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Eggman Hates Furries

Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by Hayate, Dec 9, 2010.

  1. InstantSonic


    Just add water! Oldbie
    I've played the game at least 20 times now easy, and I'm pretty certain there isn't a hidden boss. Hayate is probably just referring to the final boss, since he references the ending after stating he completed the "final final boss."
  2. Blackhearted Knight

    Blackhearted Knight

    Wolfsbane706 Member
    This was a fun game. Only real area that was difficult was the rising lava segment (Eventually figured out how to do it when I got all the way up there) due to the timing needed. Unfortunately, thanks to my crap computer, the game always reset my comp before I got to fight the true final boss. I pretty much gave up and watched the ending on YouTube. + - At least there was a "Credits" option in the Level Select.  
  3. 0r4ng3


    Lava rising isn't troublesome for me. However, that running down boss surelly is. I suck at placing Sonic for the last saw swing. Bosses are pretty interesting on this. Platform wise, the raising lava segment is probably the only one worth mentioning but it's very good too.
  4. Namo


    take a screenshot of your heart Member
    I finished it on No-ring mode a few days ago. The only boss that gave me any real trouble was the Tails Doll.

    Also, is it bad that I actually don't mind how the creator portrayed Sonic and Tails?
  5. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    Every time I try to open up the game, it tells me a component of some kind is missing or something. So alas, I spoiled it for myself and skimmed through a playthrough.

    All I'm sayin' is, we'd better be seeing some more + - Super Eggman   in the near future. Way too awesome to pass up.
  6. Blackhearted Knight

    Blackhearted Knight

    Wolfsbane706 Member
    I ended up doing the same for the final boss. Like I said, my comp kept resetting just before I got to fight him.
  7. neonsynth


    Previously 'SonicVaan' Member
    Germany, Stammbach
    gaming and music production
    Am I the only one who get's low framerate (9-12/60)? Can I skip the opening to actual gameplay, since the scrolling text takes forever? :/
  8. Blackhearted Knight

    Blackhearted Knight

    Wolfsbane706 Member
    I get low framerate too. Usually in the low 30s. As for skipping the intro, first run is mandatory. All other times afterward can be skipped by pressing the escape button.
  9. RedEnchilada


    Green eyes? Green eyes! Member
    the soul, real talk
    secret option D) a fangame
    So I tried this a few days after it came out.

    Since the computer I was on then was a pile of shit, I couldn't run it.

    I tried it a couple of days ago on a new laptop and beat it. I was actually pleasantly suprised at the atmosphere of the game, considering that Sonic sprite really doesn't fit with 90% of the sprites. Still a pretty fun game.
  10. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    I just gave this game a shot.

    It's original. Atmospheric. When the music kicks in during dramatic moments the game has a thrilling and epic feel. The game has had a trillion times more effort put into it than most fangames. I did like it overall though sometimes the game did feel a little too crazy and I had some trouble enjoying the creator's imagination; the ending being a perfect example of this. Religious, climactic and super-Eggman and then what-the-fuck-did-I-just-see. I think the creator tried to make a joke though I would have preferred if the game had just transitioned to the credits before I had to see that.

    Still though he deserves credit for creating such an awe-inspiring game. I think ditching the obvious mimicking of the Genesis games and creating something entirely original worked in his favour. We never used to do that back in the day. Sonic fangaming was always too much of a technical race to copy and improve upon the classics so this game is refreshing to see. He must have put in a Hercluean effort to implement all of the boss mechanics and special effects; some of which did make me say "wow". The only real negative is the physics which did cause me hundreds of unnecessary deaths. Some bosses did become "I'm going to run and jump at random until I accidentally win". I loved the Tails robot; especially the idea of the white-out and retro music playing from the robot's radio.

    Probably one of the best games to come out of Sfghq in a long-time. Give this a shot if you haven't yet.
  11. Ritz


    Subhedgehog Member
    The ending was hilarious. Don't be such a pussy.
  12. Deef


    I liked the ending too, but I would call it something more like surreal. You've gone through such a long fight and then you have to see - that - freaking weirdness, just in case you were forgetting that this is the creator's game, not your game. I liked how it didn't hold back at being emotional, and then keep going to plain disturbing. All that epicness moments before was deliberately setting the player up to make that final scene so much more erck.

