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Game Concepts

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Rokkan, Dec 1, 2008.

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  1. Sik


    Sik is pronounced as "seek", not as "sick". Tech Member
    being an asshole =P
    Who's Vega? =P
  2. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    One of the e-series robots, of course!
  3. Epsilonsama


    Well I know this have been said before but...

    I would create a next-gen graphics sonic game but completely 2-D, first using a game engine similar to the 16 bit games that uses momentun for speed instead of multiple speed pads, few bottomless pits but more spikes, like classic sonic games, If they are multiple characters they shouldn't be an extension of Sonic, not a completely different gameplay, like in Sonic 3 and Kunckles lastly it should have leaderboards.

    Besides a that I was thinking in a variation to Sonic and the BK, I imangine it a action-adventure, like Zelda, but with Sonic, having dungeons and a overworld but this dungeons should be more expansive and use more plataforming, in order to use sonic movility.
  4. docfuture


    I would make three games.

    First, I would purposely make a game worse than Sonic 2006 just to see the reaction of fans. It would include new characters like Kevin the Card Shark whose entire game would be a virtual collectable card game which requires you to buy downloadable cards to complete 100% and Jamal the Banana Slug who constantly falls asleep and can only move forward if you yell into the branded Slug Microphone (sold separately). There would only be one actual "Sonic" level which would just be Wacky Workbench ported in by the team who did Sonic GBA. Most of the game would consist of various stealth escort missions in which you have to help Tails' fat and constantly whining/vomiting country cousin Cooter find a bathroom to "go potty". Once Cooter vomits up all of the Chaos Emeralds, the player would be rewarded with the only appearance of Super Sonic which is a cutscene of him defeating Eggman in a borderline inappropriate "tickle fight". At the end of the game right when he is being handcuffed and taken off to jail, Eggman would let out a giant fart splitting himself and the Sonic universe in two.

    This fart would lead to two new games:

    The "Universe A" game would be a make your own furry MMO platformer/Dating Sim featuring every Sonic Character from any universe possible. Players would lead a rebellion force against a deadly alliance between Eggman and a newly corrupted G.U.N. to the strains of Fallout Boy and Linkin Park. There would be weekly competitions to see who has the darkest past and a special program to procedurally generate AMVs that automatically upload to Youtube.

    The "Universe B" game would be a feature a cel-shaded version of the Toei Sonic who wears Adidas and runs around a Brasilian favela Mirror's Edge style to some nice electro music. That'd be neat.
  5. Silver Dreams

    Silver Dreams

    lol, Forum Drama Member
    If I were to make a Sonic game? Well, here's my road to hopeful success on that:

    #1- I would streamline the cast of characters. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Robotnik would be definite. Other characters would be dependant on who would help move the story along best. There would be no new characters.

    #2- I would try and put a new twist on old favourites. In example, I would follow tradition by having a jungle/island/forest zone as the first zone, but there would be a new twist on it. Like for instance a concept I halfway thought of a while back called Mystic Forest Zone, whereas the forest was actually "alive" (Like Frog Forest to some extent) in sort of a mythical way, such as trees magically growing powerups on their limbs to help Sonic out and what not. Crap like that.

    #3- I would make use of decent voice actors. I'd go Jap with subtitles if it came to it, or at least I'd make that an available option.

    #4- The storyline would follow the tradition of circling around the Chaos Emeralds and Dr. Robotnik, but I would delve down deeper than previous storylines in the games have. I would go into maybe the origin of the Chaos Emeralds or something, whereas Robotnik tries to harness that power, etc.
  6. Zephyr


    Take both the 16 bit and 8 bit versions of Sonic 1 and combine them. Shuffle the zones into this order: GHZ 8b, GHZ 16b, BZ 8b, MZ 16b, JZ 8b, SYZ 16b, LZ 8b, LZ 16b, SLZ 16b, SBZ 8b, SBZ+FZ 16b, and finally the SBZ 8b. Keep the Special Stages identical to the 16 bit version. Take the graphics, sound, and physics from the 8 bit version, and remake them how they would have been on the Genesis. THEN convert the entire game even further into HD. There would be a Classic mode which would have no spin dash, and only six Chaos Emeralds, and a Second mode with the Spin Dash, the seventh Chaos Emerald, and Super Sonic. I would call this game SONIC I, and it would be released exclusively for download.
  7. jawn.sith


    I have a hack idea that involves Metal Sonic as the main character.

