x240 when they should be 320x224 (or 320x240 for real, but with a letterbox).