These are too cute for words. Pretty fantastic animations/animators all around. I want to try submitting something now, this looks really fun!
I want to make one. I saw it in my news feed on facebook posted by Sega earlier and the first thing I thought was "this will probably be a source of many avatars on Retro".
Someone made a lovely collab with a dangerously catchy song. [youtube][/youtube]
This is the best thing ever. If only we could have a "Dumb Running Eggman/Robotnik" as well. Oh god, the possibilities with that..... :v:
You've got someone moving to the right, and it doesn't occur to anybody that perhaps BRODYQUEST would be a suitable song? Then again, Adrien Brody was never actually animated per se, unless you count "bobbing around". Certainly no leg movement.
One of my fav in there. This animation is so smooth. I wanna try something tomorrow too.' E:lmao, another awesome one
I feel that the only song that can be used for a fad about running like an idiot is this song here. A lot of these are pretty amusing, it would be a disservice to everybody's work to just pick one favorite.