    The story would take place right after Sonic Cd, as Metal Sonic is injured from the race he lost, and his quest for revenge. Rough plotline: Metal finds Robotnik, asks for another chance, and trains for a showdown with Sonic. I guess most of the levels would take place on a ship of some sort, where he can fight badniks and previous bosses in a level generator type deal (allowing Metal to play previous levels from other games, with slight modifications). Silver Sonic (from Sonic 2) can assist him (with advice, he's pretty much scrap metal), and knuckles could make cameos, as during this time knuckles was lead to believe Robotnik was good. The plot leads right up to Mecha Sonic's battle with Sonic at Sky Sanctuary, the idea being that Metal Sonic is trained enough that Robotnik gives him upgrades, making him Mecha sonic, thus making it canon. Chaos could even be mentioned at the end, where Robotnik could look at a diagram of his "next project" and shudder.

    The engine would be based off sonic 3, with metal sonic having more or less the same move set as sonic, perhaps with that megamix lock on double jump blast. He would need to have something to differentiate himself Sonic, he can't have the exact same abilities. Rings would be used as health, and the "super" feature would be obtained at the end of the game once Metal has transformed into Mecha.

    I suppose it would be hard to include dialogue, as there is no speech in any of the other genesis games. The whole thing seems really ambitious, but its about time Metal sonic had his own game, he's too sick looking not to.

    It would be a cool cannon hack and doesn't change any of the story lines freom previous games, just adds a new one.
  8. VivaLaVida


    This Guy.... Member
    Editing layouts in SonED2
    Hmm... I always wanted to bring back an old 16-bit Sonic game to release to the world compared to all the awesome things we have today.

    It starts off with an opening sequence from the past, showing 7 magical stones, each guarded by an appropriatley colored hedgehog. It is The Council of The Power Gems. The Council memebers are Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Jet, Diamond, Pearl and Chaos. When all 7 gems are kept in contact with each other, peace seems to occur throughout the universe. Then when only Emerald is around guarding his stone, a young Robotnik sneaks in and tries to steal one of the gems. Emerald defends successfully, and Robotnik walks away sadly. But before he leaves, he fills Emerald's mind with crazy ideas of combining the Chaos stone and the Emerald itself.

    Emerald finally goes insane and does it. The Chaos stone and the Emerald stone are set to be combined but a last second attack by all Council memebers defeats Emerald, the Chaos stone is warped to an unknown location, and 7 magic emeralds are sent throughtout the world. Chaos determines this cannot happen again, and freezes all members to their stones, and begins a life long quest to find the Chaos stone.

    A flash to present day shows Sonic hearing of the tale, and setting off to find the Chaos stone before Robotnik does. It would have 8 zones. Knothole Village, Forest Frenzy, Robotroplis, Ancient Ruins, Lava Pool, Crystal Caverns, Council Hall, and Chamber Room. It would also have an old school manual like the Genesis versions. And also for once Robotnik isn't the final boss, but rather Chaos the Hedgehog Council leader in his ultra form, Neos.

    Knothole Village:
    Run through the underground tunnels of Sonic and his freedom fighthers secret base. But be careful, Robotnik has digging drones out here, and the tunnels could collapse!

    Forest Frenzy:
    Use your Tarzan abilities to swing through this tricky zone. Make sure to watch your feet, and chase Robotnik to his toxic city.

    Welcome to Robotnik's dreadful city. Things get interesting when-- wait, don't wanna ruin it.

    Ancient Ruins:
    Scale through these old ruins to find out more on the Council. Who knows you just might find something out.

    Lava Pool:
    Woah, that was quite a fall. Jump over all this lava and find your way to the end of your search.

    Crystal Cavern:
    Getting warmer. A LOT is revealed in this epic zone. Secrets are reveald and a new power is released.

    Council Hall:
    Here you are, at the council. Defeat Robotnik quick, so you can make it to the final room!

    Chamber Room:
    The story is closing, and a tough boss to face too. Can you do it?
  9. BuffaloWilder


    One of these men cannot be right. Member

    I like this - essentially, I'd enjoy a remake of Sonic the Hedgehog in this same style - taking cues from some of the more acceptable environments from the 2006 game like "Kingdom Valley" for places like Marble Zone. That's what was so great about the environments in those first three games - because Sonic 2 had 'it,' as well - a proper blend of realism and surrealism, that was lost when S3&K rolled around. And, as much as I enjoyed the day stages of Sonic Unleashed, the series needs a true reboot, and what better place to start?

    They've had their time to learn from all this egregious trial and error, of the last ten or so years - now, it's time for them to buckle down, damn them.

    Although, I do wish Sega would do away with such terrible dialogue.

