Thanks for all the input, now I see the true limiting factor are the graphics, and Unity seems to scalate pretty well As for some of the issues mentioned, I gotta say I've followed step by step the physics guide on this one (even for sensor sizes!). There might be some discrepancies due to how the collision system works, as it's polygon based. Angles are calculated from the collided polygon normals, so even if I replicated an original level, the physics wouldn't be 1:1 :/ Sonic apparently having some difficulties to run through some loops is mostly due to the fact the loops are bigger in size than those you'll find in the original games. I've tested with loops that were modelled after the the original ones and I don't remember finding any difficulty at all. The 3D view might also help to give off that the impression. As for the input lag, unfortunately Unity's input system is a bit... weak. The input is only updated once per rendered frame, instead of per physics frame. So as FPS go down, the input lag gets bigger. I don't have any way to fix that, unless I used an external input DLL So... how do you feel about the physics anyway? They seem spot on enough? Is there something I could tweak? Also, steveswede, what do you mean with "Sonic feels stiff when turning"? :O
When it comes to physics, this is the closest any 3D engine has come to recapturing the classic feeling including anything Sega has ever tossed at us fans. I've loaned Damizean the green hill level that I've built for testing out his engine, and the collisions feel very natural within, its probably as close as its going to get using standard 3D models I'm going to elaborate on what Damizean said above,,, the original game's collision system works in a much different way than how its done in modern game engines using models for collision, (no matter how spot on the 3D mesh shapes may be to the original collision system we're never gana get exact replicated physics in 3D.) However We've got a plan in place to counter that, so stay tuned. Below the green hill level And,, all the ground areas for GHZ were modeled off of the original game's collision system shapes exactly. (White being the Collision template extracted from Sonic ED2) (so ya,, even with spot on collision mesh,, its close , but not 100% perfect, Its just the way it goes with using the standard collision system techniques used today by modern engines.
I played this and loved it too much to notice the FPS, but it looks like you got enough feedback from that already. If I get to work with this engine, I would love to try and take over some of the level remakes that Sonic Generations neglected. They wouldn't be as stunning, both my skill and Unity's power being the limiting factors, but I believe I could make some fun and impressive stuff. And on that matter, are you intending to release the engine publicly, or are you just seeking feedback for your own personal devices? Not that I would disapprove of selfishness or refuse to critique as some immature form of punishment, but I would like to know if this is something I should be expecting.
Example:- When you move right, then jump to hit an enemy and then press left to fine tune destroying the Badnik, I've noticed that I need to hold down the direction key longer than I have to in the classics. It's like I have to work harder to control Sonic's movements. This is noticeable even on springs and just general direction change. It's not game breaking but irritant for a Sonic veteran.
Damizean, this looks pretty spiffy! I don't know much about programming, but the movement looked accurate for the most part. I'm curious to know how bouncing off of enemies works. Like when you hold down the jump button after falling a long distance, would you bounce just as high after hitting the enemy? And if you let go when going back up, would you gradually come to a stop to where you let go? What I'm asking about is probably not part of the goals you've set right now, so if it isn't, I apologize ahead of time.
To be honest, I don't know for now. I don't really want another BlitzSonic to happen. It's kinda sad how it completely deviated from it's original purposse and ended up being another corridor simulator :/ If Pelikan doesn't get to work on SFR again or I see the engine is getting dust on my HD, I'll probably release it. After comparing my code with Mercury's SFR engine, I didn't see any real difference when it comes to on air maneuverability. I did notice I wasn't doing the gravity on slope deceleration correctly, and that's now fixed. Perhaps it's something related to the air drag? Yeah, when bouncing after hitting an enemy you'll be still able to control the jump height, as long as the rebound happened when you jumped. If you rolled and ended up falling and hitting an enemy, the rebound height will not be controlled. ------------ Anyway, someone up for a small stress test? Let's see how well does your computer fare with this one. Note: Lower down your speakers volume.
On the normal version, I get 60FPS. On the stress test, I get about 35FPS with all the Sonics on-screen. EDIT: Oh, and that's on the "Fantastic" setting at 720p. Specs: CPU: AMD Athlon II X3 425 CPU (unlocked 4th core). RAM: 4GB DDR2 800MHz RAM. GPU: ATI Radeon HD 4670 1GB; overclocked the memory just a bit to 500MHz 550MHz (old card is old), and the core clock is 750MHz.
LOL this new release features around twenty Sonic's on the screen and creates some crazy ass dumbness that's even more stupid than Tails AI. Controls still feel a little stiff could be worth asking Mercury how to sort this as the one in the AeStHete engine he used pretty much nailed it. EDIT: I think I know what it is. It might just be latency (as you mentioned in an earlier post). Just a minute ago I was trying to figure out what's happening because I kept on repeating moves and found that the physics were correct majority of the time and the other time they didn't. Well I'm sure physics don't change at will unless you program them to so I put it down to that.
stress test 1920*1200 Fantastic, GeForce 9600GT PCI Express 2.0 , core i5 quad 3.3 GHz beginning scene - 45 FPS normal view with all characters - 52 FPS when some of them are missing 60 FPS Its vertex bottlenecked, on 640*480 again not always 58-60 fps
Well here's to hoping you and/or pelikan get lazy and then people don't have stupid fun experimenting with it.
Just tested it on my rig. Perfect FPS ratings on Fantastic most of the time. Only times I get noticeable slowdown was at that one bottom section with the sphere you can run around and the spikes. Not too sure why it happened there, when I went to the same place in the Web Player, I didn't have that issue. I'll also note that when I went to Beautiful (this was the default I realized), when I did a Spin-dash, the yellow part of the path would somehow disappear. When I spin-dashed again it would return again. Here are my specs: Intel HD Graphics 8 GB RAM Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit Intel Core I3 CPU 550 @ 3.20 GHz
This was also present in the Chemical Plant stage, in that when you spindash you change camera angles. I must admit, it's also kind of odd. Wow! This may very well be better than the aforementioned level you guys released. You guys still have better physics and level design than Sega does. And that was quite an interesting alternate route that you had to slow down for, despite not having much in the route once you've gone down it. The only problem is not seeing the actual map clearly due to it all being textureless blue and yellow building blocks. I can't help but feel it's for a far better, much anticipated release in the future. You have an incredibly solid engine here. Just fix the camera toggle in the spindash and the textureless (or more comprehendable) maps and we're good.
I noticed this, but it only happened when using the D key, IIRC. Simply doing it again changes it back. On that note, have fun pressing up and any of the jump buttons. =P
I kind of liked what happened to BlitzSonic, I just wish there were more real "levels" instead of "hey check out this huge environment I made with basically nothing in it!"
I found something that would make the egg engine easier to program in. Its a state machine thing. It would make programming similar to the MMF2 version of Sonic worlds. Its called playmaker.
The issue with PlayMaker is that it isn't free. Otherwise I would implement it So, I've been thinking of making a public release of the engine, seeing I don't have the time to work on it, at least not until summer. Who would actually be interested on playing with it? Also, great news, now that I have an Android phone I was able to test Unity Android, here's a pic of a quick & dirty test running on my Galaxy S2
Nice, Damizean. I guess I would like to take a look on the engine, seems promising and stuff. Not sure if I would make something for it though, but who knows... Also, I Galaxy S2 you too. Spoiler "S2" is a hearth, like "<3"
I'd be very interested, mainly as a learning tool into unity (I not having a great deal of luck with what I'm doing) and possibly some sort of Sonic fan game. And it's multiplatform :D
I'd probably mess around with it if I was given the chance. Can't say I'll make anything special, but I would probably have some fun with it.