Really? THAT was the big scoop? Well, I guess I wasn't wrong when I said they were making a new console The thing does look kinda cool though.
It’s so cute. I want a blue one. I have an original Game Gear but the battery life was horrible. I hope it includes all GG Sonic’s. I really want Labyrinth and Blast.
"Revolutionary" Yes, only 4 games per colour variation. At 5,000 yen ($50 USD, £35 GBP) a pop. If you buy all of them Sega will throw in the Big Window Micro for free, it seems. The "DX" package includes a "smoke" transparent Game Gear Micro but it's just a keychain, it doesn't turn on, there's not another 4 games that plays on it. I'll admit this is slightly cooler than what I had anticipated but Sega just can't help but being Sega, can they? Good laugh though, gotta give them that.
This was...not a PS5 level announcement. Either that or we gotta start getting worried about the PS5.
The GG Micro should have been a proper mini/classic or if they really wanted to do the theme thing...the blue could have been entirely Sonic and the others based on whatever genres they wanted since licensing is probably a factor.
Weird that they didn't straight up do a Genesis Mini Portable/Nomad II Hyper Fighting or whatever, seeing as potentially the MD is their most profitable console. Oh well. Back to waiting!
lmao wow they can't be bothered to make minor edits to the car to put OutRun on the MD mini, but the tiny graphics of the GG version is no issue whatsoever since it doesn't look apparent enough like a Ferrari. Maybe for the west they will package 16 games in 1 unit for everyone.
Yeah, the price is a bit ridiculous for what you actually get. The thing is little more than a cute novelty with its size, but at $50~ with a mere four games to play? Yeah, no. If it gets an international release, it's definitely going to bomb. Let's look at the situation though... SEGA had one successful console, and now it's being followed by an over-priced console with a library so limited that it's basically digging its own grave. Can you get any more SEGA than that?
This is definitely not the revolutionary message I was anticipating.. but SEGA being SEGA is something I’m not surprised with.. oh well I mean I like the concept but I didn’t grow up with the Game Gear, and only 4 games each in 4 separate mini consoles is not worth $200 (if my conversion is correct)