    *copied and pasted*
  10. I see a training montage and hear the song from Rocky.
  11. Axielicious


    I've always imagined a game where Eggman goes back to Maginary World and starts to invade people's dreams. Then we'd have a Sonic CD-like way to swtich between dreams and nightmares. XD
  12. Afti


    Sonic and Knuckles: World Tour

    The game would be built off Unleashed. Sonic would control largely the same, but would have tightened controls, slightly lower speed/acceleration, no Sonic Boost, and proper Spin Dash/Peel-Out, with dust and everything. These would each be mapped to their own face button, and could only be used at a standstill. While moving, the Spin Dash button would make Sonic roll, and the Peel-Out one would provide a very slight speed boost. Knuckles would be based off Sonic -the Werehog would be totally gone- and would have lower speed, acceleration, and jump height, gliding, a punch combo replacing the Peel-Out, no Quick Step, no Homing Attack, and another, slower but more powerful, punch combo instead of the whole brake/slide/crouch/kick button. Sonic would be able to Peel-Out across water, but Knuckles wouldn't. Each could navigate underwater for about 35 seconds before drowning. Knuckles couldn't grind. However, he COULD automatically grab ledges and punch through obstacles.

    Levels would work on a four-act structure, with each stage having four acts, two of which were shared, and two of which were based on the character being played. Think this:

    Sonic/Knuckles Level
    Shared Level
    Shared Level
    Sonic/Knuckles Level

    Levels would follow what Unleashed did in using real environments as inspiration.

    Each level would have a wide variety of alternate paths, some of which could only be accessed by certain characters. For example, Sonic might have a path accessed by running along the surface of a lake, while Knuckles might be able to climb to a cavern on a steep slope Sonic couldn't traverse. The character-exclusive levels would be tailor-made to the character's abilities. Knuckles would have levels with lots of hidden paths in high places, which would be the only way to the goal, while Sonic might have collapsing platform bridges. Levels would be slower than in Unleashed; there would be few spaces where you could just build up speed without doing anything beyond using Quick Step. However, some would still be very fast. In particular, there might be a Pittsburgh stage or something with a lot of factories which would have forwards-moving conveyor belts to allow insane speed. Platforming would be more important than speed, though, and there would be more of it.

    Visually, the levels would be colorful and cheery, sacrificing realism to match the characters within them. Monitors and characters would return to their classic designs, with black eyes and everything. Super forms would be playable in-level after all seven Chaos Emeralds had been obtained through Special Stages. Bosses would be Robotnik in ever-more dangerous and gigantic machines, ending in a final boss that had a full level simply climbing its body to where the fight would take place- starting at the launchpad, and working your way along (and through) the machine to the final fight, where Robotnik would use the massive arms of the boss, on which you could see the stage you had been going through on the way, to crush the character.

    Cut scenes would include very little dialouge; basically amounting to:

    SONIC: Robotnik!

    ROBOTNIK: My newest weapon will crush you like a bug!

    SONIC: Bring it on!

    The only cut scenes would be at the beginning, the end, or before a boss. The intro and ending would have no dialouge whatsoever.

    Hubs would be essentially the Entrance Stages from Sonic Unleashed with shops and a few civilians. The slow hubs would be no more.

    The story would basically amount to Robotnik showing up at Angel Island in the giant final boss machine to steal the Master Emerald as a power supply, Knuckles shattering it to keep it out of his hands, and then Sonic and Knuckles racing against Robotnik to collect the pieces of the Master Emerald from 12 locations across the globe.

    Each character would have a partner- Sonic gets Tails, Knuckles gets Mighty. The partners would follow the player character around, defeating enemies they passed, and would have secret unlockable bonus stages played as them. Each character would be playable in the same file; simply choose to take Sonic and Tails into a level, or Knuckles and Mighty. Once a Zone started, though, you couldn't switch characters, or choose individual Acts from the level select prior to clearing the Zone as at least one character. You couldn't select character-exclusive Acts until beaten, either.
  13. jawn.sith


    lol, EXACTLY

    I was thinking it would kind of mirror Revenge of the Sith, only less serious (I mean it's Sonic for christ sake). Robotnik could cheer him on after he defeats a boss. "Yes, embrace your hate!"
  14. filmzombie


    The real spindash... Member
    England- The Land of Tea
    Sonic Synthesis
    I am not a heavy fan of story within old games.

    However, if I had the time, patience and skill to design an excellent Sonic game it would be based loosely on the old Sonic SatAM series. I've been watching some of the episodes and I really feel this slightly darker sonic story truly makes for the greatest adaptation to date. Among some of the old tv series there are some truly great gameplay gimmicks that could be used as well, such as Sonic burning the ground behind him when moving extremelly fast, the idea of sonic being able to temporarily run up walls to reach new areas and possibly a level where you have to run away from the airship that transforms the ground into machinary.

