Well, no, because your reported that it was I that said that, when it was in fact some bullshit impostor. So you're still wrong, just like always.
It's nice that #retro has calmed down now, I'm happy no text was lost. I feel like I've found a new home. (don't mean that in a corny way)
It was offhandedly mentioned in IRC upon assessing the damage that we may have lost every single image; I'm sure an overzealous lurker in the IRC decided to adopt Xkeeper's handle for some reason and make the comment immediately after, leaving absolutely no room for any actual solutions to be proposed in order to rectify the situation. In any case, I prefer that you wait for official statements (like this one) right from us in the future before reporting so you don't get anything wrong next time. Trust me—it's better for all of us. Oh, and by the way—this will not turn into a TSSZ bashing thread. Keep your comments to yourselves.
Yeah, because Retro totally needs a page full of insults on their wiki against a person who hacked the board. Because that would be so very... mature. Of course, while insulting is called for... your way of putting it sounds off-putting. I wouldn't call it a retarded act when it worked... for a bit. Unlike you, he probably did had a problem with the way the mods do things.Or maybe he was feeling bored, or angsty. Nobody knows.
A bit of an update on the images issue: I'm still uploading my backed up images (which were 2094—more than twice of what was said in the OP) and Gerbil is going to do a rerun of the CulT HDD shortly due to new images potentially turning up. In addition, I have another 400 or so images on my hard drive that weren't part of the backup but were wiki images, and an unknown number (I'm guessing a few hundred) that were on my old HDD that I'll try to get tonight. Xkeeper and Gerbil are trying out a couple of different methods to make utilities that we will give users access to in order to check their own files to see if they have wiki files (verified by a SHA-1 checksum) though I don't really have a timeframe on when that will be rolled out, or what form it will take.
Point is, now more than ever, we need the help of you guys to get this place back to the king of the mountain position it's christened as thanks to the wiki. The more people we get doing this to retrieve images, the faster we'll get up to speed, and you'll have our gratitude as well.
Rats, sometime between the start and end of this I got a PM titled "Oregon huh?", but is no longer in my messages. Bah, in any case, great work getting it all taken care of, and congratulations to GerbilSoft for the promotion!
You know I would really like to congratulate the admins for a job well done. You truly deserve the following Song Lyric segment: "NOOOO one will ever take them down! The power lies on their siyeiyeiyide!" (That's the word "side" stretched out in case you are haveing trouble reading it) bravo admins! Bravo! Also congrats on your new administrative powers Gerbilsoft! I have nothing but envy for you! =P Also, a special congrats to all other parties who helped in catching the hacker and bringing back the site.
Congratulations on beating the weirdo that decided to bring down Retro! After two days of weirdness, I'm glad the Sonic Retro site is back (as much as it can be with so many images missing). Congratulations GerbilSoft on becoming an Admin.
BTW, during the downtime, Skaarg dug up a lost build of Megamix, pre-Hexadecimal. As for the HC05 build, it's likely lost to time.
It may be helpful for everyone to check your browser caches for images from the wiki, and copy them to another folder to prevent them being deleted.