I have giganews, NZB away I just checked binsearch.info for it, and didn't find anything, you sure it's still retained?
I don't need an emulator. I have the hardware to debug the real thing. I didn't say SA2:B has no chance of getting them, we've already had one of them. I'm just saying that I've looked there already and only found the one. If anyone manages to find anything else in the DC final, it's probably in SA2:B as well. I hope someone else does find something, I'd love to locate the same thing in the GC version.
Someone needs to compile a list of all the Sonic prototypes the community has, because it's becoming difficult to keep track of these (or at least it is for me).
Ok you guys, there is DEFINATELY debugging support in the JP final, just looking at the 1st_read.bin gives that away. I'll be torrenting this gdi soon, let me just see what I can get from it, first
yay By the way Saz, or probably anyone else who knows, do you know what those PDATA#/RG20.DAD files are for? I opened them up quickly in a hex viewer and I didn't see anything interesting other than data. Also, does anyone know how to fix SA2 in demul from going insanely fast during normal gameplay even with frame limit on for any video plugin? It's the only game that does it since all the other games work fine in it (sonic adventure, power stone, etc). EDIT: Speaking of demul, here's a new version of it that just got released today. It comes with a new video plugin, and it might fix some bugs if there were any with Sonic Adventure 2.
Hey Saz, could you upload the 1st_read.bin for me? I don't really feel like DL'ing a 1gb GDI to take a look at it.
Does anyone know why there are like 10 arrows with the word UP here? This is in the 1998 version of Sonic Adventure. There's a tadpole like thing drawn here as well. Also, how're you making out Saz? Find anything else with this? EDIT: What the hell. There's a reference to another Dreamcast game called "Millennium Soldier" in here too. EDIT: Found something potential (maybe). Go to 2C1A128A in Cheat Engine and watch the numbers change to 00 00 00 00 01 while it's loading. From what I see, the numbers are always "10 F5 84 8C 01". Now for the potential part. If you change these numbers (example 10 -> 09), some of the geometry disappears while Sonic and some of the objects actually stay visable. The odd part is that as soon as I change any number besides 10 to something else, the camera angle changes to somewhat of an overhead along with the geometry disappearing. Oddly enough, the is an address or two above this: NORMAL AREA EVENT COMP COLI DEBUG I don't know what to make of it yet though. Can someone else figure it out? :P
It's called "graphics". Tiles, sprites, and lately in the last 13 years - textures. You may have seen them if you ever played games with your TV or Monitor turned on. (edit: just to be clear: you also need to open your eyes for the trick to work.) Sppecifically on that pic, a 8bpp bitmap, iirc.
More like 4BPP bitmaps for me. More exactly, looks like a light/alpha bitmap (0 = empty, F = full). Does anybody know where are they used?
I'm 90+% sure it's a VMU icon. Open any .VMS file in a hex editor, their icons always span the 16 bytes of width so they're easy to make out in a hex editor.
Because I was referring to the icons you see in the DC BIOS that are in color. No idea why 1UP would be a VMU icon, but it's formatted like one.
Sorry to bump this, but I have some new stuff in some of these prototypes. I don't think I mentioned it yet, but the LE prototype is actually older than the E3 build by a few days: E3: 1999 06 08 LE Proto: 1999 06 03 As you probably guessed, this means nothing more that these two builds contain progress to the english translation. What this means, is that we have both vocal and text differences. I don't know where to start, but since someone already mentioned that Knuckles' voice is a little different between these two prototypes. However, did you know the entire voice recording for Knuckles used in the menus are entirely different? Take a listen here: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/38216/sa%20prot...ound%20bytes.7z I think it's the same VA, except that the one from the LE prototype is a lot higher than the take used in the E3 build. I think there are more lines that have been rerecorded, but mostly from Knuckles. Weird. I also see a lot of spelling mistakes and weird grammar problems here or there, but it's hard to tell if they really are errors or if it's just the format they're in. Hope this sparks interest again. (NOTE: You need something to play adx files, I don't have time to convert them to WAV)