    Levels could include the lush greenery of The Great Forest/Knotholeat the beginning. Then other ideas could include the Crystal-like dimension of the void, the Dark Swamp and the Forbidden Zone. Robotropolis would make for a final level.

    Main playable characters could be Sonic, Tails, Bunny and Sally, of course. Each with their own unique abilities, which make them useful (Bunny's robo-strength for example)

    There are other things I could mention here but anybody who is already familiar with the show I think would already understand.

    -This also had my favourite version of Robotnik ever.
  15. No. Bad. All Metal Sonic fangames are specifically copyrighted in MY name. I choose his destiny!

    In seriousness, that's pretty cool. Needs puzzles, though.
  16. Zephyr


    An Next Gen open world remake of Shadow the Hedgehog with Sonic and Shadow both playable, a multiplayer party system, a Canon story route with no branching pathways, fixed gameplay, momentum based physics (no pads or boosters), redone cutscenes with the minimum dialog required to actually get the story across (there'd still be tons, but a lot less).

    Same levels with the same structure (maybe smaller loops) and same enemy layout. Optional vehicles and weapons (Both character being able run faster than any vehicle so they're basically there for show)

    And there's a twist: You have a time limit to find and obtain all of the emeralds before GUN, the Black Arms, or Eggman gets them.

    I call it Sonic: Doom
  17. The Pulse

    The Pulse

    I actually had an interesting Idea for an Unleashed sequel; and a way to have platforming without Werehog or such.

    You know how the Unleashed Sonic stages emphasize speed with platforming elements and the Werehog emphasizes combat and platforming? Well It got me to thinking about how to incorporate more platforming into the Sonic stages.

    As you know, Sonic moves very fast and fluidly in Unleashed. Yet a problem I've encountered in the Wii version, and from what I've heard about the 360, is that when you move Sonic slowly through a stage, It becomes apparent that he is quite slippery to control. This would hamper him a bit in complex platforming.

    So I got to thinking, and I came to the conclusion that if I were to design Unleashed 2, a sort of Gearshift system should be implemented.

    The idea works like this: one button (one of the triggers perhaps) is mapped as the "Gearshift" button. At any point during the stage, you can press this button to switch between two gears. "First Gear" would make Sonic slower (Adventure level speed), yet give him more traction for quick platforming and precise homing attacks. The control scheme would be switched around to make the goal less about "run run RUN" and more about getting to a higher ground or making precise gap-jumps.

    Conversely, "Second Gear" would be much like the Unleashed Sonic control scheme. It could be used for covering a lot of ground when no dangers are immediately apparent and taking out things that need to be knocked off balance or have their integrity weakened. Also, water running.

    But those lakes better have a bottom.

    To build on this, the moves you get for one gear would translate to another move in the other gear. For example, When you get the Stomp move in Second gear, you also gain the Bound Jump in First gear.

    I know, its only an idea for an engine. But you gotta admit, It's a damn good idea.
  18. That is a excellent idea!

    It would still have platforming, but have some crazy fast parts too.
  19. Malgra


    Studium Member
    There's been a few times where I've either been playing roms or the original games and thinking up my own concepts for a Sonic game. I've even gone as far as making mock-ups using sprite sheets for zones, badniks, characters, even bosses. Sadly, I can't find them anymore which means I've probably thought they were a waste of space and deleted them, but there's been a couple of ideas I've had which I think would make (Or have made) decent games.

    One of the ideas I toyed with was similar to the concept of Sonic CD (A game I've never actually played in full before), whereby Sonic/The main character either gets sent into the distant past or the distant (Bad) future and gets a chance to relive some of the older levels. For example, I had Ice Cap half-melted so you could see the stone and soil beneath the snow and ice, a polluted-looking Hydro City, things like that. If I'd had the patience to finish the idea off completely I dare say I'd have kept the pictures I made but with me, if I lose interest in something before it's completed, it gets scrapped.

    Another concept I had was instead of having elemental zones, the focus was more on elemental emeralds and special stages. So for example the red emerald would perhaps have a lava-themed special stage, blue emerald could have ice or water, etc. Simple ideas but with more work done to them, a bit of detail added and coupling them together with a few other ideas, I dare say some of them could actually turn out ok.

    Wish I'd kept those pictures though...
  20. filmzombie


    The real spindash... Member
    England- The Land of Tea
    Sonic Synthesis
    Ironically I suggested the exact same thing in one of the other threads only a few days ago.

    I think a gearshift for 3D Sonic games would serve tremendously. However, I also think that perhaps an incorporation of running/platforming zones would be good as well.

    For example- an old formula idea I always liked the idea of is;

    Act1- Running.
    Act2- Danger coming. Get serious and void traps over looking cool.
    Act3- Boss. Mix is up a little bit.
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