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Dust Hill description in an old magazine

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by ICEknight, Feb 2, 2004.

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  1. Guess Who

    Guess Who

    It's a miracle! Oldbie
    Well, no one said that Dust Hill wasn't just a pointer to Mystic Cave, because DHZ might have been removed. I see no reason how Mystic Cave slightly could resemble a "Dust Hill".
  2. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    They kept the name Dust Hill all the way through the development until the last beta versions, and they even programmed Mystic Cave's new-style title card to say "Dust Hill Zone", as they did with Neo Green Hill.

    That means it wasn't just "a leftover from the desert", but the original title Mystic Cave was intended to have. If the name itself doesn't make sense, just blame the creative mind behind it...
  3. "enter a dark and menacing mine system and find you need to get out alive"

    grammererical error
  4. Irondude


    I need some doggone help! Banned
    Odd, but the whole Time Travel thing in Sonic 2 is getting to be just a myth. If you ask me they are going by what SEGA told them to put.
  5. So, now we need to study the evolution of Mystic Cave, One of the once-unimportant and rarely-mentioned zones?
  6. Fiz


    Well, Mystic Cave's/Dust Hill's original name was "Inside of an old lady's cooch Zone", but that name was too long and wouldn't fit on the title card. You can see why they changed it into Dust Hill later on, then to Mystic Cave because, uh, yeah, old ladies tend to be dusty and cavernous. ...god I'm being a fucking idiot tonight.

    I still believe that Dust Hill was not the name intended for the desert level.
  7. Guess Who

    Guess Who

    It's a miracle! Oldbie
    Wow, how do you know this? Shocking! You must have a newer Beta! OMG HE HAZ TEH BTEAA! Anyway, how do you know that is how it is?
  8. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    I know it, because I've actually done some research instead of just assuming things that have no proof behind to back them up. ;)

    It's very simple:

    -The Sonic 2 gold guide has pics from a beta with the old names in the level select, but with all the levels from the final and no scrapped levels (except from Hidden Palace).
    -This level select had Wood, Genocide City and other useless crap removed, yet Dust Hill was left right there. They probably even changed its place in the menu to insert other levels, but the title itself wasn't changed since it wasn't just a leftover.
    -Another pic from that same prototype shows a new-style title card with the words Neo Green Hill Zone, so the same would apply to Dust Hill.

    These alone would be proof enough to make Naka scream that Dust Hill was indeed Mystic Cave's original title, but the most picky fanboys would say things like "What if they were inserting the desert again for that prototype and deleted mystic cave just to make that picture and confuse us??". Then, this EGM issue comes to the rescue.

    -EGM claims the prototype to be almost complete, and it shows almost every stage that's shown in said level select menu (except for the last stages), so it's most likely the exact same prototype, if not a very similar one.
    -The stages are listed in the final order and with their respective titles, in this preview. This means that the new title cards had been implemented at that point, since they noted down the Zone names while playing through the game. The order in this article would have been different had they been using the stage select menu, since the level order in there is very different.

    Since they bothered to make a new "Dust Hill" title card for the caves, that discards the theory that Dust Hill was just a leftover from the desert level when it was in the level select menu.
  9. did quite some research ;)
  10. LocalH


    roxoring your soxors Tech Member
    Rock Band 3 Deluxe
    In other words, Dust Hill is Mystic Cave, point blank, with 99.9% probability.

    Which is pretty much what many of us feel anyway. Thanks for even more solid proof, ICEknight.
  11. Quickman


    be attitude for gains Tech Member
    omg porjcet
    And if that won't shut the idiots up, I don't know what will.

    I think the reason they didn't have that level of analysis was they only looked at the level select image shown on the site (I certainly never had any copy of EGM, being only 4 or so at the time).
  12. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    no reverse gear Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    steamboat wiki

    What about the other things the magizine says? Any mention of Wood Zone in the Metropolis Description or Genocide City in the Chemical Plant Description? *Nuked*
  13. Oh so we are idiots for believing that there might be another answer to the Dust Hill Zone identity, even with proof proving one theory (DHZ was Mystic Cave Zone's origional name).

    Yes loads of proof might be already presented, but that doesn't mean something new can emerge at all.
  14. Hayate


    Tech Member
    If it's true that Dust Hill was simply the old name for Mystic Caves, why did SEGA bother making the art seen in the mock-up of Dust Hill?
  15. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    The magazines never said that desert pic was from a stage called "Dust Hill". We don't know its real name, or the name for the winter level.

    As I mentioned before, the scan exposed in this topic is the only known magazine article ever mentioning Dust Hill along with a description and even pics of it. Everything else was just made up by some Sonic fan who possibly put it on his site as a fact and everybody assumed it was true.
  16. Hayate


    Tech Member
    Whoops, my bad :lol:
  17. T.Q.


    The Sims 2, Tim Drake [Robin] Member
    Well anyway, I'm still going to call the desert level Dust Hill Zone ONLY because it sounds good [generally speaking]. However, in technical terms, DHZ will and will only refer to Mystic Caves Zone.

    After all, calling that picture "the desert level" doesn't sound too enthusiastic.
  18. Kampfer


    I can finnaly make a conclusion: w00t!

    Well, we have finnaly been able to untangle the mess named Dust Hill. There was no desert level. If there was, then it wasn't even close to started. It was a concept, an idea. All arrows finaly point that Dust Hill was Mystic Cave. The desert level never existed. Good job ICEknight
  19. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    That makes no sense... It would be like calling the winter level "Sparkling Zone".

    How old are you?
  20. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    We don't know for sure if the desert level itself was ever started... All we know is that the graphics were finished and that it's name wasn't Dust Hill.
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