    I really liked that lingering feeling in the credits... disturbing, creepy happiness. And the poem at the end was absolute icing on the cake. Such an emotional, dramatic tone in such a whacked-out scene. I loved the clash of serious emotion with disturbingly childish creepy content.
  13. Nova


    Don't take it too seriously Member
    Started playing this and I'm already loving it. It's likea mash-up of Treasure bosses and Sonic gameplay, which is awesome to see. Why did I not notice this sooner?
  14. Aesculapius Piranha

    Aesculapius Piranha

    つづく Oldbie
    I loved the kinda dark Sonic game, though I gotta say that the furry fantasy portion of it was detrimental to what it could have been. Note I did not say it ruined the experience, which is definitely credit to it. In fact it was pretty damn funny. I just think the dark theme of Robotnik's lab/Dead Robotnik could have been more an emphasis and less, well, finding out why it is titled the way it was. I really enjoyed playing through this though.

    + - I'm pretty sure that the creepy voice is because he was in a tube full of water, and I think the point was that he was being used to control the Tails doll. I don't think he and the Tails doll were supposed to be two separate entities. He was sad in his current position of being a suspended robot slave.   I donno. Was just a weird scene.
  15. Deef


    Has to be my favourite scene in a game in a long time too.
  16. MegaDash


    Pinpricks Member
    Huh. I came to the same general conclusion without the detail about + - Tails being used to control the Tails Doll   , but that's a really good analysis. Good work.
  17. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    Beat the game...

    Well FUCK, no wonder Eggman Hates Furries. + - GOD DAMN FURRIES.  
  18. Greg the Cat

    Greg the Cat

    I'm gonna draw it! Banned
    A Zone Unknown of Title
    Comics from the Mind of Yours Truly, A little workshop of animation, Sonic FreeRunner
    Just finished playing this a few minutes ago. And I want to start off with answering this question with a question.

    Why does Tails's sprite seem to have a dick?

    Right when I noticed that one detail, I (oh for the love of Pete, someone save my sanity) actually when to the effort of examining Tails's sprites. It becomes that more evident when you beat the game and view the footage alongside that they do indeed have dicks.

    The whole game's plotline is about Robotnik fursecuting Sonic and Tails for not joining him in (OH WHOOPDIE DOO, haven't seen this a million times!) world domination. That lovely poem that Tails had said in the end? (That is if you payed attention to note a peculiar article named "Tails' Poem") It is a message how he was meant to stand by Sonic's side against Robotnik and that he hopes Sonic never thought Sonic "had done him any wrong" considering this scene is out of sequence and is what happens during Sonic's fight with the Tails Doll. "Done him any wrong".... Is Oddwarg addressing all of the fan fiction writers who've written a similar story and use "rape is love" as their theme? It seems an awful lot like it. Especially since the beginning of the game happens in a dream to present the gameplay in a trippy, amorphous level until Sonic wakes up and finds Tails busy with the plane. Up early, isn't he, ladies and gents?

    One extra bit that I love here... The whole Super Robotnik thing. It definitely took me by surprise... and then Oddwarg did something brilliant. Something I've been thinking about for confidential reasons. The ring halo above his head is an energy conductor that allowed him the capability to withhold the power of the Emeralds. I thought this was such a brilliant plot twist though so small and seemingly insignificant. Of course this still doesn't answer one question of ours.... Who shot the laser that sent Robotnik plummeting into Mobius? Considering this is a satirical piece, I cannot be certain, but it might have been an author interference in Robotnik's plan. I mean, right before the shot, there's this incessant tv static blinking until it happens. Maybe I'm misinterpreting it. But it seems so likely.

    As for the gameplay itself, its bosses are solid work. I must complain about the controls which I hope were intentional (so that he could say he was also mocking DIMPS in their poor attempt at a retro title). The wall running was very problematic at times and I sometimes wished for a Sonic Unleashed Wall Jump maneuver. Do I gain speed to run up the wall? Welp, that didn't work.. Do I press the d-pad up and the direction I want to go? Nope. Again, problematic. The jumping is also incredibly floaty and gives me problems whenever pinpointing my landing when platforming. The level design is interesting and if ever he were to refine this game, would love to see him do more work with these interesting level layouts.

    I'd also like to congratulate him on using a Sonic 3 & Knuckles styled presentation when approaching level advancement and cutscene intermissions (until the final act of the game's plot). Creates this seamless world full of possibilities.

    Such an odd yet delightfully good title. I just hope I haven't misinterpreted the whole damned thing. Overall, it's a good game. Fantastic satire, awesome boss battles, an okay control system. If he were to fix the controls, I would claim this as a fangame classic (if it isn't already, that is).
  19. Namo


    take a screenshot of your heart Member
    Oh, no fucking way. I saw that and said "what?" and when I went to check... lo and behold, our favorite blue and orange duo do indeed have penises. I never even noticed, even after finishing the game on both ring mode and no-ring mode.

    Oh dear jesus. Bravo, Oddwarg.
  20. Dr. Mecha

    Dr. Mecha

    Dallas, TX
    3d Models
    Goddamn it Oddwarg, you sneaky bastard.