Has anyone ever spotted Eggman's rotating vehicle in the first boss EHZ act 2. Note it can olny be found in sonic 2 beta and not in final game, I could not find this sprite on this site or any other sonic site (this isn't a hoax or a hack this is a genuine pic I took from my GENS emulator) I was wondering if anyone else has spotted this has well has me. Thanks... - hoaxer :cool: (more than happy to give you the codes at the top to cheeck it out yourself. and email me if you would like the MXflash pic of Eggmans rotating vehicle )
Yeah, this is known. There's no bug other than the screen locking early and the object being loaded prematurely. The wheels are supposed to stay flush to the floor as much as possible.
Wow. Somebody gets membership! :P Actually, I haven't welcomed you to the board yet. (OMG) So welcome, and enjoy your stay, make sure every post has prefect spelling, and you should do fine. :P
That was too obvious to pass for irony. :P Well, as long as it isn't on the site, it is good. And all things that are good... are good.
Hi Tweaker What we are talking about is that in sonic 2 beta when you come to the first boss the screen the is locking too early, so you see Eggmans vehicle rotating and the dip where the lampost should be. I hope this pic helps you - hoaxer