So, I found some time to edit the art of Marble Zone for Sonic Novus It's still WIP, but It's meant to signify how big the cave is (so big you can't see the back).
the rocks at the top are nicely detailed and I can see the effect of distance is looking good so far, might I suggest some sort of rocky pillars, but ones that are connected to the ceiling as well as the ground, and maybe make smaller pillars (in the further distance) using darker colours to give more effect of distance (btw, Do you have any deformation for it at this current time? I'm guessing that you have)
No, I haven't. I've been trying to get deformation in, the art was made during then, but I've failed at it.
I don't like the "far off" background. Too simple. Might I suggest you adding more of the MCz BG? Just me though.
What? Background Plane is evolving! Congratulations! Background Plane has evolved into Super Foreground Plane! Just an idea I finally got made. Looks nice ingame. The pillar scrolls just like the Metropolis Zone BG, of course, as technically it still is the BG. Still gives the illusion of a scaling effect. The only downside is that every other tile has to be on the low plane. Since the regular level chunks use the high plane for secret tunnel paths reasons, The level chunks of whenever the pillar shows itself on screen have to be special. I have the head/reverse head combo of the pillars "supersized" as well, but I have to fix that before it goes final. Speaking of fixes, I know what I have to do to fix all my pallet problems, which would be not having all the custom colors all on one line, so the spikes and rings and such don't get all purple next time around.
You could just edit the CPZ object that scrolls by in front of the screen, that would also give you more of a 3 layers look.
SGR, That's great! :D I'm looking at my own screen, and noticing mistakes, but hell here it is anyway
Something like that, yes. This is what I was going for. Or, rather, it's the level's "theme." It could also be considered just a tribute.
I've tried so many different patterns for the background to try and lose some of that repetitive look, and this is the most I got. Yes, it's based upon the pattern I was going to use for the first zone, so I'm unsure if I should still use it or make a new one.
So, yeah, I took the background from Sonic 3's Endless Mine. I think it rather suits it, if I edit it to have a few differences. What